你还别不信 这个币会取代比特币丨BlockTrain




你还别不信 这个币会取代比特币丨BlockTrain


Although XRP has faced significant price setbacks in 2019, at least it has something to boast about – more popularity than Bitcoin in California. According to data from Uphold’s Transparency Report, XRP is the most popular cryptocurrency in the American state of California with most transfers going to Brazil, Venezuela and the American states of Colorado and Florida.

XRP is the cryptocurrency used for liquidity when funds transfer is carried out using Ripple’s cross-border payment service. This service has gotten significant popularity and its customer base expanding rapidly. It is therefore natural for XRP to become more popular and probably more so than Bitcoin.




你还别不信 这个币会取代比特币丨BlockTrain


A survey of 2,000 Germans conducted by Coincierge.de has revealed that 27% of young adults believe that Bitcoin will more than double in value in 2 years.

Coincierge.de surveyed 2,054 German adults to gauge their attitudes towards Bitcoin. At the time of the poll, the Bitcoin price was EUR 4,446.

The results reveal that 15% of Germans believe Bitcoin will more than double in value to EUR 10,000+, while 25% believe it will at least halve in value, while:

26% believe it will halve or be worth nothing;

15% believe it will double or more in value;

3% believe it will be worth more than EUR 20,000.

The analysis of the Bitcoin survey also highlights that most investors would prefer investments such as stocks or exchange-traded funds. People in the age group of 18-24 showed interest in selecting cryptocurrencies as their preferred investment type.




你还别不信 这个币会取代比特币丨BlockTrain

印度IT巨头Tech Mahindra宣布其区块链解决方案将保护3亿多手机用户免受非应邀商业通信(UCC)或垃圾电话的骚扰。据悉,Tech Mahindra去年根据印度电信监管局(TRAI)的规定和指导方针设计了区块链解决方案,使电信供应商能够防止未经授权访问用户数据。

Tech Mahindra Ltd on Thursday announced that its Blockchain solution is safeguarding over 300 million mobile subscribers from unsolicited commercial communication (UCC) or spam calls. Tech Mahindra last year designed the Blockchain solution in compliance with the regulations and guidelines of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) to enable telecom providers prevent unauthorised access of subscribers' data. Blockchain is expected to be a trillion-dollar market globally by 2030. 

"With the concerted and coordinated efforts by the Indian government and the industry backed by appropriate regulation, India can continue to sustain and enhance its leadership position in Blockchain technology,' Rajesh Dhuddu, Global Practice Leader, Blockchain, Tech Mahindra said in a statement. The company is betting big on Blockchain as part of its 'TechMNxt' charter, progressively investing in next-generation technologies to cater to the customer's evolving needs. "Tech Mahindra also demonstrates Blockchain capabilities in diverse sectors including telecom, manufacturing, hi-tech industries and financial services," said the company.




你还别不信 这个币会取代比特币丨BlockTrain

伦敦证券交易所(LSE)首席执行官Nikhil Rathi日前在接受CNBC采访时透露,在发行证券和结算交易等流程中可以使用区块链技术。但其也表示,虽然支持资本市场业务的竞争和创新,加密领域的一些“极端表现”依然需要“一点谨慎”。伦敦证交所表示一直在测试Nivaura在监管“沙箱”中的股票发行、入场和交易,但并未就测试最终是否会部署在真实市场环境中发表评论。

London’s more than 300-year-old stock exchange is one of the oldest in the world. Fast forward to the digital age, and it’s thinking about how it can deploy new technologies like the blockchain.

Nikhil Rathi, CEO of the London Stock Exchange, hinted that the blockchain — which records data across a distributed network of computers rather than a centralized server — could find some use in the U.K.’s stock market.

“You can certainly see distributed ledger technology having an application in the issuance process,” he told CNBC in an interview this week. “I can see that technology being used in settlement too.”

Rathi said that the exchange has noticed an “interesting array of different ideas” from rival venues, adding “we’ll see which ones gain market traction.”



Bitcoin Generation总裁: SEC单方面暂停股票交易是鲁莽行为

你还别不信 这个币会取代比特币丨BlockTrain

针对4月29日SEC要求Bitcoin Generation暂停证券交易一事,Bitcoin Generation总裁及CEO Deniz Hadjiev表示,公司和管理曾承诺将完全遵守SEC和任何其他监管机构的要求。公司将向SEC提供所其要求的信息,并随后要求恢复公司在场外交易市场上的股票交易。但同时,Deniz Hadjiev称,欢迎监管机构介入加密行业,但不接受在没有要求提供信息的情况下单方面决定暂停股票,这不仅鲁莽,而且对公司、股东和利益相关者是不公平的。

The company claims that the temporary trading suspension, in place from April 29 to May 10, came “without notice”. It has since hired Cutler Law Group, P.C. attorneys to compile an official response addressing the key concerns.

The reasons behind the swift and temporary ban and the information the SEC is seeking can be summed up in four points:

Questions over the validity of a bond that BTGN acquired from a UK-based entity

The total value of Bitcoin Generation’s outstanding common stock

Questions over the promotional material put out by the publically traded cryptocurrency exchange and its impact on the market

An extensive review of BTGN’s financial state.



4/29 –5/12

BNB 将在Bgogo交易所展开限价交易活动。所有持有BGGHP的用户(点此查看什么是BGGHP),可以参加知识测验活动,预计测验时间为5分钟。通过KYC并在知识测验中得分达到70分以上的用户可以参加BNB限价交易额度分配,共1000 ETH 等值BNB。详情如下:

知识测验时间:2019年4月29日14:00 – 2019年5月12日14:00 (UTC+8)









火币全球站(Huobi Global)将于新加坡时间5月9日正式开启火币优选通道极速版(Prime Lite)。

作为Huobi Prime的细分产品,通过Prime Lite上币的项目仍然需要满足全新区块链资产评价体系(Smartchain v2.0)的所有评分要求,也将同样获得火币旗下Global交易平台及全球本地合规法币交易平台、矿池、钱包、火信以及火币生态企业的赋能。

相比Huobi Prime,Prime Lite将具有以下特点:

1.     上币时间更灵活、周期更短

2.     出让代币份额的总量更灵活

3.     为支持HT(Huobi Token)的发展,出让代币所得的HT将全部销毁


火币全球站现已支持USDT-TRC20 的充币和交易业务,并将支持波场TRON针对USDT-TRC20持有者的空投活动。


参与方式:在火币矿池锁仓任意USDT(USDT-Omni、USDT-ERC20或USDT-TRC20),且单笔锁仓量≥100 USDT(火币矿池每日锁仓总量上限为5000万USDT)

快照时间:新加坡时间每日08:00 am



你还别不信 这个币会取代比特币丨BlockTrain

星期五 2019-05-03 19:16:26



你还别不信 这个币会取代比特币丨BlockTrain


Although XRP has faced significant price setbacks in 2019, at least it has something to boast about – more popularity than Bitcoin in California. According to data from Uphold’s Transparency Report, XRP is the most popular cryptocurrency in the American state of California with most transfers going to Brazil, Venezuela and the American states of Colorado and Florida.

XRP is the cryptocurrency used for liquidity when funds transfer is carried out using Ripple’s cross-border payment service. This service has gotten significant popularity and its customer base expanding rapidly. It is therefore natural for XRP to become more popular and probably more so than Bitcoin.




你还别不信 这个币会取代比特币丨BlockTrain


A survey of 2,000 Germans conducted by Coincierge.de has revealed that 27% of young adults believe that Bitcoin will more than double in value in 2 years.

Coincierge.de surveyed 2,054 German adults to gauge their attitudes towards Bitcoin. At the time of the poll, the Bitcoin price was EUR 4,446.

The results reveal that 15% of Germans believe Bitcoin will more than double in value to EUR 10,000+, while 25% believe it will at least halve in value, while:

26% believe it will halve or be worth nothing;

15% believe it will double or more in value;

3% believe it will be worth more than EUR 20,000.

The analysis of the Bitcoin survey also highlights that most investors would prefer investments such as stocks or exchange-traded funds. People in the age group of 18-24 showed interest in selecting cryptocurrencies as their preferred investment type.




你还别不信 这个币会取代比特币丨BlockTrain

印度IT巨头Tech Mahindra宣布其区块链解决方案将保护3亿多手机用户免受非应邀商业通信(UCC)或垃圾电话的骚扰。据悉,Tech Mahindra去年根据印度电信监管局(TRAI)的规定和指导方针设计了区块链解决方案,使电信供应商能够防止未经授权访问用户数据。

Tech Mahindra Ltd on Thursday announced that its Blockchain solution is safeguarding over 300 million mobile subscribers from unsolicited commercial communication (UCC) or spam calls. Tech Mahindra last year designed the Blockchain solution in compliance with the regulations and guidelines of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) to enable telecom providers prevent unauthorised access of subscribers' data. Blockchain is expected to be a trillion-dollar market globally by 2030. 

"With the concerted and coordinated efforts by the Indian government and the industry backed by appropriate regulation, India can continue to sustain and enhance its leadership position in Blockchain technology,' Rajesh Dhuddu, Global Practice Leader, Blockchain, Tech Mahindra said in a statement. The company is betting big on Blockchain as part of its 'TechMNxt' charter, progressively investing in next-generation technologies to cater to the customer's evolving needs. "Tech Mahindra also demonstrates Blockchain capabilities in diverse sectors including telecom, manufacturing, hi-tech industries and financial services," said the company.




你还别不信 这个币会取代比特币丨BlockTrain

伦敦证券交易所(LSE)首席执行官Nikhil Rathi日前在接受CNBC采访时透露,在发行证券和结算交易等流程中可以使用区块链技术。但其也表示,虽然支持资本市场业务的竞争和创新,加密领域的一些“极端表现”依然需要“一点谨慎”。伦敦证交所表示一直在测试Nivaura在监管“沙箱”中的股票发行、入场和交易,但并未就测试最终是否会部署在真实市场环境中发表评论。

London’s more than 300-year-old stock exchange is one of the oldest in the world. Fast forward to the digital age, and it’s thinking about how it can deploy new technologies like the blockchain.

Nikhil Rathi, CEO of the London Stock Exchange, hinted that the blockchain — which records data across a distributed network of computers rather than a centralized server — could find some use in the U.K.’s stock market.

“You can certainly see distributed ledger technology having an application in the issuance process,” he told CNBC in an interview this week. “I can see that technology being used in settlement too.”

Rathi said that the exchange has noticed an “interesting array of different ideas” from rival venues, adding “we’ll see which ones gain market traction.”



Bitcoin Generation总裁: SEC单方面暂停股票交易是鲁莽行为

你还别不信 这个币会取代比特币丨BlockTrain

针对4月29日SEC要求Bitcoin Generation暂停证券交易一事,Bitcoin Generation总裁及CEO Deniz Hadjiev表示,公司和管理曾承诺将完全遵守SEC和任何其他监管机构的要求。公司将向SEC提供所其要求的信息,并随后要求恢复公司在场外交易市场上的股票交易。但同时,Deniz Hadjiev称,欢迎监管机构介入加密行业,但不接受在没有要求提供信息的情况下单方面决定暂停股票,这不仅鲁莽,而且对公司、股东和利益相关者是不公平的。

The company claims that the temporary trading suspension, in place from April 29 to May 10, came “without notice”. It has since hired Cutler Law Group, P.C. attorneys to compile an official response addressing the key concerns.

The reasons behind the swift and temporary ban and the information the SEC is seeking can be summed up in four points:

Questions over the validity of a bond that BTGN acquired from a UK-based entity

The total value of Bitcoin Generation’s outstanding common stock

Questions over the promotional material put out by the publically traded cryptocurrency exchange and its impact on the market

An extensive review of BTGN’s financial state.



4/29 –5/12

BNB 将在Bgogo交易所展开限价交易活动。所有持有BGGHP的用户(点此查看什么是BGGHP),可以参加知识测验活动,预计测验时间为5分钟。通过KYC并在知识测验中得分达到70分以上的用户可以参加BNB限价交易额度分配,共1000 ETH 等值BNB。详情如下:

知识测验时间:2019年4月29日14:00 – 2019年5月12日14:00 (UTC+8)









火币全球站(Huobi Global)将于新加坡时间5月9日正式开启火币优选通道极速版(Prime Lite)。

作为Huobi Prime的细分产品,通过Prime Lite上币的项目仍然需要满足全新区块链资产评价体系(Smartchain v2.0)的所有评分要求,也将同样获得火币旗下Global交易平台及全球本地合规法币交易平台、矿池、钱包、火信以及火币生态企业的赋能。

相比Huobi Prime,Prime Lite将具有以下特点:

1.     上币时间更灵活、周期更短

2.     出让代币份额的总量更灵活

3.     为支持HT(Huobi Token)的发展,出让代币所得的HT将全部销毁


火币全球站现已支持USDT-TRC20 的充币和交易业务,并将支持波场TRON针对USDT-TRC20持有者的空投活动。


参与方式:在火币矿池锁仓任意USDT(USDT-Omni、USDT-ERC20或USDT-TRC20),且单笔锁仓量≥100 USDT(火币矿池每日锁仓总量上限为5000万USDT)

快照时间:新加坡时间每日08:00 am