Unitimes 精选 | 以太币大涨 交易明显增多 交易费最高时刻上升达到1700%

精选快讯以太坊主网每日数据2019 年 2 月18 日,以太币交易总额为2,948,346 ETH ,比前日上升 33.76%;日活跃用户量 152,316,比前日上升 21.44%;新增合约 11,331 个,比前日下降  11.99%;平均交易费用为 266.39 GWEI,比前日上升 1757.16%;通证代币交易总额为 315,586 个,比前日上升 12.50%。



2019 年 2 月18 日,以太币交易总额为2,948,346 ETH ,比前日上升 33.76%;日活跃用户量 152,316,比前日上升 21.44%;新增合约 11,331 个,比前日下降  11.99%;平均交易费用为 266.39 GWEI,比前日上升 1757.16%;通证代币交易总额为 315,586 个,比前日上升 12.50%。


Blockstream 发布比特币 Schnorr 升级的测试代码

Blockstream 于周一将一款名为“MuSig”的新技术添加到其测试加密库中。该技术的发布使得开发者可以体验 Schnorr 签名以及从中找出漏洞。Schnorr 升级是为了提升比特币的可扩展性和隐私性,比特币的开发者对这个升级期待已久。Blockstream 的数学专家 Andrew Poelstra 曾写道:“我们将 MuSig 从一纸论文变为真正能用的代码,本周,我们将该代码添加到比特币核心所使用的高可信加密库中。”这是该代码第一次为测试提供服务,许多比特币开发者认为该代码对比特币来说是一次有益的升级。Schnorr 签名可以提高闪电网络交易的匿名性,开发人员已经开始为在其上研发什么技术而集思广益。

Blockstream Releases Test Code for Proposed Bitcoin Schnorr Upgrade

On Monday Blockstream added a new technology called “MuSig” to its test cryptographic library and the release allows developers to experiment with the Schnorr signature and also search for bugs. Schnorr could improve Bitcoin’s scalability and privacy and the technology has excited many developers for a long time. Andrew Poelstra, a mathematician at Blockstream, wrote, “We’ve been turning MuSig from an academic paper into a usable code, and this week we merged that code into...the high-assurance cryptographic library used by Bitcoin Core.” This is the first time the code has been made available for testing and many Bitcoin developers think it could be a positive upgrade for the Bitcoin network. Schnorr signatures could also facilitate the anonymization of lightning transactions and developers are already brainstorming other technologies that could be built on top of it. 


比特大陆推出用于比特币和比特币现金挖矿的新型 7 nm ASIC 芯片

比特大陆于周一发布一款新型 7nm ASIC 芯片,该芯片专为运用 SHA256 算法进行挖矿的工作量证明(PoW)加密币所设计。该芯片型号为 BM1397,据比特大陆称,“该芯片在性能、芯片大小以及能效方面都进行了优化,(同时)它耗能更低,能效比可低至 30 J/TH。”比特大陆认为,较之上一代 7nm BM1391 芯片,这款芯片节能约 28.6%。比特大陆还宣布将新推出两款名为 S17 和 T17 的蚂蚁矿机,该芯片将运用于这两款新矿机中。

Bitmain Reveals New 7nm ASIC Chip for Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash Mining

On Monday Bitmain revealed a new 7nm ASIC chip designed for mining cryptocurrencies that use the SHA256 algorithm for Proof of Work (PoW). According to Bitmain the BM1397 chip “achieves new feats in performance, chip area and energy efficiency [and] it requires lower power and can offer an energy consumption to computing ratio as low as 30J/TH”. Bitmain says this represents a 28.6 percent improvement when compared with the previous 7nm BM1391 chip. The mining giant also announced that it will reveal two new Antminer models called the S17 and T17 and both will utilize the new BM1397 chip. 



周六,一款名为 Tippin 的测试 App 发布了一个 Chrome 浏览器插件,可以让用户在推特上通过闪电网络进行小额比特币支付。在启用该插件的状态下,每条推特“赞”和“转推”按钮旁会弹出一个小闪电符号。Tippin 的程序员 Sergio Abril 表示,有了闪电网络,给小费将很快流行起来,这是我们第一次能够几乎零手续费发送小额资金,而且转账的速度可以无比之快。只要有推特账号,用户就可以安装 Tippin 插件。同时,该公司希望利用推特来推动自身的发展。Abril 表示,他可能会将该应用程序扩展一下,使其支持其他社交媒体平台。他还希望能为用户提供非托管管理资金的方法。

Now you can Send Bitcoin Tips Over Lightning on Twitter

On Saturday beta app Tippin revealed the release of a new Chrome Extension Google browser that allows users to send Bitcoin Lightning Network micropayments in Twitter. When the extension is enabled, a small lightning bolt symbol will pop up inside each tweet next to the “like” and “retweet” buttons. Tippin engineer Sergio Abril said, “tipping is going to be incredibly popular with Lightning Network; It’s the first time we can send small amounts almost at no cost, and we can do it incredibly fast.” Users only need a Twitter account to install Tippin and the beta startup hopes to capitalize on Twitter’s power to drive their own growth. Abril says he might expand the app to include support for other social media platforms and he is also looking into providing non-custodial options for users to manage their funds.


Steamr 开发人员受 Plasma 的启发,开发了新的以太坊扩容技术

区块链数据平台 Steamr 最近发布名为“Monoplasma”的以太坊开源扩容技术。据该发布稿称,该公司开发人员受 Plasma 的启发,开发了一人向多人支付的 Monoplasma 技术,据Steamr CEO Henri Pihkala 称,该平台的用户需要“不断向一些许多活跃的以太坊地址发送资金。”他还说,该平台可适用于去中心化应用(Dapp),使其可以进行股息分配、质押奖励、重复空投以及其他类似作用。

Steamr developers drew inspiration from Plasma and created a new Ethereum scaling technology

Steamr, a blockchain data platform has launched a new open-source Ethereum scaling technology dubbed 'Monoplasma.' According to the announcement, the firm's developers drew inspiration from Plasma when creating Monoplasma, which focuses on 'one-to-many transactions.' Per Henri Pihkala, the CEO of Streamr, users of this platform would need to 'repeatedly distribute value to a large and dynamic set of Ethereum addresses.' He added that they created the platform for DApps to incorporate dividend distributions, staking rewards, and repeated airdrops among other similar uses. 



Péter Szilágyi



When I was a student, I've always wondered why prominent open source developers are unreachable, making it hard to get relevant information right from the source. Starting to get my answers. #Ethereum


Eric Conner

EthHub.io 创始人


Everyone is always comparing “Ethereum killers” to Eth 2.0, meanwhile a competitor can’t even launch a mainnet better than Eth 1.0.


Josh Stark



Afri's been a significant technical contributor to ethereum and one of its sharpest critics. We truly need both these things. Hoping the outpouring of support over the last few days sets a precedent for others in the future. 


Joseph Young




The bear market is far from over obviously. Bitcoin is down 80% from all-time high.

But the recent short-term rally alleviated a lot of pressure from the crypto market. 


Mihailo Bjelic‏ 






Please engrave this in your brain if you don't want people to start massively leaving because of the community toxicity. 

It's perfectly fine to *ask* hard questions and *challenge* anyone's claims/opinions, but don't *attack* valuable contributors!





Unitimes 精选 | 以太币大涨 交易明显增多 交易费最高时刻上升达到1700%

星期二 2019-02-19 22:41:59



2019 年 2 月18 日,以太币交易总额为2,948,346 ETH ,比前日上升 33.76%;日活跃用户量 152,316,比前日上升 21.44%;新增合约 11,331 个,比前日下降  11.99%;平均交易费用为 266.39 GWEI,比前日上升 1757.16%;通证代币交易总额为 315,586 个,比前日上升 12.50%。


Blockstream 发布比特币 Schnorr 升级的测试代码

Blockstream 于周一将一款名为“MuSig”的新技术添加到其测试加密库中。该技术的发布使得开发者可以体验 Schnorr 签名以及从中找出漏洞。Schnorr 升级是为了提升比特币的可扩展性和隐私性,比特币的开发者对这个升级期待已久。Blockstream 的数学专家 Andrew Poelstra 曾写道:“我们将 MuSig 从一纸论文变为真正能用的代码,本周,我们将该代码添加到比特币核心所使用的高可信加密库中。”这是该代码第一次为测试提供服务,许多比特币开发者认为该代码对比特币来说是一次有益的升级。Schnorr 签名可以提高闪电网络交易的匿名性,开发人员已经开始为在其上研发什么技术而集思广益。

Blockstream Releases Test Code for Proposed Bitcoin Schnorr Upgrade

On Monday Blockstream added a new technology called “MuSig” to its test cryptographic library and the release allows developers to experiment with the Schnorr signature and also search for bugs. Schnorr could improve Bitcoin’s scalability and privacy and the technology has excited many developers for a long time. Andrew Poelstra, a mathematician at Blockstream, wrote, “We’ve been turning MuSig from an academic paper into a usable code, and this week we merged that code into...the high-assurance cryptographic library used by Bitcoin Core.” This is the first time the code has been made available for testing and many Bitcoin developers think it could be a positive upgrade for the Bitcoin network. Schnorr signatures could also facilitate the anonymization of lightning transactions and developers are already brainstorming other technologies that could be built on top of it. 


比特大陆推出用于比特币和比特币现金挖矿的新型 7 nm ASIC 芯片

比特大陆于周一发布一款新型 7nm ASIC 芯片,该芯片专为运用 SHA256 算法进行挖矿的工作量证明(PoW)加密币所设计。该芯片型号为 BM1397,据比特大陆称,“该芯片在性能、芯片大小以及能效方面都进行了优化,(同时)它耗能更低,能效比可低至 30 J/TH。”比特大陆认为,较之上一代 7nm BM1391 芯片,这款芯片节能约 28.6%。比特大陆还宣布将新推出两款名为 S17 和 T17 的蚂蚁矿机,该芯片将运用于这两款新矿机中。

Bitmain Reveals New 7nm ASIC Chip for Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash Mining

On Monday Bitmain revealed a new 7nm ASIC chip designed for mining cryptocurrencies that use the SHA256 algorithm for Proof of Work (PoW). According to Bitmain the BM1397 chip “achieves new feats in performance, chip area and energy efficiency [and] it requires lower power and can offer an energy consumption to computing ratio as low as 30J/TH”. Bitmain says this represents a 28.6 percent improvement when compared with the previous 7nm BM1391 chip. The mining giant also announced that it will reveal two new Antminer models called the S17 and T17 and both will utilize the new BM1397 chip. 



周六,一款名为 Tippin 的测试 App 发布了一个 Chrome 浏览器插件,可以让用户在推特上通过闪电网络进行小额比特币支付。在启用该插件的状态下,每条推特“赞”和“转推”按钮旁会弹出一个小闪电符号。Tippin 的程序员 Sergio Abril 表示,有了闪电网络,给小费将很快流行起来,这是我们第一次能够几乎零手续费发送小额资金,而且转账的速度可以无比之快。只要有推特账号,用户就可以安装 Tippin 插件。同时,该公司希望利用推特来推动自身的发展。Abril 表示,他可能会将该应用程序扩展一下,使其支持其他社交媒体平台。他还希望能为用户提供非托管管理资金的方法。

Now you can Send Bitcoin Tips Over Lightning on Twitter

On Saturday beta app Tippin revealed the release of a new Chrome Extension Google browser that allows users to send Bitcoin Lightning Network micropayments in Twitter. When the extension is enabled, a small lightning bolt symbol will pop up inside each tweet next to the “like” and “retweet” buttons. Tippin engineer Sergio Abril said, “tipping is going to be incredibly popular with Lightning Network; It’s the first time we can send small amounts almost at no cost, and we can do it incredibly fast.” Users only need a Twitter account to install Tippin and the beta startup hopes to capitalize on Twitter’s power to drive their own growth. Abril says he might expand the app to include support for other social media platforms and he is also looking into providing non-custodial options for users to manage their funds.


Steamr 开发人员受 Plasma 的启发,开发了新的以太坊扩容技术

区块链数据平台 Steamr 最近发布名为“Monoplasma”的以太坊开源扩容技术。据该发布稿称,该公司开发人员受 Plasma 的启发,开发了一人向多人支付的 Monoplasma 技术,据Steamr CEO Henri Pihkala 称,该平台的用户需要“不断向一些许多活跃的以太坊地址发送资金。”他还说,该平台可适用于去中心化应用(Dapp),使其可以进行股息分配、质押奖励、重复空投以及其他类似作用。

Steamr developers drew inspiration from Plasma and created a new Ethereum scaling technology

Steamr, a blockchain data platform has launched a new open-source Ethereum scaling technology dubbed 'Monoplasma.' According to the announcement, the firm's developers drew inspiration from Plasma when creating Monoplasma, which focuses on 'one-to-many transactions.' Per Henri Pihkala, the CEO of Streamr, users of this platform would need to 'repeatedly distribute value to a large and dynamic set of Ethereum addresses.' He added that they created the platform for DApps to incorporate dividend distributions, staking rewards, and repeated airdrops among other similar uses. 



Péter Szilágyi



When I was a student, I've always wondered why prominent open source developers are unreachable, making it hard to get relevant information right from the source. Starting to get my answers. #Ethereum


Eric Conner

EthHub.io 创始人


Everyone is always comparing “Ethereum killers” to Eth 2.0, meanwhile a competitor can’t even launch a mainnet better than Eth 1.0.


Josh Stark



Afri's been a significant technical contributor to ethereum and one of its sharpest critics. We truly need both these things. Hoping the outpouring of support over the last few days sets a precedent for others in the future. 


Joseph Young




The bear market is far from over obviously. Bitcoin is down 80% from all-time high.

But the recent short-term rally alleviated a lot of pressure from the crypto market. 


Mihailo Bjelic‏ 






Please engrave this in your brain if you don't want people to start massively leaving because of the community toxicity. 

It's perfectly fine to *ask* hard questions and *challenge* anyone's claims/opinions, but don't *attack* valuable contributors!

