Unitimes 精选 | 加密货币日交易量上升 俄亥俄州只有两家企业使用比特币缴税

精选快讯以太坊主网每日数据2019 年 2 月 21 日,以太币交易总额为 2,145,585 ETH ,比前日下降 3.93%;日活跃用户量 127,281,比前日下降 6.63%;新增合约 6,957 个,比前日下降  12.59%;平均交易费用为 15.31 GWEI,比前日下降 4.71%;最活跃合约为 SUM TOKEN (SUT);通证代币交易总额为 343,776 个,比前日下降 2.30%。



2019 年 2 月 21 日,以太币交易总额为 2,145,585 ETH ,比前日下降 3.93%;日活跃用户量 127,281,比前日下降 6.63%;新增合约 6,957 个,比前日下降  12.59%;平均交易费用为 15.31 GWEI,比前日下降 4.71%;最活跃合约为 SUM TOKEN (SUT);通证代币交易总额为 343,776 个,比前日下降 2.30%。


加密货币日交易量上升: 2018 年 4 月以来的最高日交易量

加密货币的价格还处于在从熊市的毁灭性影响中恢复的阶段,但加密货币领域的活动仍在继续增长。 2 月 19 日,总成交额约为 33.7 亿美元,这已经是自 2018 年 4 月 25 日以来的最高单日成交额,彼时成交额达到 400 亿美元。然而,目前的数字远不及 2018 年初的记录。当时,成交量超过 680 亿美元,是昨日成交量的两倍多。但是,增长仍然非常显著,因为这表明市场活动正在增加。昨日,以太坊的日均交易量从 25 亿美元飙升至 50 亿美元。

Crypto Daily Volume On The Rise: The Highest Daily Volume Recorded Since April 2018

The prices of cryptocurrencies are still recovering from the devastating effects of the bearish market, but the activity within the crypto world continues to grow. On February 19th, the total volume was at around $33.70 billion. This is the highest that the total trading volume has been since April 25th, 2018, which saw a daily trading volume of $40 billion. However, the current numbers are nowhere near those were recorded in the early days of 2018. Back then, the trading volume exceeded $68 billion, which is more than twice as large as the amount recorded yesterday. However, the growth is still very significant, as it indicates that the market activity is on the rise. Over yesterday, Ethereum’s volume surged from its average $2.5 billion to as much as twice – $5 billion daily volume.


美国证券交易委员会对比特币 ETF 的裁决将决定韩国对加密货币的态度

比特币交易所交易基金( ETF )的推出竞争一直很激烈。自从第一个提案送到美国监管机构的办公桌上以来,寄望者和大部分投资者一直希望,与加密货币关联的 ETF 能够成功获批。报导援引韩国证交所一位未具名官员的话称,韩国人正在等待美国证券交易委员会( SEC )的裁决。他/她指出,由于美国一直是加密货币支持的投资产品的“领跑者”,一直是受监管期货( CBOE 和 CME )的首要市场,因此观察美国机构决定如何看待加密货币领域,尤其是现象消费者和机构的基金。许多专家认为, SEC 发布批准令只是时间问题。

U.S. SEC’s Bitcoin ETF Verdicts Will Determine South Korea’s Crypto Attitude

The race for the launch of Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) has been an onerous one. Since the first proposal was plopped on the desk of American regulators, hopefuls and investors at large have hoped that a crypto-linked ETF would make it through the hoops. Citing an unnamed official at the Korea Exchange, the sole securities exchange operator in the Asian powerhouse, the outlet claimed that South Koreans are waiting on a verdict from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). He/she noted that as America has been a “front-runner” in crypto-backed investment products, becoming the foremost market for regulated futures (CBOE and CME), it will be important to watch what American entities decide to do with the cryptocurrency space, especially in terms of consumer- and institutional-focused funds. Many pundits think that it is only a matter of time before the SEC issues an order of approval.


IBM 区块链的副总裁 Jesse Lund 说,比特币将达到 100 万美元

IBM 负责区块链和数字货币业务的副总裁 Jesse Lund 说,他预计比特币的价格最终将达到 100 万美元。 Lund 是在接受新闻平台 Finder.com 采访时做出上述预测的。在采访中, Lund 还谈到了 IBM 与恒星币( XLM )的合作,以及在 IBM 的跨境支付网络区块链 World Wire ( BWW )中使用该网络的原生资产。如前所述, IBM 在 BWW 中使用 XLM 作为中间货币和支付交易费用的货币。 Lund 还透露,该公司正在考虑使用其他数字资产,并解释道,他们认为“数字资产应该有一个生态系统,种类也应该各种各样,这样才可以提供结算工具,使这些跨境支付方式和网络的参与者能够选择货币并就货币种类进行实时协商。

Bitcoin Will Hit $1 Million, Says IBM’s VP of Blockchain Jesse Lund

The vice president of blockchain and digital currencies for IBM, Jesse Lund, said that he expects Bitcoin’s (BTC) price to eventually hit $1 million. Lund made his prediction during an interview with news platform Finder.com. During the interview, Lund also talked about IBM’s collaboration with Stellar (XLM) and the use of the network’s native asset in IBM’s cross-border payment network, Blockchain World Wire (BWW). As previously reported, IBM uses XLM in BWW both as an intermediate currency and to pay transaction fees. Lund also revealed that the firm is considering working with various other digital assets, explaining that they believe “there should be an ecosystem of, a variety of digital assets that provide settlement instruments that enable these cross-border payments, and the participants in the network should be able to choose and negotiate their choices in real-time.” 



据俄亥俄州财政部长最近发表的一份声明称,到目前为止,只有两家企业使用该州的加密货币纳税计划以加密货币的方式报税。 2019 年 2 月 19 日, Robert Sprague 在俄亥俄州立美联社( Ohio State Associated Press )组织的一个论坛上发言,回答了有关司法部在新推出的比特币纳税支付选项方面的经验问题。该选项是他的前任 Josh Mandel 于 2018 年 12 月设立的。一个多月前上任的 Sprague 说,到目前为止,美国在俄亥俄州的官方加密支付平台 OhioCrypto.com 上只收到了两笔税款。尽管如此,较低的使用率不会打消该州的立法者希望该州成为区块链行业主要中心的念头。

So Far, Only Two Businesses in Ohio Have Used Bitcoin to Pay Taxes

According to a recent statement made by Ohio’s state treasurer, so far, only two businesses have filed their taxes in crypto using the state’s crypto tax payment scheme. Speaking at a forum organized by the Ohio State Associated Press on February 19, 2019, Robert Sprague fielded questions about the department’s experiences with the newly launched bitcoin payment option for taxes, which was set up by his predecessor Josh Mandel in December 2018. Sprague, who assumed his position a little over a month ago, states that the country has received only two tax payments so far on the state’s official crypto payment platform, OhioCrypto.com. Still, the slow rate of usage won't deter the state, whose lawmakers are hoping to become a major hub for the blockchain industry.





ETC 让广大交易所意识到分叉可以给他们带来很大的利益。因此他们提前将 BCH 和 ABC/BSV 作为期货来交易。一旦我们突破了将这些币上市的重围,如果不是市场来决定对这些币提供经济支持,我真不知道还能是谁。

ETC made exchanges realize how profitable forks are for them. So they let BCH and ABC/BSV be traded as futures long in advance. Once we are past that barrier of listing them, I don't see who determines economic support for these tokens if not the market.


Jimmy Song




So much of the life we live has been designed by the oligarchy that has successfully brainwashed us into doing/thinking/wanting the very things that they sell.

Start unplugging. Start by taking away the financial power of the elite. Start with Bitcoin.


Pieter Wuille


The expected value of ((2015 blocks)/(2 weeks)) is 1 when the expected interblock time is (2 weeks)/2015 = 600.3s.

The expected value of ((2 weeks)/(2015 blocks)) is 1 when the expected interblock time is (2 weeks)/2014 = 600.6s.

These distributions differ; we need the second.

((当预期块间时间为 (2 周)/2015 = 600. 3 秒时, (2015年区块)/(2 周) 的预期值为1。

((当预期块间时间为 (2 周)/2014 = 600.6 秒时,  (2周)/(2015 区块) 的预期值为1。

这些分布不同; 我们需要的是第二个


Vitalik Buterin 


You drink tea with 100 random people, they all seem like nice human beings at heart. And yet WW2 killed 65 million people. Reconciling the micro and the macro is probably the key challenge in acquiring an accurate view of human nature.

你和100个随机的人一起喝茶, 他们表面上看起来都是好人。然而,  第二次世界大战人们却杀害了6500万人。协调人们的内心和表面可能是准确了解人性的关键挑战。


Ryan Sean Adams

Mythos Capital 创始人



-将以太币存入 CDP

-用 DAI 来支付生活费

-根据需要将 DAI 兑换成法币

-生成 CDP Dai 进行大庄买卖

-出借多余的 Dai 并从中获得利息


How to live on Ether

- Buy Ether with savings

- Put Ether into CDP

- Pay living expenses w/ DAI

- Find jobs that pay in DAI

- Convert Dai to fiat as needed

- Issue CDP Dai for big buys

- Lend excess Dai for interest

No one should do this, but the fact that it's possible is cool





Unitimes 精选 | 加密货币日交易量上升 俄亥俄州只有两家企业使用比特币缴税

星期六 2019-02-23 8:43:51



2019 年 2 月 21 日,以太币交易总额为 2,145,585 ETH ,比前日下降 3.93%;日活跃用户量 127,281,比前日下降 6.63%;新增合约 6,957 个,比前日下降  12.59%;平均交易费用为 15.31 GWEI,比前日下降 4.71%;最活跃合约为 SUM TOKEN (SUT);通证代币交易总额为 343,776 个,比前日下降 2.30%。


加密货币日交易量上升: 2018 年 4 月以来的最高日交易量

加密货币的价格还处于在从熊市的毁灭性影响中恢复的阶段,但加密货币领域的活动仍在继续增长。 2 月 19 日,总成交额约为 33.7 亿美元,这已经是自 2018 年 4 月 25 日以来的最高单日成交额,彼时成交额达到 400 亿美元。然而,目前的数字远不及 2018 年初的记录。当时,成交量超过 680 亿美元,是昨日成交量的两倍多。但是,增长仍然非常显著,因为这表明市场活动正在增加。昨日,以太坊的日均交易量从 25 亿美元飙升至 50 亿美元。

Crypto Daily Volume On The Rise: The Highest Daily Volume Recorded Since April 2018

The prices of cryptocurrencies are still recovering from the devastating effects of the bearish market, but the activity within the crypto world continues to grow. On February 19th, the total volume was at around $33.70 billion. This is the highest that the total trading volume has been since April 25th, 2018, which saw a daily trading volume of $40 billion. However, the current numbers are nowhere near those were recorded in the early days of 2018. Back then, the trading volume exceeded $68 billion, which is more than twice as large as the amount recorded yesterday. However, the growth is still very significant, as it indicates that the market activity is on the rise. Over yesterday, Ethereum’s volume surged from its average $2.5 billion to as much as twice – $5 billion daily volume.


美国证券交易委员会对比特币 ETF 的裁决将决定韩国对加密货币的态度

比特币交易所交易基金( ETF )的推出竞争一直很激烈。自从第一个提案送到美国监管机构的办公桌上以来,寄望者和大部分投资者一直希望,与加密货币关联的 ETF 能够成功获批。报导援引韩国证交所一位未具名官员的话称,韩国人正在等待美国证券交易委员会( SEC )的裁决。他/她指出,由于美国一直是加密货币支持的投资产品的“领跑者”,一直是受监管期货( CBOE 和 CME )的首要市场,因此观察美国机构决定如何看待加密货币领域,尤其是现象消费者和机构的基金。许多专家认为, SEC 发布批准令只是时间问题。

U.S. SEC’s Bitcoin ETF Verdicts Will Determine South Korea’s Crypto Attitude

The race for the launch of Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) has been an onerous one. Since the first proposal was plopped on the desk of American regulators, hopefuls and investors at large have hoped that a crypto-linked ETF would make it through the hoops. Citing an unnamed official at the Korea Exchange, the sole securities exchange operator in the Asian powerhouse, the outlet claimed that South Koreans are waiting on a verdict from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). He/she noted that as America has been a “front-runner” in crypto-backed investment products, becoming the foremost market for regulated futures (CBOE and CME), it will be important to watch what American entities decide to do with the cryptocurrency space, especially in terms of consumer- and institutional-focused funds. Many pundits think that it is only a matter of time before the SEC issues an order of approval.


IBM 区块链的副总裁 Jesse Lund 说,比特币将达到 100 万美元

IBM 负责区块链和数字货币业务的副总裁 Jesse Lund 说,他预计比特币的价格最终将达到 100 万美元。 Lund 是在接受新闻平台 Finder.com 采访时做出上述预测的。在采访中, Lund 还谈到了 IBM 与恒星币( XLM )的合作,以及在 IBM 的跨境支付网络区块链 World Wire ( BWW )中使用该网络的原生资产。如前所述, IBM 在 BWW 中使用 XLM 作为中间货币和支付交易费用的货币。 Lund 还透露,该公司正在考虑使用其他数字资产,并解释道,他们认为“数字资产应该有一个生态系统,种类也应该各种各样,这样才可以提供结算工具,使这些跨境支付方式和网络的参与者能够选择货币并就货币种类进行实时协商。

Bitcoin Will Hit $1 Million, Says IBM’s VP of Blockchain Jesse Lund

The vice president of blockchain and digital currencies for IBM, Jesse Lund, said that he expects Bitcoin’s (BTC) price to eventually hit $1 million. Lund made his prediction during an interview with news platform Finder.com. During the interview, Lund also talked about IBM’s collaboration with Stellar (XLM) and the use of the network’s native asset in IBM’s cross-border payment network, Blockchain World Wire (BWW). As previously reported, IBM uses XLM in BWW both as an intermediate currency and to pay transaction fees. Lund also revealed that the firm is considering working with various other digital assets, explaining that they believe “there should be an ecosystem of, a variety of digital assets that provide settlement instruments that enable these cross-border payments, and the participants in the network should be able to choose and negotiate their choices in real-time.” 



据俄亥俄州财政部长最近发表的一份声明称,到目前为止,只有两家企业使用该州的加密货币纳税计划以加密货币的方式报税。 2019 年 2 月 19 日, Robert Sprague 在俄亥俄州立美联社( Ohio State Associated Press )组织的一个论坛上发言,回答了有关司法部在新推出的比特币纳税支付选项方面的经验问题。该选项是他的前任 Josh Mandel 于 2018 年 12 月设立的。一个多月前上任的 Sprague 说,到目前为止,美国在俄亥俄州的官方加密支付平台 OhioCrypto.com 上只收到了两笔税款。尽管如此,较低的使用率不会打消该州的立法者希望该州成为区块链行业主要中心的念头。

So Far, Only Two Businesses in Ohio Have Used Bitcoin to Pay Taxes

According to a recent statement made by Ohio’s state treasurer, so far, only two businesses have filed their taxes in crypto using the state’s crypto tax payment scheme. Speaking at a forum organized by the Ohio State Associated Press on February 19, 2019, Robert Sprague fielded questions about the department’s experiences with the newly launched bitcoin payment option for taxes, which was set up by his predecessor Josh Mandel in December 2018. Sprague, who assumed his position a little over a month ago, states that the country has received only two tax payments so far on the state’s official crypto payment platform, OhioCrypto.com. Still, the slow rate of usage won't deter the state, whose lawmakers are hoping to become a major hub for the blockchain industry.





ETC 让广大交易所意识到分叉可以给他们带来很大的利益。因此他们提前将 BCH 和 ABC/BSV 作为期货来交易。一旦我们突破了将这些币上市的重围,如果不是市场来决定对这些币提供经济支持,我真不知道还能是谁。

ETC made exchanges realize how profitable forks are for them. So they let BCH and ABC/BSV be traded as futures long in advance. Once we are past that barrier of listing them, I don't see who determines economic support for these tokens if not the market.


Jimmy Song




So much of the life we live has been designed by the oligarchy that has successfully brainwashed us into doing/thinking/wanting the very things that they sell.

Start unplugging. Start by taking away the financial power of the elite. Start with Bitcoin.


Pieter Wuille


The expected value of ((2015 blocks)/(2 weeks)) is 1 when the expected interblock time is (2 weeks)/2015 = 600.3s.

The expected value of ((2 weeks)/(2015 blocks)) is 1 when the expected interblock time is (2 weeks)/2014 = 600.6s.

These distributions differ; we need the second.

((当预期块间时间为 (2 周)/2015 = 600. 3 秒时, (2015年区块)/(2 周) 的预期值为1。

((当预期块间时间为 (2 周)/2014 = 600.6 秒时,  (2周)/(2015 区块) 的预期值为1。

这些分布不同; 我们需要的是第二个


Vitalik Buterin 


You drink tea with 100 random people, they all seem like nice human beings at heart. And yet WW2 killed 65 million people. Reconciling the micro and the macro is probably the key challenge in acquiring an accurate view of human nature.

你和100个随机的人一起喝茶, 他们表面上看起来都是好人。然而,  第二次世界大战人们却杀害了6500万人。协调人们的内心和表面可能是准确了解人性的关键挑战。


Ryan Sean Adams

Mythos Capital 创始人



-将以太币存入 CDP

-用 DAI 来支付生活费

-根据需要将 DAI 兑换成法币

-生成 CDP Dai 进行大庄买卖

-出借多余的 Dai 并从中获得利息


How to live on Ether

- Buy Ether with savings

- Put Ether into CDP

- Pay living expenses w/ DAI

- Find jobs that pay in DAI

- Convert Dai to fiat as needed

- Issue CDP Dai for big buys

- Lend excess Dai for interest

No one should do this, but the fact that it's possible is cool

