震惊 比特币暴露美国大选通俄证据丨BlockTrain

交易所项目上线消息 4月22日首期Bibox Orbit活动将于北京时间2019年4月22日开启!



首期Bibox Orbit活动将于北京时间2019年4月22日开启!






SKP 将在Bgogo交易所展开预售活动。所有持有BGGHP的用户(点此查看什么是BGGHP),可以参加SKP项目知识测验活动,预计测验时间为5分钟。通过KYC并参与测验的用户可以参加SKP预售额度分配,共1500 ETH 等值SKP。详情如下:

SKP项目知识测验时间:2019年4月19日14:00 – 2019年4月25日14:00 (UTC+8)

SKP Launchpad预售时间:2019年4月26日 14:00 - 2019年4月26日 20:00(UTC+8)

SKP/ETH交易对上线时间:2019年4月26日 20:00(UTC+8)


为庆祝火币全球首发IRISnet(IRIS),火币全球站和火币韩国站将于新加坡时间4月11日00:00 - 4月23日00:00期间推出《“空投、交易”赢三百万IRIS双重好礼!》活动。


活动时间:2019年4月17日上午8:00 - 2019年4月24日上午8:00(香港时间)

活动一:持仓瓜分 20,000 NAS

活动二:交易赢取 30,000 NAS


Bgogo Apollo(Launchpad)近期即将上线新的项目。

新项目将会是世界领先的Staking Computing平台,其日活跃用户达到200万人,预计将于4月23日发布。






Binance即将上线新的 Launchpad 项目- Matic Network(MATIC),并开启 BNB专场!


代币名称:Matic Token(MATIC)

Launchpad额度:1,900,000,000 MATIC(总量的19%)



震惊 比特币暴露美国大选通俄证据丨BlockTrain


The National University of Columbia is joining the global  blockchain consortium for science dubbed Bloxberg, Mauricio Tovar Gutiérrez, co-director of the research group at inTIColombia told Cointelegraph en Español on April 15.

Bloxberg is a blockchain initiative formed by 12 research organizations from 10 countries and led by the Max Planck Society, with the National University of Colombia to be the only institution from Latin America. The parties reportedly aim to establish an infrastructure that “broadens the scientific landscape of regionally and nationally governed blockchain networks to become the first truly globally maintained decentralized network by scientists for science.”

Tovar Gutiérrez revealed that the project is still in the pilot phase. Bloxberg will purportedly find its application in registering and publishing of scientific articles in order to eliminate intermediaries, as third party consultation and evaluation of works are usually cost intensive.




震惊 比特币暴露美国大选通俄证据丨BlockTrain


The EVRYTHNG platform has just gone ahead to announce their new expansion of their Blockchain Integration Hub, one that will be able to include the integration of the IOTA platform easily.

IOTA and @EVRYTHNG announce collaboration to make product supply chains transparent and help consumers assess the authenticity and sustainability of the products they purchase. With the partnership that the companies have gotten into the consumer’s products will have an effortless way in which they will be able to test, deploy the necessary IoT applications and scale their businesses, all this to ensure they are still delivering provenance and the needed transparency to their respective customers.

The system will provide all this has been made possible while still sharing the real-time data between the partners within the supply chain.




震惊 比特币暴露美国大选通俄证据丨BlockTrain

特别检察官罗伯特·穆勒(Robert Mueller)在有关“通俄门”调查的最新报告中指出,俄罗斯曾通过使用比特币在美国本土租赁服务器,以避免留下曾介入美国2016年总统大选的证据。

Some elements of special counsel Robert Mueller's report are inherently open to interpretation. Still, Mueller has proved at least one thing beyond all reasonable doubt: Vladimir Putin's Russia remains an ardent adversary of the United States.

Enter the Mueller report's repeated referencing of the GRU, Russia's primary military intelligence service. Mueller notes that the GRU and its facilitators, or cutouts, engaged in a highly aggressive effort to disrupt the 2016 presidential election. This involved leasing servers on the U.S. mainland, using bitcoin currency in an effort to avoid evidence of Russian culpability, and employing various technical intelligence tools. These were then weaponized to access the private communications of U.S. politicians, activists, private citizens, and state and local government agencies. The GRU then released that information through intermediaries such as Wikileaks and Guccifer 2.0.




震惊 比特币暴露美国大选通俄证据丨BlockTrain

Galaxy Digital创始人Michael Novogratz最近表示,尽管比特币的价格仍继续从高点下跌,但目前是投资比特币的好时机。他认为加密行业已经表现出努力朝着“正确的方向”迈进,并且已经准备好创建一个更加规范和透明的市场,这对投资者来说更加安全。Novogratz称,币安等公司和其他几家重要公司正在努力创造一个更好的加密空间并防止洗钱。这使得新的机构投资者对投资加密市场更感兴趣,加密市场现在正变得更加稳定和值得信赖。

The founder of the Galaxy Digital fund, Michael Novogratz, has recently talked about how he has become much more bullish on Bitcoin this year. According to him, despite the prices still being down from the peak, this is a great time to invest in BTC.

He has affirmed that the crypto industry has shown efforts to move in the “right direction” now and that it is ready to create a more regulated and transparent market, which will be more secure to investors.

According to him, companies like Binance and several other important ones are making an important effort to create a better crypto space and to prevent money laundering. This has made the new institutional investors more interested in investing in this market, which is now getting more stable and trustworthy.




震惊 比特币暴露美国大选通俄证据丨BlockTrain

美国2020年总统选举的候选人Andrew Yang发布了针对加密资产的新政策声明,阐述了其对加密货币的政策立场,呼吁为加密资产推出“明确的指导方针”。Yang在政策声明中表示,作为总统,他将促进立法,为加密货币/数字资产的市场空间提供清晰度。定义什么是代币,在什么情况下是证券,明确加密货币相关的税务影响,定义哪些联邦机构对加密资产空间有监管权力等。在可能的情况下,制定一个国家框架,以制定一个国家法规。

Andrew Yang, one of a number of candidates looking to take on U.S. president Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, has released a new policy statement for crypto-assets.

In the statement, Yang — who is currently vying for the Democratic Party nomination among a crowded field of candidates — indicated his goal to “create clear guidelines in the digital asset world so that businesses and individuals can invest and innovate in the area without fear of a regulatory shift.” With the move, Yang becomes the first 2020 presidential hopeful to stake out a specific position on cryptocurrency policy.

Yang cited three problem areas that, in his view, need addressing: “Cryptocurrency and digital asset markets have developed faster than regulations can keep up….Several states have conflicting and varying regulations on digital asset markets….[and] Uncertainty in what regulatory framework will develop is causing US investment in the area to lag behind the investment of other countries.”

“It’s time for the federal government to create clear guidelines as to how cryptocurrencies/digital asset markets will be treated and regulated so that investment can proceed with all relevant information,” the statement reads.




震惊 比特币暴露美国大选通俄证据丨BlockTrain

星期五 2019-04-19 18:11:27



首期Bibox Orbit活动将于北京时间2019年4月22日开启!






SKP 将在Bgogo交易所展开预售活动。所有持有BGGHP的用户(点此查看什么是BGGHP),可以参加SKP项目知识测验活动,预计测验时间为5分钟。通过KYC并参与测验的用户可以参加SKP预售额度分配,共1500 ETH 等值SKP。详情如下:

SKP项目知识测验时间:2019年4月19日14:00 – 2019年4月25日14:00 (UTC+8)

SKP Launchpad预售时间:2019年4月26日 14:00 - 2019年4月26日 20:00(UTC+8)

SKP/ETH交易对上线时间:2019年4月26日 20:00(UTC+8)


为庆祝火币全球首发IRISnet(IRIS),火币全球站和火币韩国站将于新加坡时间4月11日00:00 - 4月23日00:00期间推出《“空投、交易”赢三百万IRIS双重好礼!》活动。


活动时间:2019年4月17日上午8:00 - 2019年4月24日上午8:00(香港时间)

活动一:持仓瓜分 20,000 NAS

活动二:交易赢取 30,000 NAS


Bgogo Apollo(Launchpad)近期即将上线新的项目。

新项目将会是世界领先的Staking Computing平台,其日活跃用户达到200万人,预计将于4月23日发布。






Binance即将上线新的 Launchpad 项目- Matic Network(MATIC),并开启 BNB专场!


代币名称:Matic Token(MATIC)

Launchpad额度:1,900,000,000 MATIC(总量的19%)



震惊 比特币暴露美国大选通俄证据丨BlockTrain


The National University of Columbia is joining the global  blockchain consortium for science dubbed Bloxberg, Mauricio Tovar Gutiérrez, co-director of the research group at inTIColombia told Cointelegraph en Español on April 15.

Bloxberg is a blockchain initiative formed by 12 research organizations from 10 countries and led by the Max Planck Society, with the National University of Colombia to be the only institution from Latin America. The parties reportedly aim to establish an infrastructure that “broadens the scientific landscape of regionally and nationally governed blockchain networks to become the first truly globally maintained decentralized network by scientists for science.”

Tovar Gutiérrez revealed that the project is still in the pilot phase. Bloxberg will purportedly find its application in registering and publishing of scientific articles in order to eliminate intermediaries, as third party consultation and evaluation of works are usually cost intensive.




震惊 比特币暴露美国大选通俄证据丨BlockTrain


The EVRYTHNG platform has just gone ahead to announce their new expansion of their Blockchain Integration Hub, one that will be able to include the integration of the IOTA platform easily.

IOTA and @EVRYTHNG announce collaboration to make product supply chains transparent and help consumers assess the authenticity and sustainability of the products they purchase. With the partnership that the companies have gotten into the consumer’s products will have an effortless way in which they will be able to test, deploy the necessary IoT applications and scale their businesses, all this to ensure they are still delivering provenance and the needed transparency to their respective customers.

The system will provide all this has been made possible while still sharing the real-time data between the partners within the supply chain.




震惊 比特币暴露美国大选通俄证据丨BlockTrain

特别检察官罗伯特·穆勒(Robert Mueller)在有关“通俄门”调查的最新报告中指出,俄罗斯曾通过使用比特币在美国本土租赁服务器,以避免留下曾介入美国2016年总统大选的证据。

Some elements of special counsel Robert Mueller's report are inherently open to interpretation. Still, Mueller has proved at least one thing beyond all reasonable doubt: Vladimir Putin's Russia remains an ardent adversary of the United States.

Enter the Mueller report's repeated referencing of the GRU, Russia's primary military intelligence service. Mueller notes that the GRU and its facilitators, or cutouts, engaged in a highly aggressive effort to disrupt the 2016 presidential election. This involved leasing servers on the U.S. mainland, using bitcoin currency in an effort to avoid evidence of Russian culpability, and employing various technical intelligence tools. These were then weaponized to access the private communications of U.S. politicians, activists, private citizens, and state and local government agencies. The GRU then released that information through intermediaries such as Wikileaks and Guccifer 2.0.




震惊 比特币暴露美国大选通俄证据丨BlockTrain

Galaxy Digital创始人Michael Novogratz最近表示,尽管比特币的价格仍继续从高点下跌,但目前是投资比特币的好时机。他认为加密行业已经表现出努力朝着“正确的方向”迈进,并且已经准备好创建一个更加规范和透明的市场,这对投资者来说更加安全。Novogratz称,币安等公司和其他几家重要公司正在努力创造一个更好的加密空间并防止洗钱。这使得新的机构投资者对投资加密市场更感兴趣,加密市场现在正变得更加稳定和值得信赖。

The founder of the Galaxy Digital fund, Michael Novogratz, has recently talked about how he has become much more bullish on Bitcoin this year. According to him, despite the prices still being down from the peak, this is a great time to invest in BTC.

He has affirmed that the crypto industry has shown efforts to move in the “right direction” now and that it is ready to create a more regulated and transparent market, which will be more secure to investors.

According to him, companies like Binance and several other important ones are making an important effort to create a better crypto space and to prevent money laundering. This has made the new institutional investors more interested in investing in this market, which is now getting more stable and trustworthy.




震惊 比特币暴露美国大选通俄证据丨BlockTrain

美国2020年总统选举的候选人Andrew Yang发布了针对加密资产的新政策声明,阐述了其对加密货币的政策立场,呼吁为加密资产推出“明确的指导方针”。Yang在政策声明中表示,作为总统,他将促进立法,为加密货币/数字资产的市场空间提供清晰度。定义什么是代币,在什么情况下是证券,明确加密货币相关的税务影响,定义哪些联邦机构对加密资产空间有监管权力等。在可能的情况下,制定一个国家框架,以制定一个国家法规。

Andrew Yang, one of a number of candidates looking to take on U.S. president Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, has released a new policy statement for crypto-assets.

In the statement, Yang — who is currently vying for the Democratic Party nomination among a crowded field of candidates — indicated his goal to “create clear guidelines in the digital asset world so that businesses and individuals can invest and innovate in the area without fear of a regulatory shift.” With the move, Yang becomes the first 2020 presidential hopeful to stake out a specific position on cryptocurrency policy.

Yang cited three problem areas that, in his view, need addressing: “Cryptocurrency and digital asset markets have developed faster than regulations can keep up….Several states have conflicting and varying regulations on digital asset markets….[and] Uncertainty in what regulatory framework will develop is causing US investment in the area to lag behind the investment of other countries.”

“It’s time for the federal government to create clear guidelines as to how cryptocurrencies/digital asset markets will be treated and regulated so that investment can proceed with all relevant information,” the statement reads.
