SEC主席:ETH不是证券 俄央行:“不合格者”买币将受限丨BlockTrain
俄罗斯央行希望对那些想购买数字资产的所谓“不合格投资者”设定年度限额。根据当地媒体RBC获得的文件,俄央行希望修改目前的加密货币立法“数字金融资产”法案。俄罗斯国家杜马委员会主席Anatoly Aksako表示,这一门槛可能会设定在每年60万卢布(约合9100美元)左右,与众筹项目的年度投资上限相同。
The Central Bank of Russia wants to set an annual limit for so-called “unqualified investors” that want to purchase digital assets, local business media giant RBC reported on Tuesday, March 12.
According to the documents obtained by RBC, the bank wants to amend the current draft cryptobill, dubbed “On Digital Financial Assets,” which recently passed a second of three readings in Russia’s parliament, the State Duma.
The central bank’s paper recommends equating investor limits to the ones set in a draft bill on crowdfunding, which is also being reviewed by the Russian parliament. The head of the State Duma’s committee on financial markets Anatoly Aksakov told RBC that the threshold will likely be established at around 600,000 rubles (about $9,100) per year — the same as the yearly investmentlimit in crowdfunding projects.
机构级加密货币连接提供商Market Synergy宣布推出其基于云的虚拟专用服务器(VPS),可将经纪商、对冲基金和专业交易员连接到加密货币交易平台Bitfinex。根据发布声明,客户可以选择CPU、RAM和存储的组合以满足他们的要求,Market Synergy可提供所有VPS需求。
Market Synergy, an institutional cryptocurrency connectivity provider, announced this Tuesday that it has launched a cloud-based Virtual Private Server (VPS) which can connect brokers, hedge funds and professional traders to cryptocurrency trading platform Bitfinex.
According to the statement, clients will have the option to choose from a combination of central processing units (CPUs), RAM and storage to suit their requirements, with the Swiss-based connectivity firm providing all VPS requests.
美国加密货币管理公司Electirc Capital近日发布统计报告,统计了市值前百名的加密货币开发人数。报告显示,加密货币开发者人数近两年增加了一倍,由此可见加密货币市场价格和开发者的动向几乎没有关系。
We know that Bitcoin (BTC) is the largest cryptocurrency in the market and is also the most popular among investors.
However, it is not the one that has the largest number of core developers working on it. The second most valuable digital asset and blockchain network in the space, Ethereum(ETH), has more than twice as many core developers per month as Bitcoin.
Report Shows Ethereum Has a Large Number of Core Developers
According to a recent report released by Electric Capital, a few days ago, Etheruem has the most developers working on its protocol of all the cryptocurrencies in the market. However, the report does not include community project developers.
In this report, the company has fingerprinted around 20,000 code repositories and also 16 million commits. There are 216 developers that contribute to Ethereum every single month. This number does not include developers that work in other ecosystem projects such as Truffle.
美国证券交易委员会主席Jay Clayton最近在给美国众议院议员Ted Budd的信中正式确认,以太坊和其他类似的去中心化加密货币资产并非证券,即使它们最初是通过非法的证券发行出售的。
Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Jay Clayton has formally confirmed existing staff analysis that Ethereum and other similar decentralized cryptocurrency assets are not securities, even if they were initially sold through an illegal securities offering.
Clayton made this revelation in a letter sent to US House Rep. Ted Budd, who had requested that the SEC provide clarity on whether SEC Director of the Division of Corporate Finance William Hinman spoke for the agency when he said that Ethereum was not a security or was merely voicing his own opinion.
While Clayton did not reference Ethereum or any other cryptocurrency by name, he confirmed that he agrees with Hinman’s analysis of what crypto assets fall under the securities classification.
泰国证券交易委员会正在征求公众对加密货币的意见。该监管机构在一份新闻稿中表示:“泰国SEC正就‘数字资产业务的运营商和ICO门户网站向SEC提交数据的规则’征求公众意见。该提案旨在促进对数字资产业务的监控和监督,确保有一个清晰的理解和标准化的协议,并减少逐个提交数据的必要性。” 泰国SEC补充说,正在考虑起草具体的标准化格式编制和提交数据信息的规则草案。
Thailand’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is seeking public comments on the proposed rules for data submission by crypto business operators and initial coin offering (ICO) portals.
In May 2018, the Thai government issued a royal decree to regulate the local cryptocurrency markets. Under the law, domestic crypto exchanges, ICO operators, and independent crypto brokers and dealers are required to register with the SEC. Regarding ICOs, the mandate is applied to all token sales, including pre-ICO and private sales. To date, only four cryptocurrency businesses have been granted digital asset business licenses.
In a recent press release, the SEC announced that it is now aiming to promote a clear understanding and a standardized protocol for monitoring and supervision of crypto businesses, and to reduce the necessity for case-by-case data submission.
According to the SEC, cryptocurrency businesses deploy different data types and structures in their business operation, which is why the regulator is proposing draft rules related to preparation and submission of data and information according to specific, standardized formats to facilitate ICO portals, digital asset dealers, brokers and exchanges in this matter while reducing their data submission on a case-by-case basis.