Unitimes 精选 | 闪电“圣火”传到 Fidelity 手上 梅特卡夫定律只适用于比特币长期发展

精选快讯以太坊主网每日数据2019 年 2 月 23 日,以太币交易总额为 1,570,081 ETH ,比前日下降 25.63%;日活跃用户量 126,634,比前日下降 5.23%;新增合约 11,234 个,比前日上升 40.20%;平均交易费用为 14.08 GWEI,比前日下降 5.12%;最活跃合约为 SUM TOKEN(SUT);通证代币交易总额为 356,893 个,比前日下降 2.31%。



2019 年 2 月 23 日,以太币交易总额为 1,570,081 ETH ,比前日下降 25.63%;日活跃用户量 126,634,比前日下降 5.23%;新增合约 11,234 个,比前日上升 40.20%;平均交易费用为 14.08 GWEI,比前日下降 5.12%;最活跃合约为 SUM TOKEN(SUT);通证代币交易总额为 356,893 个,比前日下降 2.31%。



根据一项新的研究结论,梅特卡夫定律只适用于比特币长期发展。研究者发现,在短期内,定律的有效性有待质疑。研究者分析了 2010 - 2018 年比特币的数据,研究结果显示有出从众行为的可能性。因此研究者也用对数周期性幂律模型(LPPL)来判断泡沫期加密货币汇率的表现,从而最终得出模型切换时期的预测。为了评估梅特卡夫定律是否以及如何适用于比特币,研究者就特殊比特币地址的数量以及它们在研究期间的一系列发展进行了追踪。


A new study has concluded that Metcalfe’s law may only be applicable to Bitcoin for the long term. In the short term, the researchers found the validity of the law to be “questionable.” The researchers analyzed blockchain data from 2010 to 2018 and their results also showed potential for herding behavior. This is why they also used Log-Periodic Power Law (LPPL) model to determine the behavior of cryptocurrency exchange rates during bubble periods and to eventually predict the most probable time of a regime switch. In order to evaluate how and if Metcalfe’s law applies for Bitcoin’s network, the researchers looked at the number of unique Bitcoin addresses and their progression through the time of the study.


2019 年如何用比特币支付雇员薪水

Bitwage 是一家从事用比特币支付员工薪水服务的公司。采取这种方式并不需要雇主操作入职流程,而且雇员无论在何地都能在 48 小时之内拿到工资。这家公司最近登上了报纸头条,因为他们为原本用 W-2 的美国雇主提供用比特币支付薪水的选择。尽管现在有了用比特币支付薪水的选择,一些手续仍然会让人们坚持选择传统支付方式。如果雇主想为员工提供其它获得薪水方式的选择,那么建立一个公司职工持股计划(ESOP)可能是更好的选择。


Bitwage is a company that has specialized in the emerging desire that employers have to pay their workers in bitcoin. Taking this approach does not require employers to go through an onboarding process, and employees get their wages in less than 48 hours no matter where they are. The company made headlines recently by adding the option for U.S.-based employers who receive W-2s to opt for getting paid in bitcoin. Although the option to pay people in bitcoin exists, some caveats could make them want to stick with traditional forms of payment. When employers want to give their workers other options for getting paid, setting up an employee share ownership plan (ESOP) could be a more viable choice. 


移动游戏和电子竞技骨灰级玩家 Kevin Chou 创立区块链游戏公司 Forte

韩国电信巨头 KT Corp. 正准备在今年 3 月推出区块链服务( BaaS )。就像许多其他 BaaS 平台一样,它将减少进入该行业的阻碍,并培育一个创新的生态系统。据 inews24 报道,韩国电信首席执行官 Hwang Chang-Kyu 在区块链企业活动上公布了这一计划。 KT BaaS 将基于云计算,旨在实现区块链的可访问性。看好区块链的 KT 公司解释说, KT BaaS 使用起来非常简单,区块链节点可以“通过几次单击进行配置”,并且可以轻松部署智能合约。

Mobile Gaming and eSports Veteran Kevin Chou Launch Blockchain Gaming Firm, Forte

Kevin Chou, US-based video game expert and entrepreneur, also the CEO and co-founder of Kabam, has announced the launch of Forte, a new gaming startup focused on changing the face of gaming via blockchain technology. Chou’s company, Kabam, is an entertainment company that has developed several popular multiplayer games including the popular Marvel Contest of Champions for smartphones. Backed by video games veterans from firms such as GarageGames, the creator of the Torque 3D and several other game engines, Unity, and Linden Lab, the makers of the Second Life virtual world, Forte is aimed at creating a robust platform for game developers to promote the broader adoption of blockchain technologies supporting peer-to-peer economies in both new and existing games. Chou said: “Blockchain technology provides new growth vectors and an opportunity to do things differently. We are poised to make blockchain technology ready for the mass market and actively collaborating with developers to build player-driven game economies that will benefit devs and players.”


Fidelity 成为第一家传递“闪电圣火”的金融机构

Fidelity Digital 是 Fidelity Investments 的数字资产部门,成为了第一家收到比特币“圣火”的金融机构,这把“圣火”通过闪电网络在用户之间传递。Bitcoinist 报道称,“闪电圣火”在出现的短短几周内就获得了出人意料的认可度。 据官方追踪网站表示, Fidelity Digital Assets 是第 229 位接到“圣火”的实体。但更重要的是,Fidelity 是第一家传递这把数字“圣火”的金融机构。参与这次支付传递将很有可能为 Fidelity Digital Assets 提供一些有价值的经验。如 Fidelity Digital Assets 创始人 Tom Jessop 所说,Fidelity Digital Assets “希望为数字财产创造一个服务周全的企业级平台”。


Fidelity Digital, the digital assets arm of Fidelity Investments, has become the first financial institution to receive the so-called bitcoin payments ‘torch’ that is being relayed from user to user around the globe via Bitcoin’s Lightning network. As Bitcoinist reported, Lightning Torch has gained a surprising level of recognition in the few weeks it has existed. Fidelity Digital Assets becomes the 229th entity overall to get the torch, according to the official tracker website. But, more importantly, Fidelity becomes the first financial institution to get its hands on the digital ‘torch.’ Participation in this payment relay will likely provide some valuable experience for Fidelity Digital assets that is looking “to create a full-service enterprise-grade platform for digital assets,” according to its founding head, Tom Jessop.



Joseph Young


由于比特币的价格仍处于 4000 美元的水平,目前加密市场仍深陷熊市囹圄,虽然现在说还为时尚早,但有足够的理由说熊市已触底。

1.成交量恢复(BTC 每日成交量达 80 亿美元)

2.CME BTC 期货成交量创历史新高

3.机构纷纷投资加密领域(Gtayscale 获 2.74 亿美元投资 )

Crypto is still deep in bear market as Bitcoin is at $4k and it's too early tell but a strong case can be made that it reached a bottom.

1. Volume recovering (BTC $8 billion daily)

2. CME BTC futures record high volume

3. Institutions investing in crypto ($237M in Grayscale)


Vlad Zamfir



The crypto/blockchain space is full of people with social theories, and these theories structure the matrix in which we decide how to build, use and govern the technology


Eric Conner

EthHub 创始人

与2个月前相比,现在每月可卖的 ETH 数量减少了 270,000 枚。


There are 270,000 less ETH a month to sell right now versus 2 months ago.

Let’s not forget sound economics when analyzing this price bounce.


Ryan Sean Adams

Mythos Capital 创始人

BTC 和 ETH 的三种市场需求:

1. 实用性,状态更改的需求(交易、Gas手续费)

2. 投资。该需求因预测价格上涨而产生

3. 货币。所谓一种在加密经济中的货币所产生的需求(加密货币的SoV/MoE/UofA)


「Uniteims注:SoV = Store of Value 价值储存;MoE = Medium of Exchange 媒介交换;UofA = Unit of Account 记账单位、价值尺度」

Three types of market demand for BTC & ETH

1. Utility. Demand for state changes (transactions, gas)

2. Investment. Demand due to expectation of price gain (speculation)

3. Money. Demand as a money in crypto economies (SoV/MoE/UofA in crypto)

Each factor into price


想要获得更多精彩快讯快感,欢迎扫描二维码下载 Unitmes 官方 APP!




Unitimes 精选 | 闪电“圣火”传到 Fidelity 手上 梅特卡夫定律只适用于比特币长期发展

星期一 2019-02-25 9:33:41



2019 年 2 月 23 日,以太币交易总额为 1,570,081 ETH ,比前日下降 25.63%;日活跃用户量 126,634,比前日下降 5.23%;新增合约 11,234 个,比前日上升 40.20%;平均交易费用为 14.08 GWEI,比前日下降 5.12%;最活跃合约为 SUM TOKEN(SUT);通证代币交易总额为 356,893 个,比前日下降 2.31%。



根据一项新的研究结论,梅特卡夫定律只适用于比特币长期发展。研究者发现,在短期内,定律的有效性有待质疑。研究者分析了 2010 - 2018 年比特币的数据,研究结果显示有出从众行为的可能性。因此研究者也用对数周期性幂律模型(LPPL)来判断泡沫期加密货币汇率的表现,从而最终得出模型切换时期的预测。为了评估梅特卡夫定律是否以及如何适用于比特币,研究者就特殊比特币地址的数量以及它们在研究期间的一系列发展进行了追踪。


A new study has concluded that Metcalfe’s law may only be applicable to Bitcoin for the long term. In the short term, the researchers found the validity of the law to be “questionable.” The researchers analyzed blockchain data from 2010 to 2018 and their results also showed potential for herding behavior. This is why they also used Log-Periodic Power Law (LPPL) model to determine the behavior of cryptocurrency exchange rates during bubble periods and to eventually predict the most probable time of a regime switch. In order to evaluate how and if Metcalfe’s law applies for Bitcoin’s network, the researchers looked at the number of unique Bitcoin addresses and their progression through the time of the study.


2019 年如何用比特币支付雇员薪水

Bitwage 是一家从事用比特币支付员工薪水服务的公司。采取这种方式并不需要雇主操作入职流程,而且雇员无论在何地都能在 48 小时之内拿到工资。这家公司最近登上了报纸头条,因为他们为原本用 W-2 的美国雇主提供用比特币支付薪水的选择。尽管现在有了用比特币支付薪水的选择,一些手续仍然会让人们坚持选择传统支付方式。如果雇主想为员工提供其它获得薪水方式的选择,那么建立一个公司职工持股计划(ESOP)可能是更好的选择。


Bitwage is a company that has specialized in the emerging desire that employers have to pay their workers in bitcoin. Taking this approach does not require employers to go through an onboarding process, and employees get their wages in less than 48 hours no matter where they are. The company made headlines recently by adding the option for U.S.-based employers who receive W-2s to opt for getting paid in bitcoin. Although the option to pay people in bitcoin exists, some caveats could make them want to stick with traditional forms of payment. When employers want to give their workers other options for getting paid, setting up an employee share ownership plan (ESOP) could be a more viable choice. 


移动游戏和电子竞技骨灰级玩家 Kevin Chou 创立区块链游戏公司 Forte

韩国电信巨头 KT Corp. 正准备在今年 3 月推出区块链服务( BaaS )。就像许多其他 BaaS 平台一样,它将减少进入该行业的阻碍,并培育一个创新的生态系统。据 inews24 报道,韩国电信首席执行官 Hwang Chang-Kyu 在区块链企业活动上公布了这一计划。 KT BaaS 将基于云计算,旨在实现区块链的可访问性。看好区块链的 KT 公司解释说, KT BaaS 使用起来非常简单,区块链节点可以“通过几次单击进行配置”,并且可以轻松部署智能合约。

Mobile Gaming and eSports Veteran Kevin Chou Launch Blockchain Gaming Firm, Forte

Kevin Chou, US-based video game expert and entrepreneur, also the CEO and co-founder of Kabam, has announced the launch of Forte, a new gaming startup focused on changing the face of gaming via blockchain technology. Chou’s company, Kabam, is an entertainment company that has developed several popular multiplayer games including the popular Marvel Contest of Champions for smartphones. Backed by video games veterans from firms such as GarageGames, the creator of the Torque 3D and several other game engines, Unity, and Linden Lab, the makers of the Second Life virtual world, Forte is aimed at creating a robust platform for game developers to promote the broader adoption of blockchain technologies supporting peer-to-peer economies in both new and existing games. Chou said: “Blockchain technology provides new growth vectors and an opportunity to do things differently. We are poised to make blockchain technology ready for the mass market and actively collaborating with developers to build player-driven game economies that will benefit devs and players.”


Fidelity 成为第一家传递“闪电圣火”的金融机构

Fidelity Digital 是 Fidelity Investments 的数字资产部门,成为了第一家收到比特币“圣火”的金融机构,这把“圣火”通过闪电网络在用户之间传递。Bitcoinist 报道称,“闪电圣火”在出现的短短几周内就获得了出人意料的认可度。 据官方追踪网站表示, Fidelity Digital Assets 是第 229 位接到“圣火”的实体。但更重要的是,Fidelity 是第一家传递这把数字“圣火”的金融机构。参与这次支付传递将很有可能为 Fidelity Digital Assets 提供一些有价值的经验。如 Fidelity Digital Assets 创始人 Tom Jessop 所说,Fidelity Digital Assets “希望为数字财产创造一个服务周全的企业级平台”。


Fidelity Digital, the digital assets arm of Fidelity Investments, has become the first financial institution to receive the so-called bitcoin payments ‘torch’ that is being relayed from user to user around the globe via Bitcoin’s Lightning network. As Bitcoinist reported, Lightning Torch has gained a surprising level of recognition in the few weeks it has existed. Fidelity Digital Assets becomes the 229th entity overall to get the torch, according to the official tracker website. But, more importantly, Fidelity becomes the first financial institution to get its hands on the digital ‘torch.’ Participation in this payment relay will likely provide some valuable experience for Fidelity Digital assets that is looking “to create a full-service enterprise-grade platform for digital assets,” according to its founding head, Tom Jessop.



Joseph Young


由于比特币的价格仍处于 4000 美元的水平,目前加密市场仍深陷熊市囹圄,虽然现在说还为时尚早,但有足够的理由说熊市已触底。

1.成交量恢复(BTC 每日成交量达 80 亿美元)

2.CME BTC 期货成交量创历史新高

3.机构纷纷投资加密领域(Gtayscale 获 2.74 亿美元投资 )

Crypto is still deep in bear market as Bitcoin is at $4k and it's too early tell but a strong case can be made that it reached a bottom.

1. Volume recovering (BTC $8 billion daily)

2. CME BTC futures record high volume

3. Institutions investing in crypto ($237M in Grayscale)


Vlad Zamfir



The crypto/blockchain space is full of people with social theories, and these theories structure the matrix in which we decide how to build, use and govern the technology


Eric Conner

EthHub 创始人

与2个月前相比,现在每月可卖的 ETH 数量减少了 270,000 枚。


There are 270,000 less ETH a month to sell right now versus 2 months ago.

Let’s not forget sound economics when analyzing this price bounce.


Ryan Sean Adams

Mythos Capital 创始人

BTC 和 ETH 的三种市场需求:

1. 实用性,状态更改的需求(交易、Gas手续费)

2. 投资。该需求因预测价格上涨而产生

3. 货币。所谓一种在加密经济中的货币所产生的需求(加密货币的SoV/MoE/UofA)


「Uniteims注:SoV = Store of Value 价值储存;MoE = Medium of Exchange 媒介交换;UofA = Unit of Account 记账单位、价值尺度」

Three types of market demand for BTC & ETH

1. Utility. Demand for state changes (transactions, gas)

2. Investment. Demand due to expectation of price gain (speculation)

3. Money. Demand as a money in crypto economies (SoV/MoE/UofA in crypto)

Each factor into price


想要获得更多精彩快讯快感,欢迎扫描二维码下载 Unitmes 官方 APP!
