Unitimes 精选 | 中国首张地铁区块链电子发票在深圳开出 Joseph Lubin 畅谈以太坊
2019 年 3 月17 日,以太币交易总额为1,758,581 ETH ,比前日下降 8.79%;日活跃用户量 131,896,比前日上升 3.20%;新增合约 62,352 个,比前日上升 22.02%;平均交易费用为 18.26 GWEI,比前日上升 77.65%;最活跃合约为 FUS (FUS);通证代币交易总额为 267,828 个,比前日下降 13.25%。
据 36 氪消息,3 月 18 日,中国首张轨道交通区块链电子发票在深圳(号称“中国加密货币之谷”)福田站开出,标志着区块链技术已应用于地铁。即日起,用户使用腾讯旗下智慧交通出行产品乘车码搭乘深圳地铁之后,将可以一键在线开具区块链电子发票。除深圳地铁以外,出租车、机场大巴等交通场景同时上线区块链电子发票功能。
China’s First Blockchain-based Subway Electronic Issued in Shenzhen
According to 36Kr news, China's first electronic invoice for the blockchain of rail transit was issued on March 18 at Futian Station of Shenzhen Metro, China’s crypto valley. The release of this electronic invoice marks the blockchain technology application on the metro. From now on, after users use Tencent's intelligent transportation travel product ride code to take the Shenzhen subway, they will be able to issue blockchain electronic invoices online with one click. Beyond Subway, the blockchain based electro invoice will also be launched in other scenarios, such as taxi and airport bus.
Joseph Lubin 在 SXSW 2019 大会上畅谈以太坊
上周,以太坊联合创始人和以太坊开发工作室 ConsenSys 的创始人 Joseph Lubin 受邀在 SXSW 大会上就加密货币发表演说。Lubin 起先是在 2011 年第一次读到 Satoshi Nakamoto 的比特币白皮书时受到启发的。然后他和 V 神进行会面,携手共建了以太坊生态系统的雏形,并在单飞后创建了 ConsenSys。Lubin 认为以太坊是基础的信任层,但以太坊 2.0 的实现至少还需要 18 到 24 个月。他还透露,ConsenSys 今年将发布四款到五款实用型代币。
Joseph Lubin Talks About Ethereum At SXSW 2019
Joseph Lubin, the co-founder of Ethereum and founder of Ethereum development studio ConsenSys was invited to speak about the cryptocurrency at SXSW last week. Lubin talked about a variety of topics, that included Bitcoin and the Ethereum ecosystem. Lubin initially got inspired by Satoshi Nakamoto's Bitcoin whitepaper the first time he read it in 2011. He then went on to meet Vitalik Buterin and helped with the initial creation of Ethereum ecosystem before leaving to start ConsenSys. Lubin sees Ethereum as the base trust layer and expects Ethereum 2.0 to take at least another 18-24 months. He also revealed that ConsenSys is set to launch four or five utility tokens this year.
阿里云首席安全架构师:将为 iExec 提供由英特尔 SGX 支持的加密计算
据 iExec(RLC)官方消息,在美国 RSA 信息安全大会上,阿里云的首席安全架构师李晓宁透露,iExec正在建立一个基于区块链的交易云计算资源市场。而阿里云将提供由英特尔SGX支持的加密计算,以支持 iExec 可信执行环境(TEE)解决方案。
Alibaba Cloud Chief Security Architect: We are Soon Providing Encrypted Computing for iExec Supported by Intel SGX
According to iExec (RLC) officials, at the RSA Information Security Conference in the United States, Li Xiaoning, Alibaba Cloud's chief security architect, revealed that iExec is building a blockchain-based transaction cloud computing resource market. Ali Cloud, on the other hand, will provide encrypted computing supported by Intel SGX to support iExec trusted execution environment (TEE) solutions.
过去几周,市场情绪出现了轻微变化,从非常负面的看跌情绪转为积极的乐观情绪。排名前十的加密货币(不包括比特币和 Tether)大部分都经历了 90 天的价格上涨,涨幅均超过 50% 。其中特别吸引许多投机者的乐观情绪的代币就是以太坊。DelphiDigital 的研究表明,如果牛市在近期发生,以太坊可能在下一轮牛市中超越比特币。研究显示,与比特币的波动率相比,以太坊目前的波动率更高。其他研究表明,当市场内部相关性下降时,以太坊的表现往往优于比特币。
Ethereum May Outperform Bitcoin In The Next Bull Run
The market sentiment has seen a slight change over the past few weeks from a very negative bearish sentiment to one of hopeful optimism. The majority of the top 10 cryptocurrencies (excluding Bitcoin and Tether) have all seen increase 90-day price increases which all total over 50%. One particular coin which has enticed the optimism of many speculators is Ethereum. Research from DelphiDigital has suggested that Ethereum may even outperform Bitcoin in the next bull run, so long as the bull run occurs in the near time horizon. The research has suggested that Ethereum currently has higher volatility when compared with the volatility of Bitcoin. Other research has suggested that Ethereum tends to outperform Bitcoin when intra-market correlations drop.
Eric Conner
Ethereum believer: “I think Ethereum will win.”
Ethereum maximalist: “Only Ethereum can win.”
Quit confusing the two.
Jeff Coleman
L4联合创始人&State Channels 研究者
The most dangerous thing in the world to #Ethereum is if it stops being fun.
Jimmy Song
Almost every industry in modern society is mindbogglingly complex with many unseen layers, mostly so that the rent seekers can hide. And no, blockchain isn't the solution, sound money which encourages honest trade is.
Joseph Young
Bitcoin is criticized for using electricity but how much electricity/resources do banks, ATMs, and others spend?
Even as criticism, the numbers have to be relative to traditional financial systems.