Unitimes 精选 | 以太坊 2.0 有新进展 CBOE又提交了比特币ETF申请还颇有微词

精选快讯以太坊主网每日数据2019年1月31日,以太币交易总额为2,334,804 ETH ,比前日下降 1.08%;日活跃用户量142,576,比前日上升 2.17%;新增合约 7,328 个,比前日下降  71.44%;平均交易费用为 14.19 GWEI,比前日上升8.89%;最活跃合约为 OLEFINCASH(OCC1);通证代币交易总额为318,866个,比前日下降 2.25%。



2019年1月31日,以太币交易总额为2,334,804 ETH ,比前日下降 1.08%;日活跃用户量142,576,比前日上升 2.17%;新增合约 7,328 个,比前日下降  71.44%;平均交易费用为 14.19 GWEI,比前日上升8.89%;最活跃合约为 OLEFINCASH(OCC1);通证代币交易总额为318,866个,比前日下降 2.25%。


以太坊活动 | 以太坊黑客松 ETHDenver 与 UNICEF 达成合作

即将举办的以太坊黑客松 ETHDenver 宣布与多家联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)合资企业、UNICEF 法国以及 Bounties Network 达成合作。黑客松将于 2 月 15 日至 2 月 17 日在科罗拉多州的丹佛举行。尽管项目的名称还没确定下来,但该合作将致力于开发一个“积极行动代币”。该项目旨在鼓励开发人员考虑新技术能给社会带来的积极影响。这枚代币无法兑换成法定货币,然而,它们可以用于兑换UNICEF 的活动、指导会议以及孵化器支持。就在上个月,UNICEF 创建了一个基金,向 6 家早期开源区块链公司投资 10 万美元。

Ethereum Events | Upcoming Ethereum Hackathon ETHDenver Partners With UNICEF

Upcoming Ethereum hackathon ETHDenver has announced a partnership with UNICEF ventures, UNICEF France, and Bounties Network. The hackathon is set to take place in Denver, Colorado between February 15 and 17. Though the project does not have a name yet, they'll be building a "positive action token." The program will encourage developers to think about the positive social impact of new technologies. The tokens cannot be redeemed for fiat currency. Instead, they can be exchanged for UNICEF events, mentorship sessions, and incubator support. Just last month, UNICEF created a fund to invest $100,000 in six early-stage open-source blockchain companies.


以太坊 2.0 进展 | Görli 测试网上线,为以太坊2.0奠定基础

2019年1月31日,Görli 区块链上线于 Prysm,Prysm 是一款由 Prysmatic Labs 研发的软件。Prysmatic Labs 参与了以太坊 2.0 (也称为宁静(Serenity))的前三个阶段的研究工作,而 Görli 测试网则使以太坊在解决扩容问题方面有了更进一步的进展。Görli 是一个社区开源网络,一个“权威证明的跨客户端测试网络”,它将与 Parity、以太坊、Geth、Nethermind、Pantheon 和 EthereumJS 同步。据 Görli 开发者 Afri Schoedon 称,“Görli 测试网的愿景是让开发人员能够在可靠的、高性能的测试网络上搭建应用,而不受他们所能使用的工具的限制。”

Görli Launches Test Network and Lays the Groundwork for Ethereum 2.0

Yesterday Görli blockchain launched on Prysm, which is the software developed by Prysmatic Labs. Prysmatic Labs is involved with the first three stages of Ethereum 2.0 (also known as Serenity) and Görli is a step further toward addressing Ethereum's scaling challenges. Görli is a community-based, open-source, “proof-of-authority cross-client testnet” which will synch Parity, Ethereum, Geth, Nethermind, Pantheon, and EthereumJS. Görli developer Afri Schoedon said, “The vision of Görli testnet is to enable developers for building applications on a reliable, high available testing network without restricting them in the tools they can 



据Bitcoin Exchange Guide消息,近日,以太坊流媒体平台TaTaTu与Lakeshore entertainment、Film4和Kew media Group在媒体授权内容方面达成协议,TaTaTu用户预计能收看超过50部电影和电视节目。

◎内容来源:Bitcoin Exchange Guide

CBOE 重新提交比特币 ETF 上市申请,新申请对 SEC 颇有微词

芝加哥期权交易所集团(CBOE)、VanEck 和 SolidX 重新向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交了比特币 ETF 发行申请。这支名为「SolidX Bitcoin Shares ETF」的产品的发行申请去年首次向 SEC 提出,但是一直未能获批。本次新提交的申请较旧版申请多出了 40 页内容,其中最显著的是在新申请的第 10 页,挑战了 SEC 认为比特币 ETF 「需要有意义的、受监管的市场」的说法。申请指出,SEC 没有提供充足的意见说明其说法究竟何意,并挑战了 SEC 此前批准的一些其他行业的 ETF 产品,例如航运期货 ETF 产品,套用这种说法同样成立。目前 SEC 尚未开始受理该申请。当 SEC 开始受理该申请之后,最多有 240 天做出是否接受申请的决定。



Eric Conner

EthHub.io 创始人



这种互怼战一直也没停歇过。不过到头来,这没什么关系。两个领域都会赢,因为比特币用户可以使用到更好的 Rootstock/Liquid网络,同时他们的开放式金融系统也在不断提高,而以太坊可以获得更多的需求。

"Bitcoin is now a dapp on Ethereum"

"Ethereum is now a Bitcoin sidechain"

The narrative wars continue. In the end, it doesn't matter. Both spaces win as Bitcoin users can now use a better Rootstock/Liquid with a growing open financial system and Ethereum gains more demand.


Joseph Young


VanEck 和 CBOE 再次向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交比特币 ETF 申请,但它将审批时间重置了。


VanEck / CBOE Bitcoin ETF filed with the SEC again but it reset the clock.

The SEC does not go out of its way to approve things before the 240-day deadline. Whether it gets approved or not will only be known in the 4th quarter of this year.


Ryan Sean Adams

Mythos Capital 创始人


ETH =  SoV(像黄金)

DAI = MoE 和 UofA  (像由黄金支持的美元)

这些在当前技术来说都是可行的。并不需要 Eth2.0 就能实现。

This is Money Thesis for Ethereum

ETH = SoV (like Gold)

DAI = MoE & UofA (like a Gold-backed dollar)

All this is possible w/ current tech. Eth 2.0 not required.

「Uniteims注:SoV = Store of Value 价值储存;MoE = Medium of Exchange 媒介交换;UofA = Unit of Account 记账单位、价值尺度」


Jimmy Song


我觉得任何支持BCH / BAB / BSV的商家都很糟糕。想想看,他们经常因为几个人的想法就不得不对软件进行升级。是的,你们让极少数人买了一些,但是背后的开发成本绝对是天文数字。

I feel really bad for any merchants that support BCH/BAB/BSV. Think about how often they have to upgrade their software on the whims of a few people. Yea, you get a tiny minority buying some stuff, but the engineering costs have to be astronomical.


Mihailo Bjelic‏ 


WBTC 对我来说太过中心化了,但能确定的是,看着它如何发展将会是一场有趣的试验。

WBTC is too centralized for my taste, but it will be a fun experiment to watch, for sure.





Unitimes 精选 | 以太坊 2.0 有新进展 CBOE又提交了比特币ETF申请还颇有微词

星期六 2019-02-02 9:21:35



2019年1月31日,以太币交易总额为2,334,804 ETH ,比前日下降 1.08%;日活跃用户量142,576,比前日上升 2.17%;新增合约 7,328 个,比前日下降  71.44%;平均交易费用为 14.19 GWEI,比前日上升8.89%;最活跃合约为 OLEFINCASH(OCC1);通证代币交易总额为318,866个,比前日下降 2.25%。


以太坊活动 | 以太坊黑客松 ETHDenver 与 UNICEF 达成合作

即将举办的以太坊黑客松 ETHDenver 宣布与多家联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)合资企业、UNICEF 法国以及 Bounties Network 达成合作。黑客松将于 2 月 15 日至 2 月 17 日在科罗拉多州的丹佛举行。尽管项目的名称还没确定下来,但该合作将致力于开发一个“积极行动代币”。该项目旨在鼓励开发人员考虑新技术能给社会带来的积极影响。这枚代币无法兑换成法定货币,然而,它们可以用于兑换UNICEF 的活动、指导会议以及孵化器支持。就在上个月,UNICEF 创建了一个基金,向 6 家早期开源区块链公司投资 10 万美元。

Ethereum Events | Upcoming Ethereum Hackathon ETHDenver Partners With UNICEF

Upcoming Ethereum hackathon ETHDenver has announced a partnership with UNICEF ventures, UNICEF France, and Bounties Network. The hackathon is set to take place in Denver, Colorado between February 15 and 17. Though the project does not have a name yet, they'll be building a "positive action token." The program will encourage developers to think about the positive social impact of new technologies. The tokens cannot be redeemed for fiat currency. Instead, they can be exchanged for UNICEF events, mentorship sessions, and incubator support. Just last month, UNICEF created a fund to invest $100,000 in six early-stage open-source blockchain companies.


以太坊 2.0 进展 | Görli 测试网上线,为以太坊2.0奠定基础

2019年1月31日,Görli 区块链上线于 Prysm,Prysm 是一款由 Prysmatic Labs 研发的软件。Prysmatic Labs 参与了以太坊 2.0 (也称为宁静(Serenity))的前三个阶段的研究工作,而 Görli 测试网则使以太坊在解决扩容问题方面有了更进一步的进展。Görli 是一个社区开源网络,一个“权威证明的跨客户端测试网络”,它将与 Parity、以太坊、Geth、Nethermind、Pantheon 和 EthereumJS 同步。据 Görli 开发者 Afri Schoedon 称,“Görli 测试网的愿景是让开发人员能够在可靠的、高性能的测试网络上搭建应用,而不受他们所能使用的工具的限制。”

Görli Launches Test Network and Lays the Groundwork for Ethereum 2.0

Yesterday Görli blockchain launched on Prysm, which is the software developed by Prysmatic Labs. Prysmatic Labs is involved with the first three stages of Ethereum 2.0 (also known as Serenity) and Görli is a step further toward addressing Ethereum's scaling challenges. Görli is a community-based, open-source, “proof-of-authority cross-client testnet” which will synch Parity, Ethereum, Geth, Nethermind, Pantheon, and EthereumJS. Görli developer Afri Schoedon said, “The vision of Görli testnet is to enable developers for building applications on a reliable, high available testing network without restricting them in the tools they can 



据Bitcoin Exchange Guide消息,近日,以太坊流媒体平台TaTaTu与Lakeshore entertainment、Film4和Kew media Group在媒体授权内容方面达成协议,TaTaTu用户预计能收看超过50部电影和电视节目。

◎内容来源:Bitcoin Exchange Guide

CBOE 重新提交比特币 ETF 上市申请,新申请对 SEC 颇有微词

芝加哥期权交易所集团(CBOE)、VanEck 和 SolidX 重新向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交了比特币 ETF 发行申请。这支名为「SolidX Bitcoin Shares ETF」的产品的发行申请去年首次向 SEC 提出,但是一直未能获批。本次新提交的申请较旧版申请多出了 40 页内容,其中最显著的是在新申请的第 10 页,挑战了 SEC 认为比特币 ETF 「需要有意义的、受监管的市场」的说法。申请指出,SEC 没有提供充足的意见说明其说法究竟何意,并挑战了 SEC 此前批准的一些其他行业的 ETF 产品,例如航运期货 ETF 产品,套用这种说法同样成立。目前 SEC 尚未开始受理该申请。当 SEC 开始受理该申请之后,最多有 240 天做出是否接受申请的决定。



Eric Conner

EthHub.io 创始人



这种互怼战一直也没停歇过。不过到头来,这没什么关系。两个领域都会赢,因为比特币用户可以使用到更好的 Rootstock/Liquid网络,同时他们的开放式金融系统也在不断提高,而以太坊可以获得更多的需求。

"Bitcoin is now a dapp on Ethereum"

"Ethereum is now a Bitcoin sidechain"

The narrative wars continue. In the end, it doesn't matter. Both spaces win as Bitcoin users can now use a better Rootstock/Liquid with a growing open financial system and Ethereum gains more demand.


Joseph Young


VanEck 和 CBOE 再次向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交比特币 ETF 申请,但它将审批时间重置了。


VanEck / CBOE Bitcoin ETF filed with the SEC again but it reset the clock.

The SEC does not go out of its way to approve things before the 240-day deadline. Whether it gets approved or not will only be known in the 4th quarter of this year.


Ryan Sean Adams

Mythos Capital 创始人


ETH =  SoV(像黄金)

DAI = MoE 和 UofA  (像由黄金支持的美元)

这些在当前技术来说都是可行的。并不需要 Eth2.0 就能实现。

This is Money Thesis for Ethereum

ETH = SoV (like Gold)

DAI = MoE & UofA (like a Gold-backed dollar)

All this is possible w/ current tech. Eth 2.0 not required.

「Uniteims注:SoV = Store of Value 价值储存;MoE = Medium of Exchange 媒介交换;UofA = Unit of Account 记账单位、价值尺度」


Jimmy Song


我觉得任何支持BCH / BAB / BSV的商家都很糟糕。想想看,他们经常因为几个人的想法就不得不对软件进行升级。是的,你们让极少数人买了一些,但是背后的开发成本绝对是天文数字。

I feel really bad for any merchants that support BCH/BAB/BSV. Think about how often they have to upgrade their software on the whims of a few people. Yea, you get a tiny minority buying some stuff, but the engineering costs have to be astronomical.


Mihailo Bjelic‏ 


WBTC 对我来说太过中心化了,但能确定的是,看着它如何发展将会是一场有趣的试验。

WBTC is too centralized for my taste, but it will be a fun experiment to watch, for sure.

