重磅 这三个国家将发行比特币债券丨BlockTrain

交易所项目上线消息 4月18日Binance将于2019年04月18日中午12:00(香港时间)上线 ENJ/USDT 交易市场,邀您体验!



Binance将于2019年04月18日中午12:00(香港时间)上线 ENJ/USDT 交易市场,邀您体验!




为庆祝火币全球首发IRISnet(IRIS),火币全球站和火币韩国站将于新加坡时间4月11日00:00 - 4月23日00:00期间推出《“空投、交易”赢三百万IRIS双重好礼!》活动。


活动时间:2019年4月17日上午8:00 - 2019年4月24日上午8:00(香港时间)

活动一:持仓瓜分 20,000 NAS

活动二:交易赢取 30,000 NAS


Bgogo Apollo(Launchpad)近期即将上线新的项目。

新项目将会是世界领先的Staking Computing平台,其日活跃用户达到200万人,预计将于4月23日发布。






Binance即将上线新的 Launchpad 项目- Matic Network(MATIC),并开启 BNB专场!


代币名称:Matic Token(MATIC)

Launchpad额度:1,900,000,000 MATIC(总量的19%)



重磅 这三个国家将发行比特币债券丨BlockTrain


The governments of at least three countries have formally acknowledged their interest in issuing a sovereign Bitcoin bond to raise capital.

Asia Times originally reported the trend April 17 referencing recent statements at this week’s World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) Spring Meetings held in Washington DC.

Afghanistan, Tunisia and Uzbekistan are currently mulling the possibility of a Bitcoin bond, all three interested in the instrument’s potential to help out critical sectors of the economy.

For Afghanistan, a bond could be tied to metals, specifically the country’s $3 trillion lithium industry. Despite being set for expansion due to a shortage of lithium, Afghanistan remains stifled when it comes to borrowing due to international restrictions. 

The answer, Asia Times paraphrases Central Bank of Afghanistan governor Khalil Sediq as saying, lies in crypto solutions such as Hyperledger Fabric.




重磅 这三个国家将发行比特币债券丨BlockTrain

Coingeek创始人Calvin Ayre发布了有关BSV未来路线图的文章,称计划于7月24日进行名为Quasar的协议升级,将主要集中于扩容。在协议级别,此升级计划的唯一更改是提升默认区块大小上限。在与比特币协会(BSV项目的所有者)协商后,计划于7月将默认值设为2GB。此外,第二次也是更重要的升级计划于2020年2月4日进行,包括一组协议恢复更改,将几乎完全返回到原始协议,因此将代号定为“Genesis”(创世纪)。

It’s been an interesting few days but the work continues…

When the Bitcoin SV project began last August we published a roadmap up to Q2 this year.  It’s time we updated it.  There’s only one item on our published roadmap which hasn’t yet been addressed.  All the others are either complete or significantly progressed.  That item is parallel block validation which was simply deprioritised in favour of other scaling enhancements that offer a bigger ROI in the short term.

In this post we want to give a high level outline of our roadmap going forward including proposing two protocol upgrade dates.  It is broadly broken into the categories of scaling and protocol restoration.




重磅 这三个国家将发行比特币债券丨BlockTrain

著名的加密货币分析师、投资者和交易员Crypto Rand做出了一个大胆的预测,即XRP可能会在本周结束前达到300美元。这与目前的XRP价格相比将增长近1000%。Crypto Rand的预测基于Bitfinex的增长图表。随着市场开始在4月16日晚些时候复苏,XRP在一小时内从0.32美元急剧上涨至0.34美元。

The issue of Binance delisting Bitcoin SV (BSV) and the Craig Wright controversy has flooded the media in the last few days, and the crypto community has been polarised on the subject. Jimmy Song, a notable figure in the industry has also voiced his thoughts on the matter.

In a tweet on 17 April, Song said delisting coins for personal reasons may bring immediate gratification but has long term, negative impacts on the ecosystem. In his opinion, this action gives the impression that exchanges can do and undo, which is not true.

Although Binance cited incompetence as its motive for delisting BSV, it is quite obvious that it was in a bid to hit back at Craig Wright, the creator of the coin. This makes it a personal fight rather than a decision taken to better the experience of users on the platform and is therefore bad for the crypto space.




重磅 这三个国家将发行比特币债券丨BlockTrain

在今年世界银行集团和国际货币基金组织(IMF)举行的联合春季会议期间,央行数字货币(CBDCs)占据了显着位置。在题为“CBDC:中央银行应该发行数字货币吗?”的小组讨论中,瑞典央行副行长Cecilia Skingsley透露,瑞典央行在未来十年内发行自己的数字货币e-krona的可能性超过50%。加拿大央行副行长Timothy Lane阐述了发行CBDC的成本和收益,风险和机遇。他认为发行CBDC的主要动机的一部分是,公众必须确信这是他们想要持有的东西。

Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) featured prominently when global financial leaders met for this year’s World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund (IMF) joint Spring Meetings in the United States. Faced with emerging disruptive technologies like Bitcoin, their discussions also focused on how money and payments are taking on new forms throughout the world. There wasn’t any determined conclusion to the debates, but the IMF’s Christine Lagarde admitted that cryptocurrencies have shaken the established global financial order.

It is not surprising that CBDCs continue to be a topic of interest at the Spring Meetings, held this year in Washington D.C. from April 8-12. Lagarde, the managing director of the IMF, has in the past urged central banks to consider issuing digital currency to make transactions more secure. She argues that state-backed cryptocurrencies could satisfy public policy goals related to financial inclusion, consumer protection, privacy and fraud prevention.




重磅 这三个国家将发行比特币债券丨BlockTrain


The lack of standard global terminology for crypto assets is a major impediment for the adoption of clear regulatory policies in the industry, according to a study by the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF) released on April 16.

According to the report, a variety of major terms in the crypto industry is often used interchangeably and without a clear definition, which hampers global regulatory response.

Conducted with support from the Nomura Research Institute (NRI), the research provides a detailed analysis of the regulatory landscape on crypto asset activities in 23 jurisdictions. The research data was collected mainly through desktop research from November 2018 to early February 2019, the report notes.




重磅 这三个国家将发行比特币债券丨BlockTrain

星期四 2019-04-18 17:26:01



Binance将于2019年04月18日中午12:00(香港时间)上线 ENJ/USDT 交易市场,邀您体验!




为庆祝火币全球首发IRISnet(IRIS),火币全球站和火币韩国站将于新加坡时间4月11日00:00 - 4月23日00:00期间推出《“空投、交易”赢三百万IRIS双重好礼!》活动。


活动时间:2019年4月17日上午8:00 - 2019年4月24日上午8:00(香港时间)

活动一:持仓瓜分 20,000 NAS

活动二:交易赢取 30,000 NAS


Bgogo Apollo(Launchpad)近期即将上线新的项目。

新项目将会是世界领先的Staking Computing平台,其日活跃用户达到200万人,预计将于4月23日发布。






Binance即将上线新的 Launchpad 项目- Matic Network(MATIC),并开启 BNB专场!


代币名称:Matic Token(MATIC)

Launchpad额度:1,900,000,000 MATIC(总量的19%)



重磅 这三个国家将发行比特币债券丨BlockTrain


The governments of at least three countries have formally acknowledged their interest in issuing a sovereign Bitcoin bond to raise capital.

Asia Times originally reported the trend April 17 referencing recent statements at this week’s World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) Spring Meetings held in Washington DC.

Afghanistan, Tunisia and Uzbekistan are currently mulling the possibility of a Bitcoin bond, all three interested in the instrument’s potential to help out critical sectors of the economy.

For Afghanistan, a bond could be tied to metals, specifically the country’s $3 trillion lithium industry. Despite being set for expansion due to a shortage of lithium, Afghanistan remains stifled when it comes to borrowing due to international restrictions. 

The answer, Asia Times paraphrases Central Bank of Afghanistan governor Khalil Sediq as saying, lies in crypto solutions such as Hyperledger Fabric.




重磅 这三个国家将发行比特币债券丨BlockTrain

Coingeek创始人Calvin Ayre发布了有关BSV未来路线图的文章,称计划于7月24日进行名为Quasar的协议升级,将主要集中于扩容。在协议级别,此升级计划的唯一更改是提升默认区块大小上限。在与比特币协会(BSV项目的所有者)协商后,计划于7月将默认值设为2GB。此外,第二次也是更重要的升级计划于2020年2月4日进行,包括一组协议恢复更改,将几乎完全返回到原始协议,因此将代号定为“Genesis”(创世纪)。

It’s been an interesting few days but the work continues…

When the Bitcoin SV project began last August we published a roadmap up to Q2 this year.  It’s time we updated it.  There’s only one item on our published roadmap which hasn’t yet been addressed.  All the others are either complete or significantly progressed.  That item is parallel block validation which was simply deprioritised in favour of other scaling enhancements that offer a bigger ROI in the short term.

In this post we want to give a high level outline of our roadmap going forward including proposing two protocol upgrade dates.  It is broadly broken into the categories of scaling and protocol restoration.




重磅 这三个国家将发行比特币债券丨BlockTrain

著名的加密货币分析师、投资者和交易员Crypto Rand做出了一个大胆的预测,即XRP可能会在本周结束前达到300美元。这与目前的XRP价格相比将增长近1000%。Crypto Rand的预测基于Bitfinex的增长图表。随着市场开始在4月16日晚些时候复苏,XRP在一小时内从0.32美元急剧上涨至0.34美元。

The issue of Binance delisting Bitcoin SV (BSV) and the Craig Wright controversy has flooded the media in the last few days, and the crypto community has been polarised on the subject. Jimmy Song, a notable figure in the industry has also voiced his thoughts on the matter.

In a tweet on 17 April, Song said delisting coins for personal reasons may bring immediate gratification but has long term, negative impacts on the ecosystem. In his opinion, this action gives the impression that exchanges can do and undo, which is not true.

Although Binance cited incompetence as its motive for delisting BSV, it is quite obvious that it was in a bid to hit back at Craig Wright, the creator of the coin. This makes it a personal fight rather than a decision taken to better the experience of users on the platform and is therefore bad for the crypto space.




重磅 这三个国家将发行比特币债券丨BlockTrain

在今年世界银行集团和国际货币基金组织(IMF)举行的联合春季会议期间,央行数字货币(CBDCs)占据了显着位置。在题为“CBDC:中央银行应该发行数字货币吗?”的小组讨论中,瑞典央行副行长Cecilia Skingsley透露,瑞典央行在未来十年内发行自己的数字货币e-krona的可能性超过50%。加拿大央行副行长Timothy Lane阐述了发行CBDC的成本和收益,风险和机遇。他认为发行CBDC的主要动机的一部分是,公众必须确信这是他们想要持有的东西。

Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) featured prominently when global financial leaders met for this year’s World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund (IMF) joint Spring Meetings in the United States. Faced with emerging disruptive technologies like Bitcoin, their discussions also focused on how money and payments are taking on new forms throughout the world. There wasn’t any determined conclusion to the debates, but the IMF’s Christine Lagarde admitted that cryptocurrencies have shaken the established global financial order.

It is not surprising that CBDCs continue to be a topic of interest at the Spring Meetings, held this year in Washington D.C. from April 8-12. Lagarde, the managing director of the IMF, has in the past urged central banks to consider issuing digital currency to make transactions more secure. She argues that state-backed cryptocurrencies could satisfy public policy goals related to financial inclusion, consumer protection, privacy and fraud prevention.




重磅 这三个国家将发行比特币债券丨BlockTrain


The lack of standard global terminology for crypto assets is a major impediment for the adoption of clear regulatory policies in the industry, according to a study by the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF) released on April 16.

According to the report, a variety of major terms in the crypto industry is often used interchangeably and without a clear definition, which hampers global regulatory response.

Conducted with support from the Nomura Research Institute (NRI), the research provides a detailed analysis of the regulatory landscape on crypto asset activities in 23 jurisdictions. The research data was collected mainly through desktop research from November 2018 to early February 2019, the report notes.
