比特币突破6200美元 新一波牛市你准备好了吗丨BlockTrain

1、宏观新闻比特币还未处于牛市,正处于熊市的最后阶段?加密货币评论家、经济学家Tuur Demeester最近在对话中谈到了比特币目前的估值,并表示目前的估值是由比特币的积累决定的。他表示,市场处于熊市和牛市之间的战斗状态。他认为,只要比特币在6500美元以下交易,它就是处于一个积累阶段。他表示,“我不准备说我们正处于一个新的牛市,但我确实认为,我们正处于当前熊市的最后阶段。”



比特币突破6200美元 新一波牛市你准备好了吗丨BlockTrain

加密货币评论家、经济学家Tuur Demeester最近在对话中谈到了比特币目前的估值,并表示目前的估值是由比特币的积累决定的。他表示,市场处于熊市和牛市之间的战斗状态。他认为,只要比特币在6500美元以下交易,它就是处于一个积累阶段。他表示,“我不准备说我们正处于一个新的牛市,但我确实认为,我们正处于当前熊市的最后阶段。”

In a recent interview with Peter McCormack on Whatbitcoindid podcast, Tuur Demeester spoke about Bitcoin’s current market situation and the various aspects that impact the virtual asset’s market.

Tuur spoke about the Bitcoin’s current valuation and indicated that it was presently dictated by the accumulation of Bitcoin. He stated that the market was in a state of battle between the bears and bulls where the sellers are looking at how many Bitcoins are left in ICO treasuries. He believed that till the time Bitcoin traded in the range under $6500, it would be indicative of an accumulation stage.



比特币突破6200美元 新一波牛市你准备好了吗丨BlockTrain


据Coinmarketcap数据显示,BTC当前市值为1075.97亿美元,在总市值中的占比已达到57.1%,创2018年9月以来新高。价格方面,今日(5月9日)BTC持续上扬,最高突破6100美元,现报6082.26 USD。




比特币突破6200美元 新一波牛市你准备好了吗丨BlockTrain

 据Adroit Market Research发布报告称,预计到2025年,全球区块链DLT市场规模将达327.6亿美元,在2018年至2025年的预测期间,年复合增长率将保持两位数。越来越多的人正认识到区块链DLT的优势,如去中心化、更高的安全性以及几乎等于零的欺诈概率,这对采用区块链DLT产生了积极的影响。区块链也为从事预测数据分析的公司提供了许多新的商机。随着区块链可用于存储实时数据,数据分析师和数据科学家可以使用它来预测未来趋势。

The global Blockchain DLT market size is estimated to be USD 32.76 Billion by 2025 growing at a double digit CAGR during the forecast period 2018 to 2025. The increasing awareness about the advantages of Blockchain DLT such as decentralization, higher security, and almost equal to zero fraud probability is positively impacting the adoption of the Blockchain DLT.  Blockchain also opens up a lot of new business opportunities for firms operating in predictive data analytics. As real time data is stored and available using Blockchain which can be used by data analysts and data scientists to predict the future trends. 
Among Blockchain DLT types segment, the private Blockchain type is expected to grow at the fastest CAGR during the forecast period achieving a market size of USD 11.79 billion in 2025. The private Blockchain adoption is expected to increase with increasing adoption of Blockchain DLT by the private firms. As the enterprise level adoption of Blockchain is expected to increase the private or consortium type Blockchain DLT’s market is expected to increase. As due to security reason most of enterprises are expected to use Private Blockchain DLT and use public Blockchain only when the data is to be shared with the consumers and end customers.




比特币突破6200美元 新一波牛市你准备好了吗丨BlockTrain


JPMorgan Chase has quietly replaced the guts of its blockchain.

Over the last six months, technologists spread across London, Singapore and the U.S. have “rebooted” Quorum, the megabank’s private version of the ethereum blockchain, said Oli Harris, JPM’s head of Quorum and crypto-assets strategy.

Specifically, the team replaced Constellation, Quorum’s privacy layer written in the Haskell computer language, with Tessera, which has a similar design, but is built in Java to make it easier for businesses to use and deploy.

This nitty-gritty effort was happening behind the scenes while the bank was out grabbing headlines with JPM Coin. But the work on Quorum’s privacy architecture is arguably as important as that internal prototype of a private cryptocurrency for clients.




比特币突破6200美元 新一波牛市你准备好了吗丨BlockTrain

在麻省理工学院区块链商务会议上,软件巨头Salesforce高级副总裁Adam Caplan在讨论区块链在企业中的角色时表示,越来越多的Salesforce客户正在试验区块链技术,但多数情况下,其最终陷入概念验证,无法投入实际应用。一部分部分原因在于找到合适的技术人才,这项技术本身的复杂属性也阻碍其应用。其认为,应从商业角度看区块链的意义,考虑真正想要解决的问题。

More and more Salesforce clients are experimenting with blockchain technology, but in most cases they wind up stuck in a proof of concept, unable to move into production, according to Salesforce’s senior vice president of emerging technology, Adam Caplan.

“We haven’t seen a lot of successful wins,” Caplan said during a talk on blockchain’s role in the enterprise at MIT Technology Review’s Business of Blockchain conference here last week. “Part of the reason is talent. 55% find the challenge is finding the right, skilled workers. But also relevant is the technology is hard to work with.”

And that complexity can get in the way, he said.




比特币突破6200美元 新一波牛市你准备好了吗丨BlockTrain

美国电信运营商Verizon公司发布数据泄露调查报告(DBIR)显示,勒索软件列为第二大最受欢迎的恶意软件,约占所有记录案例的24%。由于加密货币能够以相对较低成本对资金进行清洗和转移,而风险可以忽略不计,因此黑客更倾向于使用比特币等加密货币清洗被盗资金或要求支付赎金。 同时,报告还指出国家支持的黑客行为在全球网络犯罪中所占比例越来越大。在对记录的数据泄露事件分析后发现隶属于国家的黑客占23%,较2018年(12%)和2017年(19%)均有增长。该报告合著者Gabe Bassett表示,政府支持的网络犯罪的上升意味着数字间谍活动的出现。

Cyberattacks by nation states and parties affiliated with them represented 23% of data breaches, up from 12% in 2018 and 19% in 2017, according to Verizon's Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR). 

The 12th annual data breach report were based on 41,000 cybersecurity incidents and more than 2,000 data breaches. At a high level, the DBIR report outlined the following: 

A quarter of all breaches were associated with espionage; 

C-level executives were 12x more likely to be the target of social incidents and 9x more likely to be a target of social breaches;

Ransomware is the No. 2 ranked malware type and accounts for 24% of cases;

Cybercriminals were targeting cloud-based email accounts and leveraging stolen credentials.



4/29 –5/12

BNB 将在Bgogo交易所展开限价交易活动。所有持有BGGHP的用户(点此查看什么是BGGHP),可以参加知识测验活动,预计测验时间为5分钟。通过KYC并在知识测验中得分达到70分以上的用户可以参加BNB限价交易额度分配,共1000 ETH 等值BNB。详情如下:

知识测验时间:2019年4月29日14:00 – 2019年5月12日14:00 (UTC+8)


火币全球站(Huobi Global)将于新加坡时间5月9日正式开启火币优选通道极速版(Prime Lite)。

作为Huobi Prime的细分产品,通过Prime Lite上币的项目仍然需要满足全新区块链资产评价体系(Smartchain v2.0)的所有评分要求,也将同样获得火币旗下Global交易平台及全球本地合规法币交易平台、矿池、钱包、火信以及火币生态企业的赋能。

相比Huobi Prime,Prime Lite将具有以下特点:

1.     上币时间更灵活、周期更短

2.     出让代币份额的总量更灵活

3.     为支持HT(Huobi Token)的发展,出让代币所得的HT将全部销毁


火币全球站现已支持USDT-TRC20 的充币和交易业务,并将支持波场TRON针对USDT-TRC20持有者的空投活动。


参与方式:在火币矿池锁仓任意USDT(USDT-Omni、USDT-ERC20或USDT-TRC20),且单笔锁仓量≥100 USDT(火币矿池每日锁仓总量上限为5000万USDT)

快照时间:新加坡时间每日08:00 am



比特币突破6200美元 新一波牛市你准备好了吗丨BlockTrain

星期五 2019-05-10 17:44:57



比特币突破6200美元 新一波牛市你准备好了吗丨BlockTrain

加密货币评论家、经济学家Tuur Demeester最近在对话中谈到了比特币目前的估值,并表示目前的估值是由比特币的积累决定的。他表示,市场处于熊市和牛市之间的战斗状态。他认为,只要比特币在6500美元以下交易,它就是处于一个积累阶段。他表示,“我不准备说我们正处于一个新的牛市,但我确实认为,我们正处于当前熊市的最后阶段。”

In a recent interview with Peter McCormack on Whatbitcoindid podcast, Tuur Demeester spoke about Bitcoin’s current market situation and the various aspects that impact the virtual asset’s market.

Tuur spoke about the Bitcoin’s current valuation and indicated that it was presently dictated by the accumulation of Bitcoin. He stated that the market was in a state of battle between the bears and bulls where the sellers are looking at how many Bitcoins are left in ICO treasuries. He believed that till the time Bitcoin traded in the range under $6500, it would be indicative of an accumulation stage.



比特币突破6200美元 新一波牛市你准备好了吗丨BlockTrain


据Coinmarketcap数据显示,BTC当前市值为1075.97亿美元,在总市值中的占比已达到57.1%,创2018年9月以来新高。价格方面,今日(5月9日)BTC持续上扬,最高突破6100美元,现报6082.26 USD。




比特币突破6200美元 新一波牛市你准备好了吗丨BlockTrain

 据Adroit Market Research发布报告称,预计到2025年,全球区块链DLT市场规模将达327.6亿美元,在2018年至2025年的预测期间,年复合增长率将保持两位数。越来越多的人正认识到区块链DLT的优势,如去中心化、更高的安全性以及几乎等于零的欺诈概率,这对采用区块链DLT产生了积极的影响。区块链也为从事预测数据分析的公司提供了许多新的商机。随着区块链可用于存储实时数据,数据分析师和数据科学家可以使用它来预测未来趋势。

The global Blockchain DLT market size is estimated to be USD 32.76 Billion by 2025 growing at a double digit CAGR during the forecast period 2018 to 2025. The increasing awareness about the advantages of Blockchain DLT such as decentralization, higher security, and almost equal to zero fraud probability is positively impacting the adoption of the Blockchain DLT.  Blockchain also opens up a lot of new business opportunities for firms operating in predictive data analytics. As real time data is stored and available using Blockchain which can be used by data analysts and data scientists to predict the future trends. 
Among Blockchain DLT types segment, the private Blockchain type is expected to grow at the fastest CAGR during the forecast period achieving a market size of USD 11.79 billion in 2025. The private Blockchain adoption is expected to increase with increasing adoption of Blockchain DLT by the private firms. As the enterprise level adoption of Blockchain is expected to increase the private or consortium type Blockchain DLT’s market is expected to increase. As due to security reason most of enterprises are expected to use Private Blockchain DLT and use public Blockchain only when the data is to be shared with the consumers and end customers.




比特币突破6200美元 新一波牛市你准备好了吗丨BlockTrain


JPMorgan Chase has quietly replaced the guts of its blockchain.

Over the last six months, technologists spread across London, Singapore and the U.S. have “rebooted” Quorum, the megabank’s private version of the ethereum blockchain, said Oli Harris, JPM’s head of Quorum and crypto-assets strategy.

Specifically, the team replaced Constellation, Quorum’s privacy layer written in the Haskell computer language, with Tessera, which has a similar design, but is built in Java to make it easier for businesses to use and deploy.

This nitty-gritty effort was happening behind the scenes while the bank was out grabbing headlines with JPM Coin. But the work on Quorum’s privacy architecture is arguably as important as that internal prototype of a private cryptocurrency for clients.




比特币突破6200美元 新一波牛市你准备好了吗丨BlockTrain

在麻省理工学院区块链商务会议上,软件巨头Salesforce高级副总裁Adam Caplan在讨论区块链在企业中的角色时表示,越来越多的Salesforce客户正在试验区块链技术,但多数情况下,其最终陷入概念验证,无法投入实际应用。一部分部分原因在于找到合适的技术人才,这项技术本身的复杂属性也阻碍其应用。其认为,应从商业角度看区块链的意义,考虑真正想要解决的问题。

More and more Salesforce clients are experimenting with blockchain technology, but in most cases they wind up stuck in a proof of concept, unable to move into production, according to Salesforce’s senior vice president of emerging technology, Adam Caplan.

“We haven’t seen a lot of successful wins,” Caplan said during a talk on blockchain’s role in the enterprise at MIT Technology Review’s Business of Blockchain conference here last week. “Part of the reason is talent. 55% find the challenge is finding the right, skilled workers. But also relevant is the technology is hard to work with.”

And that complexity can get in the way, he said.




比特币突破6200美元 新一波牛市你准备好了吗丨BlockTrain

美国电信运营商Verizon公司发布数据泄露调查报告(DBIR)显示,勒索软件列为第二大最受欢迎的恶意软件,约占所有记录案例的24%。由于加密货币能够以相对较低成本对资金进行清洗和转移,而风险可以忽略不计,因此黑客更倾向于使用比特币等加密货币清洗被盗资金或要求支付赎金。 同时,报告还指出国家支持的黑客行为在全球网络犯罪中所占比例越来越大。在对记录的数据泄露事件分析后发现隶属于国家的黑客占23%,较2018年(12%)和2017年(19%)均有增长。该报告合著者Gabe Bassett表示,政府支持的网络犯罪的上升意味着数字间谍活动的出现。

Cyberattacks by nation states and parties affiliated with them represented 23% of data breaches, up from 12% in 2018 and 19% in 2017, according to Verizon's Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR). 

The 12th annual data breach report were based on 41,000 cybersecurity incidents and more than 2,000 data breaches. At a high level, the DBIR report outlined the following: 

A quarter of all breaches were associated with espionage; 

C-level executives were 12x more likely to be the target of social incidents and 9x more likely to be a target of social breaches;

Ransomware is the No. 2 ranked malware type and accounts for 24% of cases;

Cybercriminals were targeting cloud-based email accounts and leveraging stolen credentials.



4/29 –5/12

BNB 将在Bgogo交易所展开限价交易活动。所有持有BGGHP的用户(点此查看什么是BGGHP),可以参加知识测验活动,预计测验时间为5分钟。通过KYC并在知识测验中得分达到70分以上的用户可以参加BNB限价交易额度分配,共1000 ETH 等值BNB。详情如下:

知识测验时间:2019年4月29日14:00 – 2019年5月12日14:00 (UTC+8)


火币全球站(Huobi Global)将于新加坡时间5月9日正式开启火币优选通道极速版(Prime Lite)。

作为Huobi Prime的细分产品,通过Prime Lite上币的项目仍然需要满足全新区块链资产评价体系(Smartchain v2.0)的所有评分要求,也将同样获得火币旗下Global交易平台及全球本地合规法币交易平台、矿池、钱包、火信以及火币生态企业的赋能。

相比Huobi Prime,Prime Lite将具有以下特点:

1.     上币时间更灵活、周期更短

2.     出让代币份额的总量更灵活

3.     为支持HT(Huobi Token)的发展,出让代币所得的HT将全部销毁


火币全球站现已支持USDT-TRC20 的充币和交易业务,并将支持波场TRON针对USDT-TRC20持有者的空投活动。


参与方式:在火币矿池锁仓任意USDT(USDT-Omni、USDT-ERC20或USDT-TRC20),且单笔锁仓量≥100 USDT(火币矿池每日锁仓总量上限为5000万USDT)

快照时间:新加坡时间每日08:00 am