
2019年1月23-24日, Security Tokens Realised论坛在伦敦Grand Connaught Rooms召开,Remi Gai代表八维资本受邀参会。2018年,我们见证了一个新的金融生态系统的诞生,从发行到交易再到投资领域


2019年1月23-24日, Security Tokens Realised论坛在伦敦Grand Connaught Rooms召开,Remi Gai代表八维资本受邀参会。2018年,我们见证了一个新的金融生态系统的诞生,从发行到交易再到投资领域,人们力图将10亿美金规模的数字化,预计到2024年,数字化证券将构成全球GDP规模的10%。

On 23-24 Jan 2019, Security Tokens Realised Summit was successfully held at the Grand Connaught Rooms, London. On behalf of 8 Decimal Capital, senior investment associate Remi Gai attended the summit and presented on 8 Decimal's investment thesis in the security token space. 2018 will surely be remembered as it marked the birth of an entirely new ecosystem of platforms, exchanges, and funds all looking to capitalize on the trillion-dollar opportunity - the tokenized securities. Security tokens are expected to make up 10% of global GDP-roughly $8 trillion by 2024.


八维资本Remi Gai受邀出席会议


Allured by the benefits of blockchain technology and looked forward to improving the efficiency of financial services, traditional financial institutions, such as Barclays, Citi, J.P Morgan, Santander and Credit Suisse are becoming particularly interested in fintech and tokenization. The theme of Security Tokens Realised focuses on the impact of financial technology – especially digital securities on the traditional financial community.


除了业界,英国监管机构也试图将数字证券和区块链技术纳入金融框架。英国FCA(Financial Conduct Authority)金融监管当局于2019年1月发布了‘Guidance On Crypto Asset Consultation Paper’,为数字资产及其市场参与者提供了更明确的定义,将其纳入沙盒监管框架。

The UK regulators are also trying to incorporate digital securities and blockchain technology into the financial framework. In January 2019,  the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) issued the ‘Guidance On Crypto Asset Consultation Paper’, which not only provided a clearer definition for digital assets and its market participants, but also incorporated them into the sandbox regulatory framework.


FCA:Guidance On Crypto Asset Consultation Paper


Advantages of tokenization include fractionalization of larger assets, increase in liquidity, lower issuance fees, and greater market efficiency. However, the greatest benefit that security tokens provide for issuers is the access to a global pool of capital. As these STs can be sold and traded internationally (when being compliant with regulations). They, in turn, become more fairly priced and more attractive to investors. This offering is appealing to institutional investors for its more recognizable structure, and to crypto investors for its technological innovation.

Singarpore:Security Token Future


2019年1月25日,第二次 Security Token Future 论坛 (STFuture.io) 在新加坡举行,八维资本合伙人Sky Yu受邀出席圆桌论坛“全球视野下的数字证券投资”

On 25th, Jan 2019, the second of the global series conferences on the future of Security Tokens was held in Singarpore. Partner of 8 Decimal Capital, Sky Yu, attended the conference as a panelist of Investment in security tokens from a global perspective.


八维资本受邀参加伦敦、新加坡、北京金融科技趋势与监管论坛Panelist:Sky Yu,8 Decimal Capital(The second on the left)

据悉,此次新加坡会议是STF系列会议中的第二场。2018 年11月1日,首次 Security Token Future 会议在香港数码港举办,二周后,香港证监会 SFC 发布了《有关针对虚拟资产投资组合的管理公司、基金分销商及交易平台营运者的监管框架的声明》。这次破冰示范效应大力推动了香港及亚太区的金融科技的发展。

According to the organizer, Security Token Future I was successfully held in Cyborport, Hongkong on Nov 1st, 2018. Two weeks later, SFC (Securities and Futures Commission) set out a new regulatory approach for virtual assets—"Statement on the regulatory framework for virtual asset portfolios managers, fund distributors, and trading platform operators”. This regulatory approach provides a conceptual framework to explore a pathway for compliance for virtual asset trading platform operators in Hongkong and Asia market.



除了香港之外,新加坡监管当局也在积极探索对区块链及数字资产实行有效监管,体现了新加坡在政策出台上一贯的严谨和一致性风格。新加坡金融管理局MAS(Monetary Authority Of Singarpore)于2018年11月修订了《数字通证发行指南A Guide to Digital Token Offerings》,对不同通证类型给出了完整而清晰的定义,进一步阐释了SFA(证券和期货法案)、FAA(金融顾问法案)和PSB(支付服务法案)如何适用于数字资产,并附以11个经典案例说明相关的监管要求,为从业者提供了重要的参考准则。

Besides Hongkong SFC, MAS(Monetary Authority Of Singarpore)is also actively making policy guidance to token offering activities. On 30 November 2018, the Monetary Authority of Singapore ("MAS") issued an updated Guide to Digital Token Offerings (the "2018 Guide"). The 20-page document clarifies its stance on cryptocurrency primary markets and how the proposed crypto-assets can fall under the existing securities laws including the Securities and Futures Act (SFA), the Financial Advisers Act (FAA), and the upcoming Payment Services Bill (PSB). In addition to sharing its definition of a digital token, the MAS drafted 11 case studies on business models that fall under the current regulation.













星期六 2019-01-26 0:19:03


2019年1月23-24日, Security Tokens Realised论坛在伦敦Grand Connaught Rooms召开,Remi Gai代表八维资本受邀参会。2018年,我们见证了一个新的金融生态系统的诞生,从发行到交易再到投资领域,人们力图将10亿美金规模的数字化,预计到2024年,数字化证券将构成全球GDP规模的10%。

On 23-24 Jan 2019, Security Tokens Realised Summit was successfully held at the Grand Connaught Rooms, London. On behalf of 8 Decimal Capital, senior investment associate Remi Gai attended the summit and presented on 8 Decimal's investment thesis in the security token space. 2018 will surely be remembered as it marked the birth of an entirely new ecosystem of platforms, exchanges, and funds all looking to capitalize on the trillion-dollar opportunity - the tokenized securities. Security tokens are expected to make up 10% of global GDP-roughly $8 trillion by 2024.


八维资本Remi Gai受邀出席会议


Allured by the benefits of blockchain technology and looked forward to improving the efficiency of financial services, traditional financial institutions, such as Barclays, Citi, J.P Morgan, Santander and Credit Suisse are becoming particularly interested in fintech and tokenization. The theme of Security Tokens Realised focuses on the impact of financial technology – especially digital securities on the traditional financial community.


除了业界,英国监管机构也试图将数字证券和区块链技术纳入金融框架。英国FCA(Financial Conduct Authority)金融监管当局于2019年1月发布了‘Guidance On Crypto Asset Consultation Paper’,为数字资产及其市场参与者提供了更明确的定义,将其纳入沙盒监管框架。

The UK regulators are also trying to incorporate digital securities and blockchain technology into the financial framework. In January 2019,  the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) issued the ‘Guidance On Crypto Asset Consultation Paper’, which not only provided a clearer definition for digital assets and its market participants, but also incorporated them into the sandbox regulatory framework.


FCA:Guidance On Crypto Asset Consultation Paper


Advantages of tokenization include fractionalization of larger assets, increase in liquidity, lower issuance fees, and greater market efficiency. However, the greatest benefit that security tokens provide for issuers is the access to a global pool of capital. As these STs can be sold and traded internationally (when being compliant with regulations). They, in turn, become more fairly priced and more attractive to investors. This offering is appealing to institutional investors for its more recognizable structure, and to crypto investors for its technological innovation.

Singarpore:Security Token Future


2019年1月25日,第二次 Security Token Future 论坛 (STFuture.io) 在新加坡举行,八维资本合伙人Sky Yu受邀出席圆桌论坛“全球视野下的数字证券投资”

On 25th, Jan 2019, the second of the global series conferences on the future of Security Tokens was held in Singarpore. Partner of 8 Decimal Capital, Sky Yu, attended the conference as a panelist of Investment in security tokens from a global perspective.


八维资本受邀参加伦敦、新加坡、北京金融科技趋势与监管论坛Panelist:Sky Yu,8 Decimal Capital(The second on the left)

据悉,此次新加坡会议是STF系列会议中的第二场。2018 年11月1日,首次 Security Token Future 会议在香港数码港举办,二周后,香港证监会 SFC 发布了《有关针对虚拟资产投资组合的管理公司、基金分销商及交易平台营运者的监管框架的声明》。这次破冰示范效应大力推动了香港及亚太区的金融科技的发展。

According to the organizer, Security Token Future I was successfully held in Cyborport, Hongkong on Nov 1st, 2018. Two weeks later, SFC (Securities and Futures Commission) set out a new regulatory approach for virtual assets—"Statement on the regulatory framework for virtual asset portfolios managers, fund distributors, and trading platform operators”. This regulatory approach provides a conceptual framework to explore a pathway for compliance for virtual asset trading platform operators in Hongkong and Asia market.



除了香港之外,新加坡监管当局也在积极探索对区块链及数字资产实行有效监管,体现了新加坡在政策出台上一贯的严谨和一致性风格。新加坡金融管理局MAS(Monetary Authority Of Singarpore)于2018年11月修订了《数字通证发行指南A Guide to Digital Token Offerings》,对不同通证类型给出了完整而清晰的定义,进一步阐释了SFA(证券和期货法案)、FAA(金融顾问法案)和PSB(支付服务法案)如何适用于数字资产,并附以11个经典案例说明相关的监管要求,为从业者提供了重要的参考准则。

Besides Hongkong SFC, MAS(Monetary Authority Of Singarpore)is also actively making policy guidance to token offering activities. On 30 November 2018, the Monetary Authority of Singapore ("MAS") issued an updated Guide to Digital Token Offerings (the "2018 Guide"). The 20-page document clarifies its stance on cryptocurrency primary markets and how the proposed crypto-assets can fall under the existing securities laws including the Securities and Futures Act (SFA), the Financial Advisers Act (FAA), and the upcoming Payment Services Bill (PSB). In addition to sharing its definition of a digital token, the MAS drafted 11 case studies on business models that fall under the current regulation.








