
1、宏观新闻 瑞士电信与德意志交易所合作构建合规的金融市场基础设施!瑞士电信Swisscom与基础设施提供商德意志交易所集团和新加坡金融公司Sygnum已建立战略合作伙伴关系,为数字资产构建合规的金融市场基础设施。据悉,新举措将侧重于创建一个基于分布式分类账技术(DLT)的生态系统,涵盖合规数字资产发行以及托管解决方案。





Global market infrastructure provider Deutsche Borse Group, Swiss state-owned telecoms and ICT firm Swisscom, and Swiss and Singapore-based fintech company Sygnum have entered into a strategic partnership to build out a compliant financial market infrastructure for digital assets. The development was announced in a joint press release published on March 11.

The new initiative will reportedly focus on creating a distributed ledger technology (DLT)-based ecosystem to support the nascent tokenized economy, which, the partners contend, “has the potential to reshape global financial markets.”

The forthcoming ecosystem will reportedly span compliant digital asset issuance and custody solutions, as well as providing market participants with access to liquidity and banking services.





科技巨头IBM正在与区块链财团和信用联盟服务组织(CUSO) CULedger合作,为信用联盟行业开发新的基于区块链的解决方案。 IBM和CULedger将联合开发解决方案,使用许可式区块链网络为信用合作社创新现有的商业模式和流程。 这些解决方案可以改进诸如数字身份验证、了解客户合规性、借贷和支付服务以及其他需要身份验证的消费者流程等服务。

Tech giant IBM is partnering with blockchain consortium and credit union service organization (CUSO) CULedger to develop new blockchain-based solutions for the credit union industry. The development was announced in a press release shared with Cointelegraph on March 11.

IBM and CULedger will reportedly jointly pioneer solutions using permissioned blockchain networks that will innovate existing business models and processes for credit unions.

These solutions can reportedly improve services such as digital identity authentication, Know Your Customer compliance, lending and payments services, and other consumer processes that require authentication.



Facebook Coin将为Facebook带来190亿美元的收入?!


巴克莱互联网分析师Ross Sandler在一份报告中预测,如果加密货币计划成功,到2021年,“Facebook Coin”将为Facebook带来190亿美元的收入。据彭博社和《纽约时报》此前报道,Faceboo正在开发一种用于全球支付的加密货币,该货币将与传统货币的价值挂钩,并可通过WhatsApp使用。Facebook没有公开评论这些报道。

One Wall Street firm sees major upside for Facebook if its secretive cryptocurrency plan works out.

The social network is reportedly developing a cryptocurrency that could be part of a multibillion-dollar revenue opportunity, Barclays internet analyst Ross Sandler said in a note to clients Monday.

Sandler forecasted as much as $19 billion in additional revenue by 2021 from “Facebook Coin.” Conservatively, the firm sees a base-case of an incremental $3 billion in revenue from a successful cryptocurrency implementation.

“Merely establishing this revenue stream starts to change the story for Facebook shares in our view,” Sandler said.





在德国联邦议院财政委员会发起的公开听证会上,财政发言人Antje Tillmann和Matthias Hauer建议,该国的区块链战略应包括适当的加密货币交易和代币发行法律框架,以鼓励该行业的发展。听证会专门讨论了区块链技术作为金融和商业中心可以为德国提供的机会,集中讨论了该国区块链发展的当前和期望状态以及联邦政府迄今为止在该领域的举措。

German parliamentary speakers have argued that the country’s blockchain strategy should include an appropriate legal framework for cryptocurrency trading and token issuance that would encourage the sector’s domestic development.

The suggestion was put forward by the Union parties’ finance spokesperson Antje Tillmann and her colleague Matthias Hauer at a public hearing initiated by the Bundestag’s Finance Committee on March 11.

The hearing was exclusively devoted to the opportunities that blockchain technology can offer to Germany as a financial and business hub. It centered on the current and desired state of blockchain development in the country and the federal government’s initiatives in the sector to date.






The latest major cryptocurrency scam seems to be targeting Instagram users after reports have surfaced discussing how ‘high-end’ brands are being used to manipulate users into parting with their Bitcoin. These reports seem to stem from Sweden, where Swedish Law Enforcement officers have issued warnings to stop more Instagram users being scammed in the future. According to Forbes:

“Products from high-end brands like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, as well as consumer electronics like Apple, have recently been advertised for spot prices between 50 and 300 Euros primarily to the general public in Sweden. In order to finalise the purchase, individuals are being tricked into exchanging fiat currency to cryptocurrency. Once such currency a transfer has been completed, the Instagram seller vanishes with the money, and the luxury products are never delivered to the buyer. This has persisted, even though cases are being reported to the law enforcement authorities.”

The premise of this scam is that Instagram users are being tricked into buying very low price products from major retail brands, these products of course do not exist. In order to buy the products, the users are told that they need to swap FIAT currency for cryptocurrency, at this point, the scammer takes their crypto (possibly through a fake brokerage) and runs off with the money. It seems that this is being targeted at young people using Instagram and that the majority of those affected so far are under 25 years of age.






星期二 2019-03-12 14:58:04





Global market infrastructure provider Deutsche Borse Group, Swiss state-owned telecoms and ICT firm Swisscom, and Swiss and Singapore-based fintech company Sygnum have entered into a strategic partnership to build out a compliant financial market infrastructure for digital assets. The development was announced in a joint press release published on March 11.

The new initiative will reportedly focus on creating a distributed ledger technology (DLT)-based ecosystem to support the nascent tokenized economy, which, the partners contend, “has the potential to reshape global financial markets.”

The forthcoming ecosystem will reportedly span compliant digital asset issuance and custody solutions, as well as providing market participants with access to liquidity and banking services.





科技巨头IBM正在与区块链财团和信用联盟服务组织(CUSO) CULedger合作,为信用联盟行业开发新的基于区块链的解决方案。 IBM和CULedger将联合开发解决方案,使用许可式区块链网络为信用合作社创新现有的商业模式和流程。 这些解决方案可以改进诸如数字身份验证、了解客户合规性、借贷和支付服务以及其他需要身份验证的消费者流程等服务。

Tech giant IBM is partnering with blockchain consortium and credit union service organization (CUSO) CULedger to develop new blockchain-based solutions for the credit union industry. The development was announced in a press release shared with Cointelegraph on March 11.

IBM and CULedger will reportedly jointly pioneer solutions using permissioned blockchain networks that will innovate existing business models and processes for credit unions.

These solutions can reportedly improve services such as digital identity authentication, Know Your Customer compliance, lending and payments services, and other consumer processes that require authentication.



Facebook Coin将为Facebook带来190亿美元的收入?!


巴克莱互联网分析师Ross Sandler在一份报告中预测,如果加密货币计划成功,到2021年,“Facebook Coin”将为Facebook带来190亿美元的收入。据彭博社和《纽约时报》此前报道,Faceboo正在开发一种用于全球支付的加密货币,该货币将与传统货币的价值挂钩,并可通过WhatsApp使用。Facebook没有公开评论这些报道。

One Wall Street firm sees major upside for Facebook if its secretive cryptocurrency plan works out.

The social network is reportedly developing a cryptocurrency that could be part of a multibillion-dollar revenue opportunity, Barclays internet analyst Ross Sandler said in a note to clients Monday.

Sandler forecasted as much as $19 billion in additional revenue by 2021 from “Facebook Coin.” Conservatively, the firm sees a base-case of an incremental $3 billion in revenue from a successful cryptocurrency implementation.

“Merely establishing this revenue stream starts to change the story for Facebook shares in our view,” Sandler said.





在德国联邦议院财政委员会发起的公开听证会上,财政发言人Antje Tillmann和Matthias Hauer建议,该国的区块链战略应包括适当的加密货币交易和代币发行法律框架,以鼓励该行业的发展。听证会专门讨论了区块链技术作为金融和商业中心可以为德国提供的机会,集中讨论了该国区块链发展的当前和期望状态以及联邦政府迄今为止在该领域的举措。

German parliamentary speakers have argued that the country’s blockchain strategy should include an appropriate legal framework for cryptocurrency trading and token issuance that would encourage the sector’s domestic development.

The suggestion was put forward by the Union parties’ finance spokesperson Antje Tillmann and her colleague Matthias Hauer at a public hearing initiated by the Bundestag’s Finance Committee on March 11.

The hearing was exclusively devoted to the opportunities that blockchain technology can offer to Germany as a financial and business hub. It centered on the current and desired state of blockchain development in the country and the federal government’s initiatives in the sector to date.






The latest major cryptocurrency scam seems to be targeting Instagram users after reports have surfaced discussing how ‘high-end’ brands are being used to manipulate users into parting with their Bitcoin. These reports seem to stem from Sweden, where Swedish Law Enforcement officers have issued warnings to stop more Instagram users being scammed in the future. According to Forbes:

“Products from high-end brands like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, as well as consumer electronics like Apple, have recently been advertised for spot prices between 50 and 300 Euros primarily to the general public in Sweden. In order to finalise the purchase, individuals are being tricked into exchanging fiat currency to cryptocurrency. Once such currency a transfer has been completed, the Instagram seller vanishes with the money, and the luxury products are never delivered to the buyer. This has persisted, even though cases are being reported to the law enforcement authorities.”

The premise of this scam is that Instagram users are being tricked into buying very low price products from major retail brands, these products of course do not exist. In order to buy the products, the users are told that they need to swap FIAT currency for cryptocurrency, at this point, the scammer takes their crypto (possibly through a fake brokerage) and runs off with the money. It seems that this is being targeted at young people using Instagram and that the majority of those affected so far are under 25 years of age.

