利好 英国退欧将革命加密市场丨BlockTrain
波士顿联邦储备银行(Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)在一篇论文指出,如果区块链技术成为金融服务领域的一个重要组成部分,监管机构可能不得不开始在网络上设置“监管节点”,以恰当地监控该行业,防止未来发生经济危机,而这些节点的业务功能可能超出目前监管机构的职责范围。虽然美联储尚未对监管节点进行试验,以密切关注区块链网络上发生的情况,但其已开始在一份新的白皮书展开讨论。 波士顿联邦储备银行高级副总裁Jim Cunha指出,我们需要观察它(区块链技术)对系统或个别银行的风险,才能够改变关键资产流动的基本结构。这些风险与技术问题、市场弱点、流动性问题等有关。
If blockchain technology become a major part of the financial service scene, regulators may have to start putting "supervisory nodes" on networks in order to properly monitor the industry and prevent future economic crises, says a Federal Reserve Bank of Boston paper.
Blockchain technology gained prominence because of its use in support of Bitcoin, with much of its appeal centred on the ability to operate as a 'Wild West' outside of the existing financial system, notes Jim Cunha, SVP treasury and financial services at the Boston Fed.
But, a decade on, with practically every major financial institution in the world exploring how they can tap the blockchain, things have changed.
尽管英国退欧的计划导致欧元和英镑遭受重创,但大多数分析师预测,加密货币的价值将保持稳定甚至增长。 一些分析师认为,加密货币可以在世界范围内被采用,这可以帮助存在金融问题的国家稳定其经济。未来学家Thomas Frey声称加密货币可以取代这些法定货币。“到2030年,加密货币将取代大约25%的国家货币。”Frey预计将于今年晚些时候就此事与美联储进行谈话。
Although the UK parliament still seems to be in disarray regarding Brexit, when the UK does finally leave the European Union (EU) it could actually mean good news for cryptocurrencies. Changes to the regulation around how people can buy and sell Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are likely to be more progressive, according to a survey of analysts conducted by Cindicator. In fact, 62% said they think Brexit might increase cryptocurrency values, and 74% said they will consider adding cryptocurrency to their own portfolio of investments, while 44% believe the UK will take a more progressive view of the crypto market post-Brexit.
March saw the UK fail to leave the EU on the anticipated date of March 29th, as many waited with bated breath to see whether there would be a no-deal Brexit. Had this happened, it would have meant an end to trade between the UK and the EU with no alternatives in place. Markets responded to the news of a likely no deal Brexit, with the pound and the euro both looking shaky and unpredictable.
Bitcoin by contrast has enjoyed a 30% increase in its value recently, with some analysts citing Bitcoin as a viable alternative investment to fiat currencies like the pound or euro.
Bancor, a Zug, Switzerland-based company focused on developing a protocol for “the creation of smart tokens” which can be traded on a “decentralized exchange service,” has launched a platform that allows for “built-in convertibility” of cryptocurrencies “directly through” smart contracts issued on the network.
Bancor’s Liquid Tokens offer a new form of liquidity that could transform the way we tokenize digital items, ecosystems & more. The key is in the collateral.
As noted in a tweet storm, published on April 30th, 2019, from Bancor’s official Twitter account, Bancor’s liquid tokens aim to provide “a new form of liquidity that could transform the way we tokenize digital items” and their supporting ecosystems.
Fenergo, a leading provider of digital Client Lifecycle Management (CLM) solutions for financial institutions, today announces that it will be working with Bahrain's Electronic Network for Financial Transactions (BENEFIT) in designing and implementing the world's first national Know Your Customer (KYC) utility that incorporates blockchain technology. The utility platform will support sectors including retail and corporate banking, asset management as well as insurance and telecommunications in the future. Fenergo deployed the first phase of the eKYC implementation project in just four weeks.
Financial institutions that subscribe to BENEFIT can instantly complete KYC and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance procedures when onboarding new individual and corporate customers through the Fenergo-powered eKYC hub and rules engine utilising blockchain. The centralisation of customer data removes the need for duplicate requests for information, enabling financial institutions to onboard new customers and products swiftly and seamlessly. The elimination of manual processes reduces costs and improves operational efficiencies, ultimately optimising customer experiences.
安全公司Threat Stack近期发现,Shellbot恶意软件出现新变种,可通过网络传播,并关闭受感染计算机上的其他加密软件,从而使恶意软件释放出更多的处理能力,用于自己的加密操作。该研究称,此次行动的主要目标似乎是通过加密和在互联网上传播到其他系统来获取金钱收益。此前消息,美国网络安全公司JASK于2月5日发表一项研究报告称,恶意软件劫持大型企业设备挖掘门罗币并针对Linux用户。
When hackers want to make a quick buck, mining cryptocurrency seems to be the way to go.
New research out Wednesday by Boston-based security firm Threat Stack shared exclusively with TechCrunch reveals a new variant of the Shellbot malware is taking a leaf out of the other cryptocurrency mining by breaking into computers and using their resources to make money.
Shellbot, first written about by Jask in February, now uses an old but reliable SSH brute force technique to break into internet-connected Linux servers with weak passwords to infect a system and mine cryptocurrency.
新加坡时间2019年4月24日16:00—5月1日16:00期间,凡交易NULS的实名用户,活动期间累计交易量(买入量+卖出量且不含自成交)超过2,000 NULS的交易用户,均可获得20 NULS的代币奖励,40,000 NULS送完为止。
NULS/USDT交易地址: https://www.huobi.co/zh-cn/exchange/nuls_usdt/
4/29 –5/12
BNB 将在Bgogo交易所展开限价交易活动。所有持有BGGHP的用户(点此查看什么是BGGHP),可以参加知识测验活动,预计测验时间为5分钟。通过KYC并在知识测验中得分达到70分以上的用户可以参加BNB限价交易额度分配,共1000 ETH 等值BNB。详情如下:
知识测验时间:2019年4月29日14:00 – 2019年5月12日14:00 (UTC+8)
火币全球站(Huobi Global)将于新加坡时间5月9日正式开启火币优选通道极速版(Prime Lite)。
作为Huobi Prime的细分产品,通过Prime Lite上币的项目仍然需要满足全新区块链资产评价体系(Smartchain v2.0)的所有评分要求,也将同样获得火币旗下Global交易平台及全球本地合规法币交易平台、矿池、钱包、火信以及火币生态企业的赋能。
相比Huobi Prime,Prime Lite将具有以下特点:
1. 上币时间更灵活、周期更短
2. 出让代币份额的总量更灵活
3. 为支持HT(Huobi Token)的发展,出让代币所得的HT将全部销毁
火币全球站现已支持USDT-TRC20 的充币和交易业务,并将支持波场TRON针对USDT-TRC20持有者的空投活动。
参与方式:在火币矿池锁仓任意USDT(USDT-Omni、USDT-ERC20或USDT-TRC20),且单笔锁仓量≥100 USDT(火币矿池每日锁仓总量上限为5000万USDT)
快照时间:新加坡时间每日08:00 am