





Iran’s Central Bank has been developing a platform named Borna to provide a common standard for blockchain use in Iran and bringing down the cost of developing blockchain solutions, allowing Iran’s banks and other financial entities to test and implement blockchain on a wider scale. This according to a report from Al-Monitor, an independent reporting and analysis platform of the Middle East and North Africa, May 2, 2019.

Plan to Integrate Iran’s Cryptocurrency to Borna

Iran has long been trying to figure out the use of blockchain in the country’s financial sector. The harsh sanctions imposed by the U.S. in the recent past only catalyzed the process. 

According to the report, a three-way partnership between blockchain solutions platform Areatak, Iran’s Central Bank and Informatics Services Corporation, has given birth to blockchain platform “Borna” has been developed using the Hyperledger Fabric. The platform will initially offer services including electronic customer identification, token management, and online auditing.

Borna developers are focused on creating a solution to allow Iran’s Central Bank to broadcast its instructions and implement them using smart contracts while also enabling it to administer financial institutions to operate with utmost transparency. To confirm that their motives are fulfilled, platform developers are using globally accepted platforms, tools, and solutions to build the infrastructure, and are integrating international frameworks into the internal policies of Borna.






The volume of tweets and Google Search Volume Index (SVI) were found to be leading price indicators for Bitcoin and Ethereum, according to a research paper published by the Southern Methodist University.

In the paper, researchers gathered data on Twitter mentioning Bitcoin and Ethereum; the same was done using Google trends. Building on the ideas of previous research, the hypothesis was that the number of tweets and their sentiment (positive and negative) can influence prices. In the study, it was uncovered that the number of tweets and Google searches changes first before prices do.





知情人士透露,富达投资(Fidelity Investments)计划在几周内开始为机构客户提供数字资产交易服务。这位不愿透露姓名的人士表示,富达的加密交易服务只面向机构客户,而不是像ETrade和Robinhood一样面向散户。富达发言人Arlene Roberts在一封电子邮件中表示:“我们目前有一些精选的客户。我们会根据客户的需要、司法管辖区及其他因素,在未来数周及数月内推出我们的服务。目前,我们的服务重点是比特币。”

Fidelity Investments, which began a custody service to store Bitcoin earlier this year, will buy and sell the world’s most popular digital asset for institutional customers within a few weeks, according to a person familiar with the matter.

The Boston-based firm, one of the largest asset managers in the world, created Fidelity Digital Assets in October in a bet that Wall Street’s nascent appetite for trading and safeguarding digital currencies will grow. It also puts Fidelity a step ahead of its top competitors that have mostly stayed on the sidelines so far. The firm said in October that it would offer over-the-counter trade execution and order routing for Bitcoin early this year.





美国经济学家、诺贝尔奖得主Joseph Stiglitz再次重申其对加密货币的负面立场。他表示:“我认为我们应该关停加密货币。”由于缺乏透明度,加密货币不是创造更有效的全球经济的正确方式。 Stiglitz强调,加密货币伴随着洗钱等非法金融活动,将资金从“一个透明平台转移到一个地下平台”,并声称这种货币不具备优秀货币的任何属性,而美元具备所有这些属性。

Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel-Prize winning economist, says cryptocurrencies should be shut down. He worries that they enable illicit activity by making money transactions less transparent.

Still, he sees the value in digital payments systems and supports electronic use of government-backed currencies like the dollar.

“I’ve been a great advocate of moving to an electronic payments mechanism. There are a lot of efficiencies. I think we can actually have a better regulated economy if we had all the data in real time, knowing what people are spending,” he says.





前联邦调查局(FBI)分析员、现区块链业务顾问Jared Polites以违约、欺诈、不当得利以及违反《反犯罪组织侵蚀合法组织法》(RICO)等名义向一家名为Alchemy提出控诉。据悉,在Polites在帮助Alchemy进行ICO市场推广服务后,Alchemy未能如约向Polites支付酬金,Polites因此提出控诉,要求Alchemy支付46.2万美元以上的赔偿金。

This is a newly filed complaint from an aggrieved PR professional who feels that he was wronged by a company that launched an ICO with the help of his services, and has refused to pay him his owed monies. What specifically does Polites allege? The usual allegations in these matters: breach of contract, fraud, unjust enrichment, and a rare occurrence on the Crypto Caselaw Minute, violations of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, better known as doing the RICO.

What happened here? Jared Polites is a former FBI analyst turned blockchain consultant, specifically offering services focused on “blockchain marketing, PR services, and expertise.” Sidebar: decent chance Polites is the only former FBI analyst turned blockchain consultant, but I digress. After meeting with individuals representing Alchemy, Polites entered into an agreement with Alchemy to help them with marketing for an upcoming ICO.



4/29 –5/12

BNB 将在Bgogo交易所展开限价交易活动。所有持有BGGHP的用户(点此查看什么是BGGHP),可以参加知识测验活动,预计测验时间为5分钟。通过KYC并在知识测验中得分达到70分以上的用户可以参加BNB限价交易额度分配,共1000 ETH 等值BNB。详情如下:

知识测验时间:2019年4月29日14:00 – 2019年5月12日14:00 (UTC+8)


Binance将于2019年05月07日20:00(香港时间)上线 ATOM/USDC、ATOM/PAX、ATOM/TUSD 交易市场,邀您体验!

更多信息请参考Binance Research的项目深度报告:Cosmos(ATOM)


火币全球站(Huobi Global)将于新加坡时间5月9日正式开启火币优选通道极速版(Prime Lite)。

作为Huobi Prime的细分产品,通过Prime Lite上币的项目仍然需要满足全新区块链资产评价体系(Smartchain v2.0)的所有评分要求,也将同样获得火币旗下Global交易平台及全球本地合规法币交易平台、矿池、钱包、火信以及火币生态企业的赋能。

相比Huobi Prime,Prime Lite将具有以下特点:

1.     上币时间更灵活、周期更短

2.     出让代币份额的总量更灵活

3.     为支持HT(Huobi Token)的发展,出让代币所得的HT将全部销毁


火币全球站现已支持USDT-TRC20 的充币和交易业务,并将支持波场TRON针对USDT-TRC20持有者的空投活动。


参与方式:在火币矿池锁仓任意USDT(USDT-Omni、USDT-ERC20或USDT-TRC20),且单笔锁仓量≥100 USDT(火币矿池每日锁仓总量上限为5000万USDT)

快照时间:新加坡时间每日08:00 am




星期二 2019-05-07 17:54:51





Iran’s Central Bank has been developing a platform named Borna to provide a common standard for blockchain use in Iran and bringing down the cost of developing blockchain solutions, allowing Iran’s banks and other financial entities to test and implement blockchain on a wider scale. This according to a report from Al-Monitor, an independent reporting and analysis platform of the Middle East and North Africa, May 2, 2019.

Plan to Integrate Iran’s Cryptocurrency to Borna

Iran has long been trying to figure out the use of blockchain in the country’s financial sector. The harsh sanctions imposed by the U.S. in the recent past only catalyzed the process. 

According to the report, a three-way partnership between blockchain solutions platform Areatak, Iran’s Central Bank and Informatics Services Corporation, has given birth to blockchain platform “Borna” has been developed using the Hyperledger Fabric. The platform will initially offer services including electronic customer identification, token management, and online auditing.

Borna developers are focused on creating a solution to allow Iran’s Central Bank to broadcast its instructions and implement them using smart contracts while also enabling it to administer financial institutions to operate with utmost transparency. To confirm that their motives are fulfilled, platform developers are using globally accepted platforms, tools, and solutions to build the infrastructure, and are integrating international frameworks into the internal policies of Borna.






The volume of tweets and Google Search Volume Index (SVI) were found to be leading price indicators for Bitcoin and Ethereum, according to a research paper published by the Southern Methodist University.

In the paper, researchers gathered data on Twitter mentioning Bitcoin and Ethereum; the same was done using Google trends. Building on the ideas of previous research, the hypothesis was that the number of tweets and their sentiment (positive and negative) can influence prices. In the study, it was uncovered that the number of tweets and Google searches changes first before prices do.





知情人士透露,富达投资(Fidelity Investments)计划在几周内开始为机构客户提供数字资产交易服务。这位不愿透露姓名的人士表示,富达的加密交易服务只面向机构客户,而不是像ETrade和Robinhood一样面向散户。富达发言人Arlene Roberts在一封电子邮件中表示:“我们目前有一些精选的客户。我们会根据客户的需要、司法管辖区及其他因素,在未来数周及数月内推出我们的服务。目前,我们的服务重点是比特币。”

Fidelity Investments, which began a custody service to store Bitcoin earlier this year, will buy and sell the world’s most popular digital asset for institutional customers within a few weeks, according to a person familiar with the matter.

The Boston-based firm, one of the largest asset managers in the world, created Fidelity Digital Assets in October in a bet that Wall Street’s nascent appetite for trading and safeguarding digital currencies will grow. It also puts Fidelity a step ahead of its top competitors that have mostly stayed on the sidelines so far. The firm said in October that it would offer over-the-counter trade execution and order routing for Bitcoin early this year.





美国经济学家、诺贝尔奖得主Joseph Stiglitz再次重申其对加密货币的负面立场。他表示:“我认为我们应该关停加密货币。”由于缺乏透明度,加密货币不是创造更有效的全球经济的正确方式。 Stiglitz强调,加密货币伴随着洗钱等非法金融活动,将资金从“一个透明平台转移到一个地下平台”,并声称这种货币不具备优秀货币的任何属性,而美元具备所有这些属性。

Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel-Prize winning economist, says cryptocurrencies should be shut down. He worries that they enable illicit activity by making money transactions less transparent.

Still, he sees the value in digital payments systems and supports electronic use of government-backed currencies like the dollar.

“I’ve been a great advocate of moving to an electronic payments mechanism. There are a lot of efficiencies. I think we can actually have a better regulated economy if we had all the data in real time, knowing what people are spending,” he says.





前联邦调查局(FBI)分析员、现区块链业务顾问Jared Polites以违约、欺诈、不当得利以及违反《反犯罪组织侵蚀合法组织法》(RICO)等名义向一家名为Alchemy提出控诉。据悉,在Polites在帮助Alchemy进行ICO市场推广服务后,Alchemy未能如约向Polites支付酬金,Polites因此提出控诉,要求Alchemy支付46.2万美元以上的赔偿金。

This is a newly filed complaint from an aggrieved PR professional who feels that he was wronged by a company that launched an ICO with the help of his services, and has refused to pay him his owed monies. What specifically does Polites allege? The usual allegations in these matters: breach of contract, fraud, unjust enrichment, and a rare occurrence on the Crypto Caselaw Minute, violations of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, better known as doing the RICO.

What happened here? Jared Polites is a former FBI analyst turned blockchain consultant, specifically offering services focused on “blockchain marketing, PR services, and expertise.” Sidebar: decent chance Polites is the only former FBI analyst turned blockchain consultant, but I digress. After meeting with individuals representing Alchemy, Polites entered into an agreement with Alchemy to help them with marketing for an upcoming ICO.



4/29 –5/12

BNB 将在Bgogo交易所展开限价交易活动。所有持有BGGHP的用户(点此查看什么是BGGHP),可以参加知识测验活动,预计测验时间为5分钟。通过KYC并在知识测验中得分达到70分以上的用户可以参加BNB限价交易额度分配,共1000 ETH 等值BNB。详情如下:

知识测验时间:2019年4月29日14:00 – 2019年5月12日14:00 (UTC+8)


Binance将于2019年05月07日20:00(香港时间)上线 ATOM/USDC、ATOM/PAX、ATOM/TUSD 交易市场,邀您体验!

更多信息请参考Binance Research的项目深度报告:Cosmos(ATOM)


火币全球站(Huobi Global)将于新加坡时间5月9日正式开启火币优选通道极速版(Prime Lite)。

作为Huobi Prime的细分产品,通过Prime Lite上币的项目仍然需要满足全新区块链资产评价体系(Smartchain v2.0)的所有评分要求,也将同样获得火币旗下Global交易平台及全球本地合规法币交易平台、矿池、钱包、火信以及火币生态企业的赋能。

相比Huobi Prime,Prime Lite将具有以下特点:

1.     上币时间更灵活、周期更短

2.     出让代币份额的总量更灵活

3.     为支持HT(Huobi Token)的发展,出让代币所得的HT将全部销毁


火币全球站现已支持USDT-TRC20 的充币和交易业务,并将支持波场TRON针对USDT-TRC20持有者的空投活动。


参与方式:在火币矿池锁仓任意USDT(USDT-Omni、USDT-ERC20或USDT-TRC20),且单笔锁仓量≥100 USDT(火币矿池每日锁仓总量上限为5000万USDT)

快照时间:新加坡时间每日08:00 am