写入刑法 该国是区块链技术最佳目的地丨BlockTrain







活动期间,凡在火币全球站参与DOGE交易的实名用户(交易量=买入量+卖出量且不含自成交),即可参与瓜分400万 DOGE。


Bgogo交易所将于4月12日上线 Apollo第二个项目Algorand 。Bgogo Apollo是对Algorand项目代币ALGO的限时限价出让,由项目社区的多个出让方共同参与的初始出让,出让方包含但不限于项目的早期用户及私募投资者等。


ALGO Launchpad 价格: 1 ALGO = 0.05 USDT (0.05 USDT 为Algorand私募价格,没有溢价)

ALGO Launchpad 支持支付币种: USDT

ALGO Launchpad额度:500,000 USDT 


Binance将于2019年04月10日中午12:00(香港时间)上线 THETA/USDT 交易市场





Binance即将上线新的 Launchpad 项目- Matic Network(MATIC),并开启 BNB专场!


代币名称:Matic Token(MATIC)

Launchpad额度:1,900,000,000 MATIC(总量的19%)



写入刑法 该国是区块链技术最佳目的地丨BlockTrain

密歇根州众议院投票通过了法案HB 4102,决定对密歇根州刑法典的各个部分提出修正案,规定将加密货币包括在与洗钱、贪污、信用卡欺诈和涉及刑事犯罪收益的金融交易有关的条款中。该立法还将加密货币定义为“数字货币,其中加密技术用于规范货币单位的生成并验证资金转移,并且独立于中央银行运作”。该法案已在众议院以108-1投票通过,这意味着该法案现在将提交密歇根州参议院进行进一步审议。

The Michigan House of Representatives has passed a bill, HB 4102, on April 9 that would include cryptocurrencies in criminal codes regarding illegal actions for financial gain.

Michigan lawmakers have voted to introduce amendments to various sections of the Michigan Penal Code, specifying that cryptocurrency would be included in provisions relating to money laundering, embezzlement, credit card fraud and financial transactions involving the proceeds of a criminal offense.

The legislation also prohibits the collection of cryptocurrency — or any currency — for the fighting, baiting or shooting of an animal.

State Rep. Ryan Berman told the Detroit News that the bill was inspired by a case of a dog-fighting ring, wherein the organizer was prosecuted, but not individual participants, as they placed their bets using cryptocurrency, which was not expressly prohibited under the law.




写入刑法 该国是区块链技术最佳目的地丨BlockTrain

德国区块链创业公司Next Big Thing AG(NBT)在由工业保险公司HDI Global SE通过Hannover Digital Invest领导的A轮投资中获得了1350万美元。参投的其他公司包括FinLab EOS VC Fund。据悉,NBT公司专注于物联网(IoT)和区块链技术。

Blockchain Company Builder NBT Receives $13.5 Million In Funding Round

The German blockchain startup Next Big Thing AG (NBT) was able to gather $13.5 million in a funding round. The firm focuses on the Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain technology. The information was released in a press release a few days ago.

NBT Raises $13.5 Million In Funding Round

The firm has recently announced that they completed a Series A investment round that was led by the industrial insurance company HDI Global SE through Hannover Digital Invest. Other firms that participated from the funding round included FinLab EOS VC Fund.

HDI Global decided to invest in NBT so as to support the development of IoT and blockchain technologies focusing on machine economy. The press release cites Thomas Kuhnt, a member of the board of management of HDI Global SE, mentioning that the firm is not only investing but also participating in the constant development of new projects with the intention to expand its knowledge. In this way, the firm is able to improve and create new solutions.




写入刑法 该国是区块链技术最佳目的地丨BlockTrain

SeekingAlpha市场研究员Victor Dergunov认为,现在是在为时已晚之前进入比特币市场的时候。他表示,“强大的反弹”和技术指标与之前的牛市相似。因此,他认为这很可能是比特币下一个牛市的开始。随着比特币越来越受欢迎,新牛的市峰值总是明显高于前一个牛市的峰值。目前只有约0.56%的潜在用户接触了比特币,这意味着近99.5%的潜在市场尚未开发。

Now is likely an excellent time to build exposure to Bitcoin as 99.5 percent of the potential market is still untapped, says market researcher Victor Dergunov.

Market researcher at SeekingAlpha, Victor Dergunov, believes now is the time to get into Bitcoin — before it’s too late.

After a 15-month long bear market, bitcoin is starting to show signs of bottoming. For one, the BTC/USD price today is trading over 40 percent higher compared to its mid-December yearly lows.

Therefore, Dergunov says now could be “an excellent time to build your exposure to bitcoin.” Particularly, after what he calls a “formidable rally” and technical similarities to previous bull-run setups. Therefore, he believes that:

…This is very likely only the beginning of Bitcoin’s next bull market.




写入刑法 该国是区块链技术最佳目的地丨BlockTrain

甲骨文(Oracle)区块链产品开发副总裁Frank Xiong在福布斯首席信息官峰会上表示,他预测未来几年,50%到60%的公司将使用区块链技术。目前甲骨文有超过100个客户使用其区块链平台来追踪物品。 Xiong认为,目前已经过了人们认为区块链可以解决一切的阶段,因此人们已在什么对其商业模式有好处方面变得更加现实。

The blockchain has become something of a buzzword over the past year or so, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a viable solution for many businesses. In fact, one expert believes the made-famous-by-Bitcoin technology will be used by upwards of 60 percent of companies. 

This projection comes from Oracle’s group vice president of blockchain product development, Frank Xiong, who told Forbes CIO Summit that he predicts “between 50% and 60% of companies will use blockchain in the next few years.”

Xiong knows what he’s talking about, too, since Oracle has more than 100 customers using its blockchain platform for the purpose of tracking items.

That said, the company vice president is also realistic in his assessment of the technology when he notes that it really isn’t the be-all-end-all solution for business. “We’re past the stage that blockchain can cure everything,” he told the American business magazine, “so people are becoming more realistic about what’s good for their business model.”




写入刑法 该国是区块链技术最佳目的地丨BlockTrain

美国国会议员Warren Davidson周二重新引入了“代币分类法”,旨在将代币排除在美国证券法之外。Davidson在一份声明中表示,该法案如果获得国会批准并签署成为法律,将向创新者发出“强烈信息”,即“美国是区块链技术的最佳目的地”。 据悉,该法案去年由议员Warren Davidson和Darren Soto首次提出,旨在使加密货币和其他数字资产免受联邦证券法的约束。

Lawmakers are making a fresh attempt to give cryptocurrencies a clearer legal standing in the U.S.

U.S. Representative Warren Davidson reintroduced the Token Taxonomy Act on Tuesday, saying in a statement that the bill, if approved by Congress and signed into law, would “send a powerful message” to innovators that “the U.S. is the best destination for blockchain technology.”

The bill, first introduced last year by Reps. Davidson and Darren Soto, seeks to exempt certain cryptocurrencies and other digital assets from federal securities laws, allowing individuals to more easily trade or transact with select coins.

The act would amend the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1940, granting regulators such as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) clarity on how they may enforce securities laws surrounding cryptocurrencies.

While the SEC has released staff-level guidance explaining how it might verify whether token sales are securities offerings, it remains unclear how cryptocurrencies that are not being used for fundraising might be classified.




写入刑法 该国是区块链技术最佳目的地丨BlockTrain

星期三 2019-04-10 18:19:01






活动期间,凡在火币全球站参与DOGE交易的实名用户(交易量=买入量+卖出量且不含自成交),即可参与瓜分400万 DOGE。


Bgogo交易所将于4月12日上线 Apollo第二个项目Algorand 。Bgogo Apollo是对Algorand项目代币ALGO的限时限价出让,由项目社区的多个出让方共同参与的初始出让,出让方包含但不限于项目的早期用户及私募投资者等。


ALGO Launchpad 价格: 1 ALGO = 0.05 USDT (0.05 USDT 为Algorand私募价格,没有溢价)

ALGO Launchpad 支持支付币种: USDT

ALGO Launchpad额度:500,000 USDT 


Binance将于2019年04月10日中午12:00(香港时间)上线 THETA/USDT 交易市场





Binance即将上线新的 Launchpad 项目- Matic Network(MATIC),并开启 BNB专场!


代币名称:Matic Token(MATIC)

Launchpad额度:1,900,000,000 MATIC(总量的19%)



写入刑法 该国是区块链技术最佳目的地丨BlockTrain

密歇根州众议院投票通过了法案HB 4102,决定对密歇根州刑法典的各个部分提出修正案,规定将加密货币包括在与洗钱、贪污、信用卡欺诈和涉及刑事犯罪收益的金融交易有关的条款中。该立法还将加密货币定义为“数字货币,其中加密技术用于规范货币单位的生成并验证资金转移,并且独立于中央银行运作”。该法案已在众议院以108-1投票通过,这意味着该法案现在将提交密歇根州参议院进行进一步审议。

The Michigan House of Representatives has passed a bill, HB 4102, on April 9 that would include cryptocurrencies in criminal codes regarding illegal actions for financial gain.

Michigan lawmakers have voted to introduce amendments to various sections of the Michigan Penal Code, specifying that cryptocurrency would be included in provisions relating to money laundering, embezzlement, credit card fraud and financial transactions involving the proceeds of a criminal offense.

The legislation also prohibits the collection of cryptocurrency — or any currency — for the fighting, baiting or shooting of an animal.

State Rep. Ryan Berman told the Detroit News that the bill was inspired by a case of a dog-fighting ring, wherein the organizer was prosecuted, but not individual participants, as they placed their bets using cryptocurrency, which was not expressly prohibited under the law.




写入刑法 该国是区块链技术最佳目的地丨BlockTrain

德国区块链创业公司Next Big Thing AG(NBT)在由工业保险公司HDI Global SE通过Hannover Digital Invest领导的A轮投资中获得了1350万美元。参投的其他公司包括FinLab EOS VC Fund。据悉,NBT公司专注于物联网(IoT)和区块链技术。

Blockchain Company Builder NBT Receives $13.5 Million In Funding Round

The German blockchain startup Next Big Thing AG (NBT) was able to gather $13.5 million in a funding round. The firm focuses on the Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain technology. The information was released in a press release a few days ago.

NBT Raises $13.5 Million In Funding Round

The firm has recently announced that they completed a Series A investment round that was led by the industrial insurance company HDI Global SE through Hannover Digital Invest. Other firms that participated from the funding round included FinLab EOS VC Fund.

HDI Global decided to invest in NBT so as to support the development of IoT and blockchain technologies focusing on machine economy. The press release cites Thomas Kuhnt, a member of the board of management of HDI Global SE, mentioning that the firm is not only investing but also participating in the constant development of new projects with the intention to expand its knowledge. In this way, the firm is able to improve and create new solutions.




写入刑法 该国是区块链技术最佳目的地丨BlockTrain

SeekingAlpha市场研究员Victor Dergunov认为,现在是在为时已晚之前进入比特币市场的时候。他表示,“强大的反弹”和技术指标与之前的牛市相似。因此,他认为这很可能是比特币下一个牛市的开始。随着比特币越来越受欢迎,新牛的市峰值总是明显高于前一个牛市的峰值。目前只有约0.56%的潜在用户接触了比特币,这意味着近99.5%的潜在市场尚未开发。

Now is likely an excellent time to build exposure to Bitcoin as 99.5 percent of the potential market is still untapped, says market researcher Victor Dergunov.

Market researcher at SeekingAlpha, Victor Dergunov, believes now is the time to get into Bitcoin — before it’s too late.

After a 15-month long bear market, bitcoin is starting to show signs of bottoming. For one, the BTC/USD price today is trading over 40 percent higher compared to its mid-December yearly lows.

Therefore, Dergunov says now could be “an excellent time to build your exposure to bitcoin.” Particularly, after what he calls a “formidable rally” and technical similarities to previous bull-run setups. Therefore, he believes that:

…This is very likely only the beginning of Bitcoin’s next bull market.




写入刑法 该国是区块链技术最佳目的地丨BlockTrain

甲骨文(Oracle)区块链产品开发副总裁Frank Xiong在福布斯首席信息官峰会上表示,他预测未来几年,50%到60%的公司将使用区块链技术。目前甲骨文有超过100个客户使用其区块链平台来追踪物品。 Xiong认为,目前已经过了人们认为区块链可以解决一切的阶段,因此人们已在什么对其商业模式有好处方面变得更加现实。

The blockchain has become something of a buzzword over the past year or so, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a viable solution for many businesses. In fact, one expert believes the made-famous-by-Bitcoin technology will be used by upwards of 60 percent of companies. 

This projection comes from Oracle’s group vice president of blockchain product development, Frank Xiong, who told Forbes CIO Summit that he predicts “between 50% and 60% of companies will use blockchain in the next few years.”

Xiong knows what he’s talking about, too, since Oracle has more than 100 customers using its blockchain platform for the purpose of tracking items.

That said, the company vice president is also realistic in his assessment of the technology when he notes that it really isn’t the be-all-end-all solution for business. “We’re past the stage that blockchain can cure everything,” he told the American business magazine, “so people are becoming more realistic about what’s good for their business model.”




写入刑法 该国是区块链技术最佳目的地丨BlockTrain

美国国会议员Warren Davidson周二重新引入了“代币分类法”,旨在将代币排除在美国证券法之外。Davidson在一份声明中表示,该法案如果获得国会批准并签署成为法律,将向创新者发出“强烈信息”,即“美国是区块链技术的最佳目的地”。 据悉,该法案去年由议员Warren Davidson和Darren Soto首次提出,旨在使加密货币和其他数字资产免受联邦证券法的约束。

Lawmakers are making a fresh attempt to give cryptocurrencies a clearer legal standing in the U.S.

U.S. Representative Warren Davidson reintroduced the Token Taxonomy Act on Tuesday, saying in a statement that the bill, if approved by Congress and signed into law, would “send a powerful message” to innovators that “the U.S. is the best destination for blockchain technology.”

The bill, first introduced last year by Reps. Davidson and Darren Soto, seeks to exempt certain cryptocurrencies and other digital assets from federal securities laws, allowing individuals to more easily trade or transact with select coins.

The act would amend the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1940, granting regulators such as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) clarity on how they may enforce securities laws surrounding cryptocurrencies.

While the SEC has released staff-level guidance explaining how it might verify whether token sales are securities offerings, it remains unclear how cryptocurrencies that are not being used for fundraising might be classified.
