
1、宏观新闻以太坊君士坦丁堡及彼得斯堡硬分叉将于2月25日进行!以太坊硬分叉协调员和Parity Technologies的发布经理Afri Schoedon在Reddit上表示,君士坦丁堡硬分叉预计将于2月25日UTC时间11:54:02启动。这次升级将与此前提出的不同,因为将在同一个区块上进行两个分叉,第一个是初始分叉君士坦丁堡,第二个是彼得斯堡(Petersburg)分叉。据此前报道,以太坊改进提案EIP1283可能会为攻击者提供窃取用户资金的代码漏洞。为避免这种情况发生,团队决定在同一区块进行两个硬分叉。第一个硬分叉将实现所提出的全部更改,而第二个硬分叉将禁用被发现问题的协议。




以太坊硬分叉协调员和Parity Technologies的发布经理Afri Schoedon在Reddit上表示,君士坦丁堡硬分叉预计将于2月25日UTC时间11:54:02启动。这次升级将与此前提出的不同,因为将在同一个区块上进行两个分叉,第一个是初始分叉君士坦丁堡,第二个是彼得斯堡(Petersburg)分叉。据此前报道,以太坊改进提案EIP1283可能会为攻击者提供窃取用户资金的代码漏洞。为避免这种情况发生,团队决定在同一区块进行两个硬分叉。第一个硬分叉将实现所提出的全部更改,而第二个硬分叉将禁用被发现问题的协议。

Ethereum [ETH], the third largest cryptocurrency in the space, seems to be all set for the Constantinople hard fork, for the third time. This time the upgrade is going to be different than the one proposed before as there will be two forks taking place on the same block, the first is the initial fork, Constantinople and the second is the Petersburg fork.

According to the latest announcement, the hard forks will be taking place around February 25, 2019, instead of Feb 27, 2019. The hard forks will occur on block #7,280,000 at the estimated time of 11:49:25 UTC.





全球支付处理公司Netpay International与以色列区块链公司BNC LedgerTech达成合作,将为客户提供基于区块链技术的服务。

Global payment processing firm Netpay International has partnered with BNC LedgerTech to provide blockchain-based services to its customers.

BNC LedgerTech is an Israeli blockchain firm behind the digital banking solution called ‘Ubanker’. Though the solution runs on blockchain technology, the company is using the existing remittance infrastructure in the banks such as SWIFT and SEPA to provide the proof-of-funds and security to maintain the standard KYC/AML requirements.




根据由投资公司CV VC与inacta合作的研究报告,截至2018年12月底,已有121家新公司在瑞士和列支敦士登的加密谷成立,加密公司的数量增长了20%。

With 750 companies as of the end of December 2018, Switzerland and Liechtenstein’s Crypto Valley has grown significantly in the past year with 121 new companies being established or a growth of 20% in the number of crypto companies, according to The Crypto Valley’s Top 50 Q1 2019 report released in January. 

The study, produced by investment company CV VC in collaboration with PwC Strategy & and IT partner inacta, provides an overview of the current state of Switzerland and Liechtenstein’s Crypto Valley, highlighting the rapid growth of the ecosystem despite the industry’s “crypto winter.” 

“Crypto winter,” as 2018’s severe market reversal has been nicknamed, has affected the valuation of blockchain companies, which saw the market valuation of the 50 largest blockchain ventures in the region plunge from US$44 billion to US$20 billion in the fourth quarter of 2018.


Switzerland and Liechtenstein’s Crypto Valley Sees Thriving Blockchain Ecosystem





In its latest report, BitMEX research tries to answer the question of “When is the next global financial crisis going to happen?” In this report, BitMEX argues that the epicenter of financial risk has shifted from banks to asset management industry; and a “repeat of 2008” that is retail banking deposits and payment systems being under threat is unlikely. The fragility is rather most significant in corporate debt investment funds and unconventional debt investment vehicles.

It attempts to address the issue of Bitcoin and crypto enthusiasts and investors asking about the next crisis that is driven with the assumption that it will occur every decade or so, will have a positive impact on Bitcoin price and will result in questioning the integrity of banking and electronic payment systems. For Bitcoin price, it argues, if Bitcoin “does respond well in the next crisis (when liquidity is constrained), that will be a huge positive for Bitcoin and the store of the value investment thesis.”




据Coin ATM Radar数据显示,自2016年以来,加密货币ATM几乎每年增加一倍。2013年底加拿大温哥华设置世界上第一台比特币ATM,一年后全球共有282台加密货币ATM。截至2019年1月1日,全球加密货币ATM数量为4128。

While the market as a whole has been in decline since the cryptocurrency boom of late 2017, the number of cryptocurrency ATMs around the globe has continued to increase.

Proponents of Bitcoin ATMs argue that they are an efficient way of letting the public engage with cryptocurrencies. According to findings from Coin ATM Radar, the number of cryptocurrency ATMs has doubled almost every year for the last four years.

To gauge motivators behind this growth, LongHash reached out for comment from two prominent cryptocurrency ATM operators — one in Japan and one which operates internationally.






泰国前总理他信·西那瓦(Thaksin Shinawatra)最近表示,由于热门的新兴数字货币,银行已经过时。他表示,互联网被称为信息的万维网,但区块链是世界范围内的价值分类账。他认为人们应该研究区块链技术。就像互联网一样迎来了新机遇并创造了百万富翁,加密区块链也可能会这样。

Thailand’s former prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, recently told his 2.3 million Facebook followers that banks are outdated due to hot new digital currencies.

More recently he expanded in a podcast to educate Thai people on what is blockchain. He said “the internet is called the World Wide Web of Information, but Blockchain is the World Wide Ledgers of Value.”

The billionaire told his followers to study blockchain technology because like the internet ushered in new opportunities and made millionaires, crypto blockchain might do too.




法院下令桑坦德重启Bitcoin Max银行账户!


巴西比特币交易所Bitcoin Max的账户首次被桑坦德银行关闭。由于法院已发出了强制令,桑坦德需要重新开放该交易所的账户。根据巴西央行决议,银行需要事先通过书面形式通知有意终止合同,以终止账户持有人的账户。桑坦德银行未能做到这一点,所以法院发出强制令要求桑坦德重新开放该交易所的账户。这并不是巴西监管机构对银行施加了压力,要求与这一新兴领域的公司合作。

Working with banks hasn’t been easy for cryptocurrency exchanges and blockchain startups in most parts of the world. And in what’s been an ongoing saga for Bitcoin Max, cryptocurrency exchanges everywhere are celebrating small victories. 

Bitcoin Max had its account closed for the first time back in August last year by Santander Bank. But the institution was forced to reopen the exchange’s accounts due to an injunction granted by the court.

In the first hearing, according to Portal do Bitcoin, Judge Ana Catarino denied the motion of Bitcoin Max to reopen its account, stating that it was up to the banking institution if it wished to deny services or not:

The closing of the account is a faculty of the banking institution, according to the norm established in article 10 of Resolution 2,025 / 93 of the Central Bank of Brazil.


Santander Bank Ordered to Keep Brazilian Bitcoin Exchange Account Open

CFTC 2019年审查优先权包括加密货币监管实践!


美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)宣布了该机构2019年对不同部门注册人的审查优先权。根据CFTC 2月12日上传的新闻稿,CFTC市场监管部门(DMO)的合规部门的2019年新审查优先权将包括加密货币监管实践。CFTC主席J. Christopher Giancarlo发表评论称,在过去几年中,加密货币市场一直在增长,监管机构需要为在该市场上运营的公司制定更好的监管框架。 CFTC希望更好地控制加密货币。

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) announced the 2019 Examination priorities for registrants of different divisions at the agency. The intention is to bring additional transparency into the CFTC agenda and ensure registered market participants are compliant with the regulations. This is the first time that the agency publishes Examination Priorities for its divisions.

According to a press release uploaded by the U.S. CFTC on February 12, the new Examination Priorities will include cryptocurrency surveillance practices. This will be in charge of the DMO’s Compliance Branch that conducts examinations of designated contract markets. The division monitors that these participants are compliant with the Commodity Exchange Act and CFTC regulations.


CFTC Announces Examination Priorities and Includes Cryptocurrency Surveillance Practices




星期三 2019-02-13 19:04:00




以太坊硬分叉协调员和Parity Technologies的发布经理Afri Schoedon在Reddit上表示,君士坦丁堡硬分叉预计将于2月25日UTC时间11:54:02启动。这次升级将与此前提出的不同,因为将在同一个区块上进行两个分叉,第一个是初始分叉君士坦丁堡,第二个是彼得斯堡(Petersburg)分叉。据此前报道,以太坊改进提案EIP1283可能会为攻击者提供窃取用户资金的代码漏洞。为避免这种情况发生,团队决定在同一区块进行两个硬分叉。第一个硬分叉将实现所提出的全部更改,而第二个硬分叉将禁用被发现问题的协议。

Ethereum [ETH], the third largest cryptocurrency in the space, seems to be all set for the Constantinople hard fork, for the third time. This time the upgrade is going to be different than the one proposed before as there will be two forks taking place on the same block, the first is the initial fork, Constantinople and the second is the Petersburg fork.

According to the latest announcement, the hard forks will be taking place around February 25, 2019, instead of Feb 27, 2019. The hard forks will occur on block #7,280,000 at the estimated time of 11:49:25 UTC.





全球支付处理公司Netpay International与以色列区块链公司BNC LedgerTech达成合作,将为客户提供基于区块链技术的服务。

Global payment processing firm Netpay International has partnered with BNC LedgerTech to provide blockchain-based services to its customers.

BNC LedgerTech is an Israeli blockchain firm behind the digital banking solution called ‘Ubanker’. Though the solution runs on blockchain technology, the company is using the existing remittance infrastructure in the banks such as SWIFT and SEPA to provide the proof-of-funds and security to maintain the standard KYC/AML requirements.




根据由投资公司CV VC与inacta合作的研究报告,截至2018年12月底,已有121家新公司在瑞士和列支敦士登的加密谷成立,加密公司的数量增长了20%。

With 750 companies as of the end of December 2018, Switzerland and Liechtenstein’s Crypto Valley has grown significantly in the past year with 121 new companies being established or a growth of 20% in the number of crypto companies, according to The Crypto Valley’s Top 50 Q1 2019 report released in January. 

The study, produced by investment company CV VC in collaboration with PwC Strategy & and IT partner inacta, provides an overview of the current state of Switzerland and Liechtenstein’s Crypto Valley, highlighting the rapid growth of the ecosystem despite the industry’s “crypto winter.” 

“Crypto winter,” as 2018’s severe market reversal has been nicknamed, has affected the valuation of blockchain companies, which saw the market valuation of the 50 largest blockchain ventures in the region plunge from US$44 billion to US$20 billion in the fourth quarter of 2018.


Switzerland and Liechtenstein’s Crypto Valley Sees Thriving Blockchain Ecosystem





In its latest report, BitMEX research tries to answer the question of “When is the next global financial crisis going to happen?” In this report, BitMEX argues that the epicenter of financial risk has shifted from banks to asset management industry; and a “repeat of 2008” that is retail banking deposits and payment systems being under threat is unlikely. The fragility is rather most significant in corporate debt investment funds and unconventional debt investment vehicles.

It attempts to address the issue of Bitcoin and crypto enthusiasts and investors asking about the next crisis that is driven with the assumption that it will occur every decade or so, will have a positive impact on Bitcoin price and will result in questioning the integrity of banking and electronic payment systems. For Bitcoin price, it argues, if Bitcoin “does respond well in the next crisis (when liquidity is constrained), that will be a huge positive for Bitcoin and the store of the value investment thesis.”




据Coin ATM Radar数据显示,自2016年以来,加密货币ATM几乎每年增加一倍。2013年底加拿大温哥华设置世界上第一台比特币ATM,一年后全球共有282台加密货币ATM。截至2019年1月1日,全球加密货币ATM数量为4128。

While the market as a whole has been in decline since the cryptocurrency boom of late 2017, the number of cryptocurrency ATMs around the globe has continued to increase.

Proponents of Bitcoin ATMs argue that they are an efficient way of letting the public engage with cryptocurrencies. According to findings from Coin ATM Radar, the number of cryptocurrency ATMs has doubled almost every year for the last four years.

To gauge motivators behind this growth, LongHash reached out for comment from two prominent cryptocurrency ATM operators — one in Japan and one which operates internationally.






泰国前总理他信·西那瓦(Thaksin Shinawatra)最近表示,由于热门的新兴数字货币,银行已经过时。他表示,互联网被称为信息的万维网,但区块链是世界范围内的价值分类账。他认为人们应该研究区块链技术。就像互联网一样迎来了新机遇并创造了百万富翁,加密区块链也可能会这样。

Thailand’s former prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, recently told his 2.3 million Facebook followers that banks are outdated due to hot new digital currencies.

More recently he expanded in a podcast to educate Thai people on what is blockchain. He said “the internet is called the World Wide Web of Information, but Blockchain is the World Wide Ledgers of Value.”

The billionaire told his followers to study blockchain technology because like the internet ushered in new opportunities and made millionaires, crypto blockchain might do too.




法院下令桑坦德重启Bitcoin Max银行账户!


巴西比特币交易所Bitcoin Max的账户首次被桑坦德银行关闭。由于法院已发出了强制令,桑坦德需要重新开放该交易所的账户。根据巴西央行决议,银行需要事先通过书面形式通知有意终止合同,以终止账户持有人的账户。桑坦德银行未能做到这一点,所以法院发出强制令要求桑坦德重新开放该交易所的账户。这并不是巴西监管机构对银行施加了压力,要求与这一新兴领域的公司合作。

Working with banks hasn’t been easy for cryptocurrency exchanges and blockchain startups in most parts of the world. And in what’s been an ongoing saga for Bitcoin Max, cryptocurrency exchanges everywhere are celebrating small victories. 

Bitcoin Max had its account closed for the first time back in August last year by Santander Bank. But the institution was forced to reopen the exchange’s accounts due to an injunction granted by the court.

In the first hearing, according to Portal do Bitcoin, Judge Ana Catarino denied the motion of Bitcoin Max to reopen its account, stating that it was up to the banking institution if it wished to deny services or not:

The closing of the account is a faculty of the banking institution, according to the norm established in article 10 of Resolution 2,025 / 93 of the Central Bank of Brazil.


Santander Bank Ordered to Keep Brazilian Bitcoin Exchange Account Open

CFTC 2019年审查优先权包括加密货币监管实践!


美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)宣布了该机构2019年对不同部门注册人的审查优先权。根据CFTC 2月12日上传的新闻稿,CFTC市场监管部门(DMO)的合规部门的2019年新审查优先权将包括加密货币监管实践。CFTC主席J. Christopher Giancarlo发表评论称,在过去几年中,加密货币市场一直在增长,监管机构需要为在该市场上运营的公司制定更好的监管框架。 CFTC希望更好地控制加密货币。

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) announced the 2019 Examination priorities for registrants of different divisions at the agency. The intention is to bring additional transparency into the CFTC agenda and ensure registered market participants are compliant with the regulations. This is the first time that the agency publishes Examination Priorities for its divisions.

According to a press release uploaded by the U.S. CFTC on February 12, the new Examination Priorities will include cryptocurrency surveillance practices. This will be in charge of the DMO’s Compliance Branch that conducts examinations of designated contract markets. The division monitors that these participants are compliant with the Commodity Exchange Act and CFTC regulations.


CFTC Announces Examination Priorities and Includes Cryptocurrency Surveillance Practices