共识大会爆点频出 餐饮业将被革命丨BlockTrain

1、宏观新闻  星巴克等多家大型公司参与加密支付APP测试 Gemini创始人Winklevoss兄弟使用加密货币GUSD在星巴克购买了咖啡,此次购买是通过一款名为Spedn的APP完成的。据报道,Spedn由支付初创公司Flexa开发,支持BTC、ETH、LTC、BCH和GUSD。根据数百名参与测试版的测试人员向福布斯提供的收据证实,加密货币购买是在Game Stop、Bed Bath and Beyond和Whole Foods进行的。Flexa还提供了来自Barnes & Noble、Office Depot和Nordstrom的电子邮件,以确认这些商家参与了该项目。Flexa称,现在正式接受加密货币的公司包括Barnes & Noble、Baskin Robbins、Bed Bath & Beyond、Caribou Coffee和亚马逊旗下的Whole Foods等16个公司。尽管没有就此事进行官宣,但据称星巴克也参与其中。预计到今年年底,将有近100家商店开始通过Spedn应用接受比特币和其他加密货币支付。



共识大会爆点频出 餐饮业将被革命丨BlockTrain

Gemini创始人Winklevoss兄弟使用加密货币GUSD在星巴克购买了咖啡,此次购买是通过一款名为Spedn的APP完成的。据报道,Spedn由支付初创公司Flexa开发,支持BTC、ETH、LTC、BCH和GUSD。根据数百名参与测试版的测试人员向福布斯提供的收据证实,加密货币购买是在Game Stop、Bed Bath and Beyond和Whole Foods进行的。Flexa还提供了来自Barnes & Noble、Office Depot和Nordstrom的电子邮件,以确认这些商家参与了该项目。Flexa称,现在正式接受加密货币的公司包括Barnes & Noble、Baskin Robbins、Bed Bath & Beyond、Caribou Coffee和亚马逊旗下的Whole Foods等16个公司。尽管没有就此事进行官宣,但据称星巴克也参与其中。预计到今年年底,将有近100家商店开始通过Spedn应用接受比特币和其他加密货币支付。

It is a freakishly hot May afternoon when Cameron Winklevoss decides to quench his thirst with a tall cold-brewed coffee from Starbucks, and “just a little bit of cream, to round it off,” as he says.

The temperature has shot up 20 degrees since the day before and is 20 degrees hotter than it will be the day after, too. With his twin brother, Tyler, and a small entourage in tow, the 6-foot-5 Cameron abruptly stands up from a proportionately giant boardroom table at the swanky New York offices of Gemini, the brothers’ cryptocurrency exchange, and makes for the glass door in the glass wall that encloses the immaculately shiny room. 

During a brisk two-minute walk through the hip Gramercy Park neighborhood, Cameron passes two gyms before entering a Starbucks on the corner of Park Avenue South and 23rd Street, in the same building as the IMG modeling agency that represents Wonder Woman actress Gal Gadot and the SPIN Ping-Pong lounge owned by actress Susan Sarandon.




共识大会爆点频出 餐饮业将被革命丨BlockTrain


Almost 12% of crypto holders are long-term investors, according to a survey shared with Cointelegraph on May 13 by HBUS, the operator of United States-based cryptocurrency exchange Huobi.

The company reportedly surveyed 1,067 American participants between March and April this year, finding that 19.58% of people with an income higher than $99,000 per year are actively holding cryptocurrency. Still, people earning between $125,000 and $149,000 are the most likely to invest in crypto assets, according to the survey.




共识大会爆点频出 餐饮业将被革命丨BlockTrain

微软正推出一个基于比特币网络的去中心化身份识别开源协议Ion,该项目提供去中心化身份验证功能,可帮助实现网络间的相互通信。微软区块链工程团队的项目经理Yorke Rhodes称,微软团队在私钥签名和验证软件方面已研发了一年,其可以构建在比特币或以太坊网络之上。并在微软的系统中推出一款Active Directory的产品,能够帮助识别这些去中心化身份(DID)。

Microsoft is launching the first decentralized infrastructure implementation by a major tech company that is built directly on the bitcoin blockchain.

The open source project, called Ion, deals with the underlying mechanics of how networks talk to each other. For example, if you log onto Airbnb using Facebook, a protocol deals with the software that sends the personal information from your social profile to that external service provider. In this case, Ion handles the decentralized identifiers, which control the ability to prove you own the keys to this data.

Christopher Allen, a crypto veteran and the co-founder of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) working group for decentralized identity (DID) solutions, told CoinDesk that Microsoft’s move could impact the entire tech industry.

“A lot of enterprise infrastructures use Microsoft products,” Allen said. “So if they integrate this into any of their infrastructure products, they’ll have access to DID.”




共识大会爆点频出 餐饮业将被革命丨BlockTrain

比特币创业公司Casa的CTO Jameson Lopp今日在CoinDesk 2019年共识大会上表示,具有隐私意识的Tor网络可以帮助用户解决在设置比特币和闪电节点时遇到的一些棘手的网络障碍。Lopp称,唯一的缺点是用户必须获得一个Tor浏览器。

The privacy-minded network Tor helps users to leapfrog one of the trickier aspects of setting up a bitcoin and lightning node, according to bitcoin startup Casa.

Casa CTO Jameson Lopp addressed this point during a talk at CoinDesk’s Consensus 2019 conference, where he discussed what Casa has learned about its product – a plug-and-play bitcoin and lightning node that aims to make it easier for users to run the software.

People often funnel their node network traffic through the Tor network to improve privacy, as the network shields the IP address of the node (which can show where it is located). Tor’s usefulness in this scenario is interesting because, in addition to this, such an approach helps users blast through some of the thorny networking hurdles that come with setting up a node.




共识大会爆点频出 餐饮业将被革命丨BlockTrain

前美国国会议员和总统候选人Ron Paul今日在CoinDesk 2019纽约共识大会期间接受采访时表示,众议员Brad Sherman呼吁禁止在美国购买加密货币是一个可怕的想法,并称他“只是华盛顿的另一个暴徒”。Paul指出,立法者和监管机构特别关注加密货币的原因之一可能是加密货币“挑战了货币体系的现状”。当被问及如果他竞选总统可能会采取的加密货币政策,Paul说他将主张一个轻松的监管机制。

Former Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul believes that a call by Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) to ban cryptocurrency purchases in the U.S. is a terrible idea.

Appearing on CoinDesk Live at Consensus 2019, Paul discussed a number of topics surrounding the cryptocurrency space, including his belief that the federal government should leave the it alone.

“Detail wise, I don’t know what they’re doing yesterday or today, but I do know they’re watching,” he said. “Whether it’s gold or peanuts or silver or whatever, they will not just give cryptocurrencies a free ride.”

He dismissed Sherman’s call for a ban during a Congressional hearing on May 9. “I look for colleagues to join with me in introducing a bill to outlaw cryptocurrency purchases by Americans,” Sherman said at the time.




火币全球站现已支持USDT-TRC20 的充币和交易业务,并将支持波场TRON针对USDT-TRC20持有者的空投活动。


参与方式:在火币矿池锁仓任意USDT(USDT-Omni、USDT-ERC20或USDT-TRC20),且单笔锁仓量≥100 USDT(火币矿池每日锁仓总量上限为5000万USDT)

快照时间:新加坡时间每日08:00 am



共识大会爆点频出 餐饮业将被革命丨BlockTrain

星期二 2019-05-14 18:08:09



共识大会爆点频出 餐饮业将被革命丨BlockTrain

Gemini创始人Winklevoss兄弟使用加密货币GUSD在星巴克购买了咖啡,此次购买是通过一款名为Spedn的APP完成的。据报道,Spedn由支付初创公司Flexa开发,支持BTC、ETH、LTC、BCH和GUSD。根据数百名参与测试版的测试人员向福布斯提供的收据证实,加密货币购买是在Game Stop、Bed Bath and Beyond和Whole Foods进行的。Flexa还提供了来自Barnes & Noble、Office Depot和Nordstrom的电子邮件,以确认这些商家参与了该项目。Flexa称,现在正式接受加密货币的公司包括Barnes & Noble、Baskin Robbins、Bed Bath & Beyond、Caribou Coffee和亚马逊旗下的Whole Foods等16个公司。尽管没有就此事进行官宣,但据称星巴克也参与其中。预计到今年年底,将有近100家商店开始通过Spedn应用接受比特币和其他加密货币支付。

It is a freakishly hot May afternoon when Cameron Winklevoss decides to quench his thirst with a tall cold-brewed coffee from Starbucks, and “just a little bit of cream, to round it off,” as he says.

The temperature has shot up 20 degrees since the day before and is 20 degrees hotter than it will be the day after, too. With his twin brother, Tyler, and a small entourage in tow, the 6-foot-5 Cameron abruptly stands up from a proportionately giant boardroom table at the swanky New York offices of Gemini, the brothers’ cryptocurrency exchange, and makes for the glass door in the glass wall that encloses the immaculately shiny room. 

During a brisk two-minute walk through the hip Gramercy Park neighborhood, Cameron passes two gyms before entering a Starbucks on the corner of Park Avenue South and 23rd Street, in the same building as the IMG modeling agency that represents Wonder Woman actress Gal Gadot and the SPIN Ping-Pong lounge owned by actress Susan Sarandon.




共识大会爆点频出 餐饮业将被革命丨BlockTrain


Almost 12% of crypto holders are long-term investors, according to a survey shared with Cointelegraph on May 13 by HBUS, the operator of United States-based cryptocurrency exchange Huobi.

The company reportedly surveyed 1,067 American participants between March and April this year, finding that 19.58% of people with an income higher than $99,000 per year are actively holding cryptocurrency. Still, people earning between $125,000 and $149,000 are the most likely to invest in crypto assets, according to the survey.




共识大会爆点频出 餐饮业将被革命丨BlockTrain

微软正推出一个基于比特币网络的去中心化身份识别开源协议Ion,该项目提供去中心化身份验证功能,可帮助实现网络间的相互通信。微软区块链工程团队的项目经理Yorke Rhodes称,微软团队在私钥签名和验证软件方面已研发了一年,其可以构建在比特币或以太坊网络之上。并在微软的系统中推出一款Active Directory的产品,能够帮助识别这些去中心化身份(DID)。

Microsoft is launching the first decentralized infrastructure implementation by a major tech company that is built directly on the bitcoin blockchain.

The open source project, called Ion, deals with the underlying mechanics of how networks talk to each other. For example, if you log onto Airbnb using Facebook, a protocol deals with the software that sends the personal information from your social profile to that external service provider. In this case, Ion handles the decentralized identifiers, which control the ability to prove you own the keys to this data.

Christopher Allen, a crypto veteran and the co-founder of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) working group for decentralized identity (DID) solutions, told CoinDesk that Microsoft’s move could impact the entire tech industry.

“A lot of enterprise infrastructures use Microsoft products,” Allen said. “So if they integrate this into any of their infrastructure products, they’ll have access to DID.”




共识大会爆点频出 餐饮业将被革命丨BlockTrain

比特币创业公司Casa的CTO Jameson Lopp今日在CoinDesk 2019年共识大会上表示,具有隐私意识的Tor网络可以帮助用户解决在设置比特币和闪电节点时遇到的一些棘手的网络障碍。Lopp称,唯一的缺点是用户必须获得一个Tor浏览器。

The privacy-minded network Tor helps users to leapfrog one of the trickier aspects of setting up a bitcoin and lightning node, according to bitcoin startup Casa.

Casa CTO Jameson Lopp addressed this point during a talk at CoinDesk’s Consensus 2019 conference, where he discussed what Casa has learned about its product – a plug-and-play bitcoin and lightning node that aims to make it easier for users to run the software.

People often funnel their node network traffic through the Tor network to improve privacy, as the network shields the IP address of the node (which can show where it is located). Tor’s usefulness in this scenario is interesting because, in addition to this, such an approach helps users blast through some of the thorny networking hurdles that come with setting up a node.




共识大会爆点频出 餐饮业将被革命丨BlockTrain

前美国国会议员和总统候选人Ron Paul今日在CoinDesk 2019纽约共识大会期间接受采访时表示,众议员Brad Sherman呼吁禁止在美国购买加密货币是一个可怕的想法,并称他“只是华盛顿的另一个暴徒”。Paul指出,立法者和监管机构特别关注加密货币的原因之一可能是加密货币“挑战了货币体系的现状”。当被问及如果他竞选总统可能会采取的加密货币政策,Paul说他将主张一个轻松的监管机制。

Former Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul believes that a call by Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) to ban cryptocurrency purchases in the U.S. is a terrible idea.

Appearing on CoinDesk Live at Consensus 2019, Paul discussed a number of topics surrounding the cryptocurrency space, including his belief that the federal government should leave the it alone.

“Detail wise, I don’t know what they’re doing yesterday or today, but I do know they’re watching,” he said. “Whether it’s gold or peanuts or silver or whatever, they will not just give cryptocurrencies a free ride.”

He dismissed Sherman’s call for a ban during a Congressional hearing on May 9. “I look for colleagues to join with me in introducing a bill to outlaw cryptocurrency purchases by Americans,” Sherman said at the time.




火币全球站现已支持USDT-TRC20 的充币和交易业务,并将支持波场TRON针对USDT-TRC20持有者的空投活动。


参与方式:在火币矿池锁仓任意USDT(USDT-Omni、USDT-ERC20或USDT-TRC20),且单笔锁仓量≥100 USDT(火币矿池每日锁仓总量上限为5000万USDT)

快照时间:新加坡时间每日08:00 am