


2021年09月28日下午16:00,链叨叨直播间之大咖分享汇特邀PERI Finance 联合创始人Gareth Bowles进行《合成资产玩转多链,PERI能否成功破局》专场直播,由链叨叨媒体负责人Sakura小樱对话Gareth Bowles ,通过问答的方式,将行业内近期最热的内容呈现在你眼前。


PERI Finance项目简介:


PERI Finance是一个创新的合成品发行和衍生品市场,利用区块链技术,通过其协议为交易提供超强支持。PERI Finance允许以杠杆和非杠杆合成产品的形式获得广泛的传统金融和加密货币资产。我们为用户提供较低的GAS费用,快速的交易,以及充分的安全保障,使其免受抢先交易或闪电贷的影响。




问题一:您可以为我们的新朋友简单介绍一下自己和PERI Finance吗?

Can you introduce yourself and PERI Finance Project to our new friends?


Gareth Bowles:I’m Gareth Bowles, co-founder of PERI Finance. I worked as an FX sales manager and currency dealer with 17 years of experience in a broad range of financial sectors including Citibank and LMAX exchange.

我是 PERI Finance 的联合创始人 Gareth Bowles,我曾担任外汇销售经理和外汇交易员,曾在花旗银行和LMAX交易所等金融领域拥有 17 年的经验。


And PERI Finance is a decentralized exchange protocol on the Polkadot network. Users can trade and issue various synthetic assets and earn arbitrage profit on our upcoming DEX platform. From this moment, users can join our staking dApp and get additional rewards.

Please check our staking dApp with the link below:


PERI Finance 是 Polkadot 网络上的去中心化交易协议,用户可以在我们即将推出的 DEX 平台上交易和发行各种合成资产并获益。从现在开始,用户可以加入我们的 staking dApp 并获得额外奖励。

请查看我们的staking dApp,链接如下:




What is the synthetic assets? And I saw your site is called pynths.com, what is Pynths?


Gareth Bowles:Synthetic asset is a synthesized asset with the original asset, and this is called ‘Pynths’ in PERI Finance.

合成资产是由原始资产合成的资产,在PERI Finance中称为“Pynths”。


Our basic pynth is pUSD, which is pegged in the US dollar, that is used for purchasing synthetic assets in PERI Finance DEX. The ‘Pynths’ are minted through staking PERI. Basically, if you stake PERI token in staking dApp, dApp mints you Pynths.

我们的基础pynth是pUSD,它与美元挂钩,用于购买PERI Finance DEX中的合成资产。“Pynths”是通过质押 PERI 铸造的。基本上,如果您在staking dApp 中质押 PERI 代币,dApp 会为您铸造 Pynths。


问题三:PERI dApp在多链网络上发布有什么特别的原因吗?

Do you have any specific reason that your dApp has launched on Multi-Chain networks?


Gareth Bowles:First of all, we wanted to provide our dApp service to users with low gas fee, high speed transaction environment. With this reason, our staking dApp has launched on Polygon and Binance Smart Chain network. Users also able to select the network by their convinence.

首先,我们想以低 gas 费,高速交易的环境为用户提供dApp 服务,基于这个原因,我们的 staking dApp 已在 Polygon 和币安智能链网络上推出。 用户还可以根据自己的意愿选择网络。


And PERI Finance is keep contracting with featured projects based on those networks. So with multi-chain network environment, PERI Finance can not only providing the better service but also broadening project’s ecosystem.

PERI Finance 正在与基于这些网络的特色项目签订合同,所以在多链网络环境下,PERI Finance不仅可以提供更好的服务,还可以拓宽项目的生态系统。


问题四:与其他平台相比,PERI Finance dApp的核心优势是什么?

Compared with other platforms, what is PERI Finance dApp’s core advantage?


Gareth Bowles:Since the staking dApp has launched in July, users can stake their own PERI tokens on the dApp and claim the reward. And we’re developing to launch our dApp in Polkadot parachain, to achieve the cross-chain ecosystem of PERI Finance.

自Staking dApp于7月推出以来,用户可以在 dApp 上质押自己的 PERI 代币,并获得奖励。 我们正准备开发在 Polkadot 平行链中启动我们的 dApp,以实现PERI Finance的跨链生态系统。


PERI Finance will allow users to trade various kinds of assets through our synthetic assets decentralized exchange(DEX). Through this DEX, users can trade and earn profit without a swap with external networks.

PERI Finance 将允许用户通过我们的合成资产去中心化交易所(DEX)交易各种资产。 通过这个去中心化交易所,用户无需与外部网络交换即可交易并获得利润。


Users can participate in the DEX through their ‘pUSD’, a minted token on the staking dApp, and we will launch the DEX platform this year.

用户可以通过他们在 staking dApp 上铸造的代币“pUSD”参与 DEX,我们将在今年推出 DEX 平台。



How can I buy your token PERI now? Can you describe some exchanges that you’ve listed?


Gareth Bowles:PERI token has listed on the following centralized exchanges:

Gateio: https://www.gate.io/cn/trade/PERI_USDT

Liquid: https://app.liquid.com/zhcn/exchange/PERIUSDT

MEXC: https://www.mexc.com/zh-CN/exchange/PERI_USDT

XT: https://www.xt.com/tradePro/peri_usdt


PERI 代币已在以下中心化交易所上线:




XT: https://www.xt.com/tradePro/peri_usdt


You can also trade PERI tokens by paste the following address on DEX:

Uniswap: 0x5d30ad9c6374bf925d0a75454fa327aacf778492

Pancakeswap: 0xb49B7e0742EcB4240ffE91661d2A580677460b6A

Quickswap: 0xDC0E17eAE3B9651875030244b971fa0223a1764f


您还可以通过在 DEX 上粘贴以下地址来交易 PERI 代币:






What is your future plan? Do you have any roadmap about this?


Gareth Bowles:PERI Finance will issue various synthetic assets on our decentralized exchange. Users can trade synthetized financial products such as synthetic tokens, leveraged assets, synthesized metaverse properties, NFT assets, future swaps without any verification or complex processes. This will make users much easier access to financial products using PERI dApp.

PERI Finance 将在我们的去中心化交易所发行各种合成资产,用户可以在无需任何验证或复杂流程的情况下交易合成金融产品,如合成代币、杠杆资产、合成元宇宙资产、NFT资产、期货交易等。这将使用户更容易使用PERI dApp访问金融产品。


PERI finance will also give users network interoperability by the Polkadot’s ecosystem. Through Polkadot’s Parachain, users will be able to mint Pynths without converting their cryptoassets to another.

PERI 金融还将通过 Polkadot 的生态系统为用户提供网络互操作性。通过 Polkadot 的平行链,用户无需将他们的加密资产转换为其他加密资产就可以创建Pynths。


And this is PERI Finance’s roadmap for this year:

- October: Launch PERI Decentralized Exchange Service

Create and trade diversified Pynths from PERI DEX, other crypto tokens, forex, commodities, etc.

- November: Launch PERI NFT Decentralized Exchange Service

Generate NFT fractional assets by staking NFT on PERI vault

- December: Launch Pynths Perpetual Futures Service

Add leverage to Pynths up to 20X


以下是PERI Finance今年的路线图:

- 10月:推出PERI去中心化交易服务

从PERI DEX、其他加密代币、外汇、商品等创建和交易多样化的Pynths。

- 11月:推出PERI NFT去中心化交易服务

通过在PERI vault上质押NFT 来生成NFT分式资产


为 Pynths 添加高达 20 倍的杠杆


问题七:PERI dApp的安全性如何?您有任何解决方案以保障PERI项目对加密用户安全可靠吗?

Is the PERI dApp is secure? Do you have any solution to crypto users that your project is safe and reliable?


Gareth Bowles:For the solution to the hacker’s attack, we had a code audit from CertiK to prevent any kinds of security issues. Users can check our code audit details by the following link:


对于黑客攻击的解决方案,我们进行了来自 CertiK 的代码审计,以防止任何类型的安全问题。 用户可以通过以下链接查看我们的代码审计详情:



Also, PERI Finance is holding a bug bounty program with Immunefi. Users are free to check our smart contract code on the webpage and submit bugs or technical issues.


此外,PERI Finance 正在与 Immunefi 一起举办漏洞赏金计划。用户可以在网页上自由查看我们的智能合约代码并提交错误或技术问题。



PERI Finance will keep maintaining a safe dApp platform by requesting additional code audit and doing several internal tests.

PERI Finance 将通过请求额外的代码审计和进行多项内部测试来保持一个安全的dApp 平台。



What are the token utilities of PERI token? How users can use these tokens on the multichain network?


Gareth Bowles:PERI Finance’s token, $PERI is a utility token used to create a liquidity pool in the process of staking, generating the Pynths (PERI Synthetic assets) called pUSD. The staking dApp of PERI Finance is running on Ethereum, Polygon, and BSC mainnets, so users can stake their PERI/stablecoin/LP tokens and claim rewards.

PERI Finance 的代币 $PERI 是一种实用型代币,用于在质押过程中创建流动性池,生成名为pUSD的Pynths (PERI合成资产)。 PERI Finance 的 Staking dApp 运行在以太坊、Polygon 和 BSC 主网上,所以用户可以对他们的PERI/稳定币/LP代币进行质押,并获得奖励。


This pUSD can exchange at other Pynths on our upcoming dApp, PERI.Exchange. Users can get an arbitrage profit through trading various Pynths on the dApp.

该pUSD可以在我们即将推出的 dApp—PERI.Exchange 上与其他 Pynths 进行交换。用户可以通过在 dApp 上交易各种 Pynths 来获得利润。


By the profit of pUSD through the Pynth trade, users can swap the pUSD token to PERI and re-stake it. This virtuous circle allows users to earn an additional profit and makes the growth of PERI Finance platform ecosystem.

通过 Pynth 交易获得的 pUSD 收益,用户可以将 pUSD 代币兑换为 PERI 并重新质押。 这种良性循环让用户获得额外的利润,并使 PERI Finance 平台生态系统得以成长。


问题九:PERI Finance将如何通过波卡网络找到跨链解决方案?

How PERI Finance will find cross-chain solution with Polkadot network?


Gareth Bowles:We are developing our dApps on the Polkadot network. PERI Finance’s will implement the dApp to Parachains on the Polkadot. Through the Relaychain on Polkadot, users can trade and transfer their PERI assets without using any kind of token bridge.

我们正在 Polkadot 网络上开发我们的 dApp。PERI Finance 将在 Polkadot 上将 dApp实现到平行链。通过 Polkadot 上的Relaychain,用户可以在不使用任何代币桥接的情况下交易和转移他们的 PERI 资产。


问题十:我听说PERI Finance正在举办空投活动,您能和我们的社区分享下活动信息吗?

I saw that PERI Finance is now holding an event. Can you share this event information with our community?


Gareth Bowles:Yes, we are holding an event to Chinese community users. If you’re participating the staking on our dApp, we will give an additional PERI tokens to users. please check our event details on this image. You can join this event via scan QR code on that image.







星期三 2021-09-29 12:46:52


2021年09月28日下午16:00,链叨叨直播间之大咖分享汇特邀PERI Finance 联合创始人Gareth Bowles进行《合成资产玩转多链,PERI能否成功破局》专场直播,由链叨叨媒体负责人Sakura小樱对话Gareth Bowles ,通过问答的方式,将行业内近期最热的内容呈现在你眼前。


PERI Finance项目简介:


PERI Finance是一个创新的合成品发行和衍生品市场,利用区块链技术,通过其协议为交易提供超强支持。PERI Finance允许以杠杆和非杠杆合成产品的形式获得广泛的传统金融和加密货币资产。我们为用户提供较低的GAS费用,快速的交易,以及充分的安全保障,使其免受抢先交易或闪电贷的影响。




问题一:您可以为我们的新朋友简单介绍一下自己和PERI Finance吗?

Can you introduce yourself and PERI Finance Project to our new friends?


Gareth Bowles:I’m Gareth Bowles, co-founder of PERI Finance. I worked as an FX sales manager and currency dealer with 17 years of experience in a broad range of financial sectors including Citibank and LMAX exchange.

我是 PERI Finance 的联合创始人 Gareth Bowles,我曾担任外汇销售经理和外汇交易员,曾在花旗银行和LMAX交易所等金融领域拥有 17 年的经验。


And PERI Finance is a decentralized exchange protocol on the Polkadot network. Users can trade and issue various synthetic assets and earn arbitrage profit on our upcoming DEX platform. From this moment, users can join our staking dApp and get additional rewards.

Please check our staking dApp with the link below:


PERI Finance 是 Polkadot 网络上的去中心化交易协议,用户可以在我们即将推出的 DEX 平台上交易和发行各种合成资产并获益。从现在开始,用户可以加入我们的 staking dApp 并获得额外奖励。

请查看我们的staking dApp,链接如下:




What is the synthetic assets? And I saw your site is called pynths.com, what is Pynths?


Gareth Bowles:Synthetic asset is a synthesized asset with the original asset, and this is called ‘Pynths’ in PERI Finance.

合成资产是由原始资产合成的资产,在PERI Finance中称为“Pynths”。


Our basic pynth is pUSD, which is pegged in the US dollar, that is used for purchasing synthetic assets in PERI Finance DEX. The ‘Pynths’ are minted through staking PERI. Basically, if you stake PERI token in staking dApp, dApp mints you Pynths.

我们的基础pynth是pUSD,它与美元挂钩,用于购买PERI Finance DEX中的合成资产。“Pynths”是通过质押 PERI 铸造的。基本上,如果您在staking dApp 中质押 PERI 代币,dApp 会为您铸造 Pynths。


问题三:PERI dApp在多链网络上发布有什么特别的原因吗?

Do you have any specific reason that your dApp has launched on Multi-Chain networks?


Gareth Bowles:First of all, we wanted to provide our dApp service to users with low gas fee, high speed transaction environment. With this reason, our staking dApp has launched on Polygon and Binance Smart Chain network. Users also able to select the network by their convinence.

首先,我们想以低 gas 费,高速交易的环境为用户提供dApp 服务,基于这个原因,我们的 staking dApp 已在 Polygon 和币安智能链网络上推出。 用户还可以根据自己的意愿选择网络。


And PERI Finance is keep contracting with featured projects based on those networks. So with multi-chain network environment, PERI Finance can not only providing the better service but also broadening project’s ecosystem.

PERI Finance 正在与基于这些网络的特色项目签订合同,所以在多链网络环境下,PERI Finance不仅可以提供更好的服务,还可以拓宽项目的生态系统。


问题四:与其他平台相比,PERI Finance dApp的核心优势是什么?

Compared with other platforms, what is PERI Finance dApp’s core advantage?


Gareth Bowles:Since the staking dApp has launched in July, users can stake their own PERI tokens on the dApp and claim the reward. And we’re developing to launch our dApp in Polkadot parachain, to achieve the cross-chain ecosystem of PERI Finance.

自Staking dApp于7月推出以来,用户可以在 dApp 上质押自己的 PERI 代币,并获得奖励。 我们正准备开发在 Polkadot 平行链中启动我们的 dApp,以实现PERI Finance的跨链生态系统。


PERI Finance will allow users to trade various kinds of assets through our synthetic assets decentralized exchange(DEX). Through this DEX, users can trade and earn profit without a swap with external networks.

PERI Finance 将允许用户通过我们的合成资产去中心化交易所(DEX)交易各种资产。 通过这个去中心化交易所,用户无需与外部网络交换即可交易并获得利润。


Users can participate in the DEX through their ‘pUSD’, a minted token on the staking dApp, and we will launch the DEX platform this year.

用户可以通过他们在 staking dApp 上铸造的代币“pUSD”参与 DEX,我们将在今年推出 DEX 平台。



How can I buy your token PERI now? Can you describe some exchanges that you’ve listed?


Gareth Bowles:PERI token has listed on the following centralized exchanges:

Gateio: https://www.gate.io/cn/trade/PERI_USDT

Liquid: https://app.liquid.com/zhcn/exchange/PERIUSDT

MEXC: https://www.mexc.com/zh-CN/exchange/PERI_USDT

XT: https://www.xt.com/tradePro/peri_usdt


PERI 代币已在以下中心化交易所上线:




XT: https://www.xt.com/tradePro/peri_usdt


You can also trade PERI tokens by paste the following address on DEX:

Uniswap: 0x5d30ad9c6374bf925d0a75454fa327aacf778492

Pancakeswap: 0xb49B7e0742EcB4240ffE91661d2A580677460b6A

Quickswap: 0xDC0E17eAE3B9651875030244b971fa0223a1764f


您还可以通过在 DEX 上粘贴以下地址来交易 PERI 代币:






What is your future plan? Do you have any roadmap about this?


Gareth Bowles:PERI Finance will issue various synthetic assets on our decentralized exchange. Users can trade synthetized financial products such as synthetic tokens, leveraged assets, synthesized metaverse properties, NFT assets, future swaps without any verification or complex processes. This will make users much easier access to financial products using PERI dApp.

PERI Finance 将在我们的去中心化交易所发行各种合成资产,用户可以在无需任何验证或复杂流程的情况下交易合成金融产品,如合成代币、杠杆资产、合成元宇宙资产、NFT资产、期货交易等。这将使用户更容易使用PERI dApp访问金融产品。


PERI finance will also give users network interoperability by the Polkadot’s ecosystem. Through Polkadot’s Parachain, users will be able to mint Pynths without converting their cryptoassets to another.

PERI 金融还将通过 Polkadot 的生态系统为用户提供网络互操作性。通过 Polkadot 的平行链,用户无需将他们的加密资产转换为其他加密资产就可以创建Pynths。


And this is PERI Finance’s roadmap for this year:

- October: Launch PERI Decentralized Exchange Service

Create and trade diversified Pynths from PERI DEX, other crypto tokens, forex, commodities, etc.

- November: Launch PERI NFT Decentralized Exchange Service

Generate NFT fractional assets by staking NFT on PERI vault

- December: Launch Pynths Perpetual Futures Service

Add leverage to Pynths up to 20X


以下是PERI Finance今年的路线图:

- 10月:推出PERI去中心化交易服务

从PERI DEX、其他加密代币、外汇、商品等创建和交易多样化的Pynths。

- 11月:推出PERI NFT去中心化交易服务

通过在PERI vault上质押NFT 来生成NFT分式资产


为 Pynths 添加高达 20 倍的杠杆


问题七:PERI dApp的安全性如何?您有任何解决方案以保障PERI项目对加密用户安全可靠吗?

Is the PERI dApp is secure? Do you have any solution to crypto users that your project is safe and reliable?


Gareth Bowles:For the solution to the hacker’s attack, we had a code audit from CertiK to prevent any kinds of security issues. Users can check our code audit details by the following link:


对于黑客攻击的解决方案,我们进行了来自 CertiK 的代码审计,以防止任何类型的安全问题。 用户可以通过以下链接查看我们的代码审计详情:



Also, PERI Finance is holding a bug bounty program with Immunefi. Users are free to check our smart contract code on the webpage and submit bugs or technical issues.


此外,PERI Finance 正在与 Immunefi 一起举办漏洞赏金计划。用户可以在网页上自由查看我们的智能合约代码并提交错误或技术问题。



PERI Finance will keep maintaining a safe dApp platform by requesting additional code audit and doing several internal tests.

PERI Finance 将通过请求额外的代码审计和进行多项内部测试来保持一个安全的dApp 平台。



What are the token utilities of PERI token? How users can use these tokens on the multichain network?


Gareth Bowles:PERI Finance’s token, $PERI is a utility token used to create a liquidity pool in the process of staking, generating the Pynths (PERI Synthetic assets) called pUSD. The staking dApp of PERI Finance is running on Ethereum, Polygon, and BSC mainnets, so users can stake their PERI/stablecoin/LP tokens and claim rewards.

PERI Finance 的代币 $PERI 是一种实用型代币,用于在质押过程中创建流动性池,生成名为pUSD的Pynths (PERI合成资产)。 PERI Finance 的 Staking dApp 运行在以太坊、Polygon 和 BSC 主网上,所以用户可以对他们的PERI/稳定币/LP代币进行质押,并获得奖励。


This pUSD can exchange at other Pynths on our upcoming dApp, PERI.Exchange. Users can get an arbitrage profit through trading various Pynths on the dApp.

该pUSD可以在我们即将推出的 dApp—PERI.Exchange 上与其他 Pynths 进行交换。用户可以通过在 dApp 上交易各种 Pynths 来获得利润。


By the profit of pUSD through the Pynth trade, users can swap the pUSD token to PERI and re-stake it. This virtuous circle allows users to earn an additional profit and makes the growth of PERI Finance platform ecosystem.

通过 Pynth 交易获得的 pUSD 收益,用户可以将 pUSD 代币兑换为 PERI 并重新质押。 这种良性循环让用户获得额外的利润,并使 PERI Finance 平台生态系统得以成长。


问题九:PERI Finance将如何通过波卡网络找到跨链解决方案?

How PERI Finance will find cross-chain solution with Polkadot network?


Gareth Bowles:We are developing our dApps on the Polkadot network. PERI Finance’s will implement the dApp to Parachains on the Polkadot. Through the Relaychain on Polkadot, users can trade and transfer their PERI assets without using any kind of token bridge.

我们正在 Polkadot 网络上开发我们的 dApp。PERI Finance 将在 Polkadot 上将 dApp实现到平行链。通过 Polkadot 上的Relaychain,用户可以在不使用任何代币桥接的情况下交易和转移他们的 PERI 资产。


问题十:我听说PERI Finance正在举办空投活动,您能和我们的社区分享下活动信息吗?

I saw that PERI Finance is now holding an event. Can you share this event information with our community?


Gareth Bowles:Yes, we are holding an event to Chinese community users. If you’re participating the staking on our dApp, we will give an additional PERI tokens to users. please check our event details on this image. You can join this event via scan QR code on that image.
