
1、宏观新闻比特币和以太坊指数加入纳斯达克!!证券交易所运营商纳斯达克宣布,它已与新西兰的区块链数据和研究公司Brave New Coin合作,从2月25日开始提供有关这两个新指数的信息。




证券交易所运营商纳斯达克宣布,它已与新西兰的区块链数据和研究公司Brave New Coin合作,从2月25日开始提供有关这两个新指数的信息。



Nasdaq, one of the largest stock exchange operators in the financial world, has decided to add indices for Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) to its global data service. The initiative is set to become a reality before the end of the month.

This will be made via a partnership with Brave New Coin, a blockchain data company based in New Zealand, which will be responsible for indices. They will be called Bitcoin Liquid Index (BLX) and Ethereum Liquid Index (ELX) and will offer the information in real-time using the feed from Brave New Coin.

According to the announcement, these indices will offer reference rates for the price of 1 BTC and 1 ETH, which will be quoted in USD and refreshed every 30 seconds in order to always keep the clients informed. Nasdaq affirms that these two indices are very old and reliable. BLX has been used since 2010 and ELX since 2014.





El Principado de Andorra introduce la tecnología blockchain para digitalizar los títulos académicos
Andorra digitalizará este curso con la tecnología blockchain todos los títulos académicos de educación superior, con el objetivo de crear un registro más seguro, según un comunicado del Gobierno. El director de Actua Innovació --organismo público-privado que fomenta la diversificación económica--, Marc Pons, ha dicho este jueves en rueda de prensa que se crea así un registro que no se puede eliminar ni modificar, y que permite suprimir gastos administrativos derivados del proceso anal .






乌克兰一辆电车的LED指示牌上出现了“比特币到月球”(“Bitcoin to the Moon”)的标语。据悉,这是一种新型电车,由Vinnytsia运输公司制造。

LED signs flashing the text “Bitcoin to the Moon” have been spotted on a tramcar in the Ukrainian city of Vinnytsia. Pictures of the signs appeared on social media just as the National Bank of Ukraine announced that it has completed a pilot project to launch its own digital currency called e-hryvnia. 

Also read: BTC-e Operator Alexander Vinnik Terminates His Hunger Strike

Pro-Bitcoin Signs on a Tramcar

It’s unclear who is behind the initiative for the pro-Bitcoin signs on the tramway car. Photos published on Facebook show they have been installed in a new Vin Way tram.

The 32-meter long rail vehicle, manufactured by the locally based Vinnytsia Transport Company, is a new model equipped with Wi-Fi connectivity among other extras.




高盛前高管Marco Lim已作为管理合伙人加入了一家总部位于香港的区块链资产管理公司MaiCapital。MaiCapital联合创始人兼管理合伙人Benedict Ho表示,Lim将致力于通过销售和营销工作来发展该公司的业务。

Finance Magnates learned on Monday that Marco Lim, a former Goldman Sachs executive, has joined MaiCapital – a blockchain-focused asset management firm based in Hong Kong – as a Managing Partner.

According to Benedict Ho, a Co-Founder and Managing Partner at MaiCapital, Lim will be focusing his efforts on growing the asset manager’s business through sales and marketing efforts.

“Marco will focus primarily on marketing and establishing strategic partnerships for MaiCapital and its group companies,” said Ho “His long-standing investment banking relationships and market experience should bolster MaiCapital’ leading position in the digital asset management space.”


SophiaTX Blockchain Startup Proudly Announces New E-XBRL Product for Business Finance Reporting





According to the 2019 Cayman Alternative Investment Summit (CAIS) survey, investors think that, as an asset class, cryptocurrency represents a bubble. The results of the survey were provided in a press release shared with Cointelegraph on Feb. 25.

To prepare the survey, researchers reportedly examined approximately 100 alternative investors and managers, who participated at the CAIS’ sixth annual conference from Feb. 6 to Feb. 9, 2019.

The study showed that 45 percent of the surveyed investors consider digital currency the asset class that presently most represents a bubble. 20 percent, 19 percent and 16 percent of respondents said they think that U.S. equities, the leveraged loan market, and private credit represent a bubble, respectively.





埃森哲全球支付董事总经理Gareth Wilson对加密货币和区块链技术做出了一些关键预测。 Wilson认为,Ripple的跨境交易网络将继续大幅增长,吸引更多银行和企业,交易量将不断增加;世界各地的中央银行将热衷于在分布式账本技术的基础上发行法定货币,并且至少有一家将拥有实施该技术的具体计划;虽然大多数银行仍会避开比特币,但预计会出现使用比特币和以太坊的现金管理产品,并且将针对企业财务主管;生物识别技术将被用于保护加密货币钱包。

Accenture’s managing director of global payments Gareth Wilson just released his 2019 predictions for the world of finance. Wilson says he expects major growth for Ripple and new adoption for Bitcoin and Ethereum. He also believes central banks will take a big turn toward using distributed ledger technology (DLT).

Here’s a look at some of Wilson’s key predictions that relate to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

• Ripple’s network for cross-border transactions will continue to grow significantly, attracting more banks and corporates, leading to rising transaction volumes.

• Central banks around the world will warm to the idea of issuing their fiat currency on distributed ledger technology, and at least one will have concrete plans to implement the technology.






The Indian National Association of Software and Services Companies (Nasscom) has released a report that calls for regulatory certainty, particularly in areas such as cryptocurrency. The lack of legal clarity and the crypto banking ban have hindered investments in this sector, hurt crypto exchanges, and driven investors out of the country, according to the association.

At Nasscom’s flagship Technology and Leadership Forum held from Feb. 20-22 in Mumbai, Vice President Sangeeta Gupta unveiled key highlights from a report jointly developed by Nasscom and management consulting firm Avasant. It details the current state of India’s blockchain industry, including cryptocurrency.

Asserting the “Need for regulatory certainty” for the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry, the report suggests that “A proactive, consultative and defined regulatory approach to blockchain will boost the blockchain ecosystem growth in the country,”






星期二 2019-02-26 10:10:30




证券交易所运营商纳斯达克宣布,它已与新西兰的区块链数据和研究公司Brave New Coin合作,从2月25日开始提供有关这两个新指数的信息。



Nasdaq, one of the largest stock exchange operators in the financial world, has decided to add indices for Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) to its global data service. The initiative is set to become a reality before the end of the month.

This will be made via a partnership with Brave New Coin, a blockchain data company based in New Zealand, which will be responsible for indices. They will be called Bitcoin Liquid Index (BLX) and Ethereum Liquid Index (ELX) and will offer the information in real-time using the feed from Brave New Coin.

According to the announcement, these indices will offer reference rates for the price of 1 BTC and 1 ETH, which will be quoted in USD and refreshed every 30 seconds in order to always keep the clients informed. Nasdaq affirms that these two indices are very old and reliable. BLX has been used since 2010 and ELX since 2014.





El Principado de Andorra introduce la tecnología blockchain para digitalizar los títulos académicos
Andorra digitalizará este curso con la tecnología blockchain todos los títulos académicos de educación superior, con el objetivo de crear un registro más seguro, según un comunicado del Gobierno. El director de Actua Innovació --organismo público-privado que fomenta la diversificación económica--, Marc Pons, ha dicho este jueves en rueda de prensa que se crea así un registro que no se puede eliminar ni modificar, y que permite suprimir gastos administrativos derivados del proceso anal .






乌克兰一辆电车的LED指示牌上出现了“比特币到月球”(“Bitcoin to the Moon”)的标语。据悉,这是一种新型电车,由Vinnytsia运输公司制造。

LED signs flashing the text “Bitcoin to the Moon” have been spotted on a tramcar in the Ukrainian city of Vinnytsia. Pictures of the signs appeared on social media just as the National Bank of Ukraine announced that it has completed a pilot project to launch its own digital currency called e-hryvnia. 

Also read: BTC-e Operator Alexander Vinnik Terminates His Hunger Strike

Pro-Bitcoin Signs on a Tramcar

It’s unclear who is behind the initiative for the pro-Bitcoin signs on the tramway car. Photos published on Facebook show they have been installed in a new Vin Way tram.

The 32-meter long rail vehicle, manufactured by the locally based Vinnytsia Transport Company, is a new model equipped with Wi-Fi connectivity among other extras.




高盛前高管Marco Lim已作为管理合伙人加入了一家总部位于香港的区块链资产管理公司MaiCapital。MaiCapital联合创始人兼管理合伙人Benedict Ho表示,Lim将致力于通过销售和营销工作来发展该公司的业务。

Finance Magnates learned on Monday that Marco Lim, a former Goldman Sachs executive, has joined MaiCapital – a blockchain-focused asset management firm based in Hong Kong – as a Managing Partner.

According to Benedict Ho, a Co-Founder and Managing Partner at MaiCapital, Lim will be focusing his efforts on growing the asset manager’s business through sales and marketing efforts.

“Marco will focus primarily on marketing and establishing strategic partnerships for MaiCapital and its group companies,” said Ho “His long-standing investment banking relationships and market experience should bolster MaiCapital’ leading position in the digital asset management space.”


SophiaTX Blockchain Startup Proudly Announces New E-XBRL Product for Business Finance Reporting





According to the 2019 Cayman Alternative Investment Summit (CAIS) survey, investors think that, as an asset class, cryptocurrency represents a bubble. The results of the survey were provided in a press release shared with Cointelegraph on Feb. 25.

To prepare the survey, researchers reportedly examined approximately 100 alternative investors and managers, who participated at the CAIS’ sixth annual conference from Feb. 6 to Feb. 9, 2019.

The study showed that 45 percent of the surveyed investors consider digital currency the asset class that presently most represents a bubble. 20 percent, 19 percent and 16 percent of respondents said they think that U.S. equities, the leveraged loan market, and private credit represent a bubble, respectively.





埃森哲全球支付董事总经理Gareth Wilson对加密货币和区块链技术做出了一些关键预测。 Wilson认为,Ripple的跨境交易网络将继续大幅增长,吸引更多银行和企业,交易量将不断增加;世界各地的中央银行将热衷于在分布式账本技术的基础上发行法定货币,并且至少有一家将拥有实施该技术的具体计划;虽然大多数银行仍会避开比特币,但预计会出现使用比特币和以太坊的现金管理产品,并且将针对企业财务主管;生物识别技术将被用于保护加密货币钱包。

Accenture’s managing director of global payments Gareth Wilson just released his 2019 predictions for the world of finance. Wilson says he expects major growth for Ripple and new adoption for Bitcoin and Ethereum. He also believes central banks will take a big turn toward using distributed ledger technology (DLT).

Here’s a look at some of Wilson’s key predictions that relate to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

• Ripple’s network for cross-border transactions will continue to grow significantly, attracting more banks and corporates, leading to rising transaction volumes.

• Central banks around the world will warm to the idea of issuing their fiat currency on distributed ledger technology, and at least one will have concrete plans to implement the technology.






The Indian National Association of Software and Services Companies (Nasscom) has released a report that calls for regulatory certainty, particularly in areas such as cryptocurrency. The lack of legal clarity and the crypto banking ban have hindered investments in this sector, hurt crypto exchanges, and driven investors out of the country, according to the association.

At Nasscom’s flagship Technology and Leadership Forum held from Feb. 20-22 in Mumbai, Vice President Sangeeta Gupta unveiled key highlights from a report jointly developed by Nasscom and management consulting firm Avasant. It details the current state of India’s blockchain industry, including cryptocurrency.

Asserting the “Need for regulatory certainty” for the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry, the report suggests that “A proactive, consultative and defined regulatory approach to blockchain will boost the blockchain ecosystem growth in the country,”

