仅靠无线电完成交易 比特币将成“流浪地球”唯一货币?




仅靠无线电完成交易 比特币将成“流浪地球”唯一货币?


Argentina and Paraguay have processed the first export using Bitcoin (BTC). A pest control seller in Argentina had to send goods to Paraguay and receive a payment of $7,100. Using the SWIFT network, this transaction would have a fixed cost between $120 and $150. This is something that does not help smaller exporters.

Using Bitcoin, it is possible to reduce transaction times and costs for exporters all around the world. In order to process the transaction, the buyer contacted Bitex and it processed the transfer using Bitcoin in just an hour. In this way, the cost of this operation was just 1% of the transaction, close to $71.

Clearly, this is a good option for smaller payments between borders that want to be processed fast and in an easy way. For transactions surpassing $15,000, it might be not so convenient to use this service.

The exporter receives the payment in Argentine pesos (ARS) or in Dollars (USD) rather than in Bitcoin, which is only used to process the payment. The buyer also pays using his local currency.



仅靠无线电完成交易 比特币将成“流浪地球”唯一货币?


The Italian Banking Association (ABI) is moving into the 'pre-production phase' for its blockchain-based interbank reconciliation project. 

The 'Spunta Project' is coordinated by ABI Lab, the banking research and innovation center promoted by the Italian Banking Association (ABI), together with technical partners NTT Data, Sia, and R3's Corda platform. So far, 18 banks, representing 78% of the Italian banking sector in terms of number of employees, are actively involved in the testing, selection and implementation of the technology.





仅靠无线电完成交易 比特币将成“流浪地球”唯一货币?

韩国釜山市已与区块链公司Hyundai Pay签署谅解备忘录,明确将Hyundai Pay总部迁至釜山的计划,以及创建必要的金融科技基础设施的计划。谅解备忘录还旨在通过“与相关初创企业共同成长,为本地信息通信技术产业的发展作出贡献”,振兴区块链产业。此前报道,韩国公布创建区块链中心计划,专注于“韩国的(加密)行业,具体地点即为釜山。

The South Korean city of Busan has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with blockchain company Hyundai Pay, according to a press release published on Feb. 12.

According to the announcement, South Korea’s second most populous city after Seoul and Hyundai Pay, a company that developed a blockchain platform and a cryptocurrency wallet, will cooperate in order to promote the growth of startups and jobs in Busan.

The MoU specifies plans to relocate the Hyundai Pay headquarters to Busan and to create needed fintech infrastructure.

The MoU also aims to revitalize the blockchain industry through “contribution to the development of local ICT [Information and communications technology] industry through mutual growth with related start-up businesses,” states the press release. An official of Busan City underlined:

“We are planning to expedite blockchain-based platforms and services and develop Busan into a Mecca for blockchain and Fintech through intimate integration with financial institutions in the future.”



仅靠无线电完成交易 比特币将成“流浪地球”唯一货币?

摩根大通前高管Etienne Amic已被任命为区块链大宗商品交易后平台Vakt的新任首席执行官。

Former JPMorgan Chase executive Etienne Amic has been appointed as new CEO at Vakt, a blockchain-based commodity post-trade platform, according to a press release shared with Cointelegraph on Feb. 13.

Having served as a managing director at both JPMorgan Chase and Mercuria Energy Trading S.A., Amic is expected to bring direct experience in commodities trading to the Vakt platform, which is designed to digitize physical commodities trading by cutting out paperwork.

The new Vakt CEO has most recently served as co-founder and chairman of Vortexa, a cargo and analytics firm specializing in global crude oil and refined products markets, and as founding partner at CommodiTech Ventures, a funder of innovative commodities technologies and business models.

In the press release, Amic said that he believes technology will fundamentally change the physical commodities market.




仅靠无线电完成交易 比特币将成“流浪地球”唯一货币?

比特币解决方案开发商CoinKite联合创始人Rodolfo Novak和OpenBazaar联合创始人Sam Patterson在推特上宣布,两人不借助互联网和卫星通讯,仅借助无线电通讯,已完成比特币转账交易。比特币先驱Nick Szabo对此表示,“不通过互联网或卫星,可以跨越国境发送比特币,仅仅需要的只是电离层。”

The experiment was nearly scuppered before it began, when nobody replied to Coinkite founder, Radolfo Novak’s call for BTC recipients. Although you’d have thought that perhaps the cross-over between HAM radio and bitcoin aficionados would be fairly high.

However, the next day a suitable candidate with a software-defined-radio (SDR – basically a computer pretending to be a radio) and antenna responded.

Using an application called JS8Call, designed for sending text strings over radio frequencies, and a pre-configured brain-wallet, Novak sent a bitcoin transaction all the way from Toronto, Canada to Michigan, USA.




仅靠无线电完成交易 比特币将成“流浪地球”唯一货币?


According to CoinMap, the number of shops and commerces accepting Bitcoin (BTC) around the world grew around 700% since December 2013. There are different countries that have registered a larger increase than others for different reasons. Some of them are Colombia or Venezuela.

The CEO of the digital asset management firm CoinShares, Ryan Radloff, highlighted that there was a dramatic surge in the number of venues that accept Bitcoin as a means of payment. On Twitter, he shared a heatmap comparing the number of venues accepting Bitcoin in 2013 and 2018.




仅靠无线电完成交易 比特币将成“流浪地球”唯一货币?

针对“Coinbase 钱包用户现在可以将加密货币私钥进行云存储”这一消息,Kraken首席执行官Jesse Powell发推表示,“我不喜欢对用户进行安全性差的培训。云存储虽然方便,但常遭到损害,尤其是在所有SIM端口。99%的人在无意中使用了这个密码,但其密码不足以经得住专业人士的破解。”

“I am not a fan of training users on bad security. Cloud storage, while convenient, is constantly compromised, especially with all the SIM porting. 99% chance the people who would unwittingly use this do not have passwords strong enough to withstand professional cracking.”




仅靠无线电完成交易 比特币将成“流浪地球”唯一货币?

以色列公民权利非政府组织Shurat HaDin(以色列法律中心)威胁称,若Coinbase继续允许巴勒斯坦恐怖组织哈马斯通过其平台筹款,将对其提起诉讼。

An Israeli civil rights NGO told Coinbase on Tuesday that it believes Hamas is using the cryptocurrency firm to raise funds.
“It has recently come to our attention that the notorious Palestinian terrorist group Hamas currently maintains an account with Coinbase, Inc. (“Coinbase”), through which it is accepting donations,” Shurat Hadin-Israel Law Center wrote to Coinbase, one of the largest cryptocurrency brokerages.





仅靠无线电完成交易 比特币将成“流浪地球”唯一货币?

星期四 2019-02-14 20:29:04



仅靠无线电完成交易 比特币将成“流浪地球”唯一货币?


Argentina and Paraguay have processed the first export using Bitcoin (BTC). A pest control seller in Argentina had to send goods to Paraguay and receive a payment of $7,100. Using the SWIFT network, this transaction would have a fixed cost between $120 and $150. This is something that does not help smaller exporters.

Using Bitcoin, it is possible to reduce transaction times and costs for exporters all around the world. In order to process the transaction, the buyer contacted Bitex and it processed the transfer using Bitcoin in just an hour. In this way, the cost of this operation was just 1% of the transaction, close to $71.

Clearly, this is a good option for smaller payments between borders that want to be processed fast and in an easy way. For transactions surpassing $15,000, it might be not so convenient to use this service.

The exporter receives the payment in Argentine pesos (ARS) or in Dollars (USD) rather than in Bitcoin, which is only used to process the payment. The buyer also pays using his local currency.



仅靠无线电完成交易 比特币将成“流浪地球”唯一货币?


The Italian Banking Association (ABI) is moving into the 'pre-production phase' for its blockchain-based interbank reconciliation project. 

The 'Spunta Project' is coordinated by ABI Lab, the banking research and innovation center promoted by the Italian Banking Association (ABI), together with technical partners NTT Data, Sia, and R3's Corda platform. So far, 18 banks, representing 78% of the Italian banking sector in terms of number of employees, are actively involved in the testing, selection and implementation of the technology.





仅靠无线电完成交易 比特币将成“流浪地球”唯一货币?

韩国釜山市已与区块链公司Hyundai Pay签署谅解备忘录,明确将Hyundai Pay总部迁至釜山的计划,以及创建必要的金融科技基础设施的计划。谅解备忘录还旨在通过“与相关初创企业共同成长,为本地信息通信技术产业的发展作出贡献”,振兴区块链产业。此前报道,韩国公布创建区块链中心计划,专注于“韩国的(加密)行业,具体地点即为釜山。

The South Korean city of Busan has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with blockchain company Hyundai Pay, according to a press release published on Feb. 12.

According to the announcement, South Korea’s second most populous city after Seoul and Hyundai Pay, a company that developed a blockchain platform and a cryptocurrency wallet, will cooperate in order to promote the growth of startups and jobs in Busan.

The MoU specifies plans to relocate the Hyundai Pay headquarters to Busan and to create needed fintech infrastructure.

The MoU also aims to revitalize the blockchain industry through “contribution to the development of local ICT [Information and communications technology] industry through mutual growth with related start-up businesses,” states the press release. An official of Busan City underlined:

“We are planning to expedite blockchain-based platforms and services and develop Busan into a Mecca for blockchain and Fintech through intimate integration with financial institutions in the future.”



仅靠无线电完成交易 比特币将成“流浪地球”唯一货币?

摩根大通前高管Etienne Amic已被任命为区块链大宗商品交易后平台Vakt的新任首席执行官。

Former JPMorgan Chase executive Etienne Amic has been appointed as new CEO at Vakt, a blockchain-based commodity post-trade platform, according to a press release shared with Cointelegraph on Feb. 13.

Having served as a managing director at both JPMorgan Chase and Mercuria Energy Trading S.A., Amic is expected to bring direct experience in commodities trading to the Vakt platform, which is designed to digitize physical commodities trading by cutting out paperwork.

The new Vakt CEO has most recently served as co-founder and chairman of Vortexa, a cargo and analytics firm specializing in global crude oil and refined products markets, and as founding partner at CommodiTech Ventures, a funder of innovative commodities technologies and business models.

In the press release, Amic said that he believes technology will fundamentally change the physical commodities market.




仅靠无线电完成交易 比特币将成“流浪地球”唯一货币?

比特币解决方案开发商CoinKite联合创始人Rodolfo Novak和OpenBazaar联合创始人Sam Patterson在推特上宣布,两人不借助互联网和卫星通讯,仅借助无线电通讯,已完成比特币转账交易。比特币先驱Nick Szabo对此表示,“不通过互联网或卫星,可以跨越国境发送比特币,仅仅需要的只是电离层。”

The experiment was nearly scuppered before it began, when nobody replied to Coinkite founder, Radolfo Novak’s call for BTC recipients. Although you’d have thought that perhaps the cross-over between HAM radio and bitcoin aficionados would be fairly high.

However, the next day a suitable candidate with a software-defined-radio (SDR – basically a computer pretending to be a radio) and antenna responded.

Using an application called JS8Call, designed for sending text strings over radio frequencies, and a pre-configured brain-wallet, Novak sent a bitcoin transaction all the way from Toronto, Canada to Michigan, USA.




仅靠无线电完成交易 比特币将成“流浪地球”唯一货币?


According to CoinMap, the number of shops and commerces accepting Bitcoin (BTC) around the world grew around 700% since December 2013. There are different countries that have registered a larger increase than others for different reasons. Some of them are Colombia or Venezuela.

The CEO of the digital asset management firm CoinShares, Ryan Radloff, highlighted that there was a dramatic surge in the number of venues that accept Bitcoin as a means of payment. On Twitter, he shared a heatmap comparing the number of venues accepting Bitcoin in 2013 and 2018.




仅靠无线电完成交易 比特币将成“流浪地球”唯一货币?

针对“Coinbase 钱包用户现在可以将加密货币私钥进行云存储”这一消息,Kraken首席执行官Jesse Powell发推表示,“我不喜欢对用户进行安全性差的培训。云存储虽然方便,但常遭到损害,尤其是在所有SIM端口。99%的人在无意中使用了这个密码,但其密码不足以经得住专业人士的破解。”

“I am not a fan of training users on bad security. Cloud storage, while convenient, is constantly compromised, especially with all the SIM porting. 99% chance the people who would unwittingly use this do not have passwords strong enough to withstand professional cracking.”




仅靠无线电完成交易 比特币将成“流浪地球”唯一货币?

以色列公民权利非政府组织Shurat HaDin(以色列法律中心)威胁称,若Coinbase继续允许巴勒斯坦恐怖组织哈马斯通过其平台筹款,将对其提起诉讼。

An Israeli civil rights NGO told Coinbase on Tuesday that it believes Hamas is using the cryptocurrency firm to raise funds.
“It has recently come to our attention that the notorious Palestinian terrorist group Hamas currently maintains an account with Coinbase, Inc. (“Coinbase”), through which it is accepting donations,” Shurat Hadin-Israel Law Center wrote to Coinbase, one of the largest cryptocurrency brokerages.

