Unitimes 精选 | 区块链领域盗贼解锁新盗法:直接搬走ATM

以太坊主网每日数据2019年1月26日,以太币交易总额为 1,316,6382 ETH,比前日下降 31.19%;日活跃用户量 123,295,比前日下降 15.23%;新增合约 59,344 个,比前日上升 158.53%;平均交易费用为 12.58  GWEI,比前日下降 8.74%;最活跃合约为 SUM TOKEN(SUT);通证代币交易总额为 331,673 个,比前日上升 3.85%。


2019年1月26日,以太币交易总额为 1,316,6382 ETH,比前日下降 31.19%;日活跃用户量 123,295,比前日下降 15.23%;新增合约 59,344 个,比前日上升 158.53%;平均交易费用为 12.58  GWEI,比前日下降 8.74%;最活跃合约为 SUM TOKEN(SUT);通证代币交易总额为 331,673 个,比前日上升 3.85%。




美国印第安纳州在法案中引入加密货币作为纳税手段的规定,成为美国最后一个接纳虚拟货币的州。法案的概要包括,“用虚拟货币支付税款。允许人们通过使用一种经过批准的虚拟货币纳税。”该法案第 19 条还规定,「财政部可以批准使用一种或多种虚拟货币支付税款、特别评估、罚款、利息、成本或任何其他责任。」

Indiana Proposes Crypto Bill for “Payment of Taxes with Virtual Currencies”

Indiana is the latest state to embrace virtual currencies as they make amendment in the bill to introduce cryptocurrencies as a means to pay taxes in. The synopsis of the bill reads,“Payment of taxes with virtual currencies. Allows a person to pay taxes by using an approved virtual currency.” Furthermore, the section 19 of the bill shares, “the department may approve the use of one or more virtual currencies to pay taxes, special assessments, penalties, interest, costs, or any other liability.”


Joseph Young:BTC 交易记录在公共的区块链网络上,在洗钱方面是不现实的

加密货币分析师 Joseph Young 刚在推特对彭博 8 月 7 日一篇新闻评论表示,现金无法追踪,它是匿名的。BTC 交易记录在公共的区块链网络上,任何人都可以查看。所以,BTC 在洗钱方面是不现实的,数据也证明了这一点。然而,现金在这方面是现实的。彭博原新闻美国缉毒局的 Lilita Infante 表示,加密货币交易中的犯罪活动已从 90% 缩减至 10%,投机已成为主要的推动因素。



据 cryptoglobe 报道,犯罪分子闯入加利福尼亚州的一家面包店,从店内偷走了一台加密货币 ATM 机,这一举动被店内的安全摄像头拍了下来。


台湾破获虚拟货币诈骗案 涉案金额2.5亿元新台币

据中国新闻网报道,台湾“刑事警察局”破获虚拟货币诈骗案,目前查到受害者30余人,涉案金额约 2.5 亿元新台币。警方已逮捕 15 名嫌犯,依诈欺罪嫌移送台北地方检察署侦办。警方 26 日召开记者会指出,去年9月接获报案,一名被害人称遭直销公司成员以投资“IBCoin”名义诈骗,损失 60 万元。


Ripple’s Cryptocurrency Sales Plunged by Nearly 25% Last Quarter

Ripple released its fourth-quarter markets report this week. One thing is clear: the bear market is affecting Ripple as much as anyone else. Total sales of XRP from the company amounted to around $129 million versus the previous quarter, which saw sales of $163 million. With overall sales down by over 24%, XRP still saw massive trading volume in the fourth quarter.


University in Brazil Begins Offering Blockchain Related Degree Program in 2019

Uninter, a Brazilian university with more than 20 years of experience in offering distance education programs (EAD), is now offering a two-year, 1,940-hour degree program titled “Blockchain, Crypto-Coins and Finance in the Digital Era.” Part of the course description reads, “From the internet, from the concepts of blockchain and crypto tokens, a new market and a new finance professional emerges in the digital age, with the knowledge about the value and importance of money, but with agility and new ideas to dynamize and leverage new models of digital business. 

LocalBitcoins Suffers Phising Attacks, Forum Currently Suspended

Peer-to-peer (P2P) Bitcoin trading platform LocalBitcoins recently posted a message on Reddit indicating that it has suffered a phishing attack which has led to the suspension of some of the functions of the platform. According to the announcement, “An unauthorized source was able to access and send transactions from a number of affected accounts. Outgoing transactions were temporarily disabled while we investigated the case. We were able to identify the problem, which was related to a feature powered by a third party software, and stop the attack.” Six victims have been identified so far.” 


Apple's Co-founder Says He Sold All His BTC at the $20,000 Peak

Steve Wozniak, Apple's co-founder recently told Business Insider Nordic that he sold all his BTC holdings when the coin hit $20,000. Steve unveiled this while speaking at the Nordic Business Forum in Stockholm, Sweden. He stated that he first bought Bitcoin when it was trading at $700 for experiment purposes. However, Wozniak did not disclose the amount of BTC he purchased. He cited that he did not want to be the kind of person that regularly watches numbers as the reason for liquidating his entire BTC investment.

Iran's Low Electricity Cost is Attracting Crypto Miners

As the crypto bear market has many mining operations shutting down, the more determined outfits continue to search for cost-cutting moves to maintain operation. Reports are indicating that one of those options is Iran, which has extremely low electricity costs, sometimes as low as $0.006 per kilowatt-hour, which is starting to attract the attention of numerous Chinese mining operations. There are no firms in Iran which produce crypto miners, and with cheap secondhand miners available in China, going through the difficult process of getting set up in Iran remains a good business decision.



Vinny Lingham



Historically, Bitcoin bear markets don’t end when the market indicates that there is a bottom. They typically end when the market indicates that there is no bottom...


Samson Mow

Blockstream CSO

我不认为“加密社区中的许多人开始认为(权益证明PoS)这个概念是错的”这个说法是准确的。那些相信 PoS 的人 将保持信仰始终如一。而那些了解工作量证明(PoW)和了解为什么永动机无法实现的人总称 PoS 是荒谬的。

I don't think it's accurate to say "many within the crypto community are beginning to reject the concept (PoS) as faulty." Those that believe in PoS will always have their faith. Those that understand PoW & why perpetual motion doesn't work have always said PoS is ridiculous. 


Eric Conner 

EthHub.io 创始人


我对初始证券发行(Initial security offering)十分感兴趣。人们会获得公司的实际所有权和收入权。不像2017年的那些ICO,几乎不代表任何东西。

Ethereum as a fundraising platform is unstoppable. It’s too flexible and easy, so the market will just adapt.

Initial security offerings greatly interest me. People will get actual ownership and rights to revenue in companies. Unlike 2017 ICOs which represent mostly nothing.


Joseph Young




Cash cannot be traced, its anonymous. Bitcoin transactions are recorded on a public blockchain network which anyone can view.

So no, Bitcoin is not practical in laundering money and the numbers show it. Cash, however, is.





Unitimes 精选 | 区块链领域盗贼解锁新盗法:直接搬走ATM

星期一 2019-01-28 8:19:17


2019年1月26日,以太币交易总额为 1,316,6382 ETH,比前日下降 31.19%;日活跃用户量 123,295,比前日下降 15.23%;新增合约 59,344 个,比前日上升 158.53%;平均交易费用为 12.58  GWEI,比前日下降 8.74%;最活跃合约为 SUM TOKEN(SUT);通证代币交易总额为 331,673 个,比前日上升 3.85%。




美国印第安纳州在法案中引入加密货币作为纳税手段的规定,成为美国最后一个接纳虚拟货币的州。法案的概要包括,“用虚拟货币支付税款。允许人们通过使用一种经过批准的虚拟货币纳税。”该法案第 19 条还规定,「财政部可以批准使用一种或多种虚拟货币支付税款、特别评估、罚款、利息、成本或任何其他责任。」

Indiana Proposes Crypto Bill for “Payment of Taxes with Virtual Currencies”

Indiana is the latest state to embrace virtual currencies as they make amendment in the bill to introduce cryptocurrencies as a means to pay taxes in. The synopsis of the bill reads,“Payment of taxes with virtual currencies. Allows a person to pay taxes by using an approved virtual currency.” Furthermore, the section 19 of the bill shares, “the department may approve the use of one or more virtual currencies to pay taxes, special assessments, penalties, interest, costs, or any other liability.”


Joseph Young:BTC 交易记录在公共的区块链网络上,在洗钱方面是不现实的

加密货币分析师 Joseph Young 刚在推特对彭博 8 月 7 日一篇新闻评论表示,现金无法追踪,它是匿名的。BTC 交易记录在公共的区块链网络上,任何人都可以查看。所以,BTC 在洗钱方面是不现实的,数据也证明了这一点。然而,现金在这方面是现实的。彭博原新闻美国缉毒局的 Lilita Infante 表示,加密货币交易中的犯罪活动已从 90% 缩减至 10%,投机已成为主要的推动因素。



据 cryptoglobe 报道,犯罪分子闯入加利福尼亚州的一家面包店,从店内偷走了一台加密货币 ATM 机,这一举动被店内的安全摄像头拍了下来。


台湾破获虚拟货币诈骗案 涉案金额2.5亿元新台币

据中国新闻网报道,台湾“刑事警察局”破获虚拟货币诈骗案,目前查到受害者30余人,涉案金额约 2.5 亿元新台币。警方已逮捕 15 名嫌犯,依诈欺罪嫌移送台北地方检察署侦办。警方 26 日召开记者会指出,去年9月接获报案,一名被害人称遭直销公司成员以投资“IBCoin”名义诈骗,损失 60 万元。


Ripple’s Cryptocurrency Sales Plunged by Nearly 25% Last Quarter

Ripple released its fourth-quarter markets report this week. One thing is clear: the bear market is affecting Ripple as much as anyone else. Total sales of XRP from the company amounted to around $129 million versus the previous quarter, which saw sales of $163 million. With overall sales down by over 24%, XRP still saw massive trading volume in the fourth quarter.


University in Brazil Begins Offering Blockchain Related Degree Program in 2019

Uninter, a Brazilian university with more than 20 years of experience in offering distance education programs (EAD), is now offering a two-year, 1,940-hour degree program titled “Blockchain, Crypto-Coins and Finance in the Digital Era.” Part of the course description reads, “From the internet, from the concepts of blockchain and crypto tokens, a new market and a new finance professional emerges in the digital age, with the knowledge about the value and importance of money, but with agility and new ideas to dynamize and leverage new models of digital business. 

LocalBitcoins Suffers Phising Attacks, Forum Currently Suspended

Peer-to-peer (P2P) Bitcoin trading platform LocalBitcoins recently posted a message on Reddit indicating that it has suffered a phishing attack which has led to the suspension of some of the functions of the platform. According to the announcement, “An unauthorized source was able to access and send transactions from a number of affected accounts. Outgoing transactions were temporarily disabled while we investigated the case. We were able to identify the problem, which was related to a feature powered by a third party software, and stop the attack.” Six victims have been identified so far.” 


Apple's Co-founder Says He Sold All His BTC at the $20,000 Peak

Steve Wozniak, Apple's co-founder recently told Business Insider Nordic that he sold all his BTC holdings when the coin hit $20,000. Steve unveiled this while speaking at the Nordic Business Forum in Stockholm, Sweden. He stated that he first bought Bitcoin when it was trading at $700 for experiment purposes. However, Wozniak did not disclose the amount of BTC he purchased. He cited that he did not want to be the kind of person that regularly watches numbers as the reason for liquidating his entire BTC investment.

Iran's Low Electricity Cost is Attracting Crypto Miners

As the crypto bear market has many mining operations shutting down, the more determined outfits continue to search for cost-cutting moves to maintain operation. Reports are indicating that one of those options is Iran, which has extremely low electricity costs, sometimes as low as $0.006 per kilowatt-hour, which is starting to attract the attention of numerous Chinese mining operations. There are no firms in Iran which produce crypto miners, and with cheap secondhand miners available in China, going through the difficult process of getting set up in Iran remains a good business decision.



Vinny Lingham



Historically, Bitcoin bear markets don’t end when the market indicates that there is a bottom. They typically end when the market indicates that there is no bottom...


Samson Mow

Blockstream CSO

我不认为“加密社区中的许多人开始认为(权益证明PoS)这个概念是错的”这个说法是准确的。那些相信 PoS 的人 将保持信仰始终如一。而那些了解工作量证明(PoW)和了解为什么永动机无法实现的人总称 PoS 是荒谬的。

I don't think it's accurate to say "many within the crypto community are beginning to reject the concept (PoS) as faulty." Those that believe in PoS will always have their faith. Those that understand PoW & why perpetual motion doesn't work have always said PoS is ridiculous. 


Eric Conner 

EthHub.io 创始人


我对初始证券发行(Initial security offering)十分感兴趣。人们会获得公司的实际所有权和收入权。不像2017年的那些ICO,几乎不代表任何东西。

Ethereum as a fundraising platform is unstoppable. It’s too flexible and easy, so the market will just adapt.

Initial security offerings greatly interest me. People will get actual ownership and rights to revenue in companies. Unlike 2017 ICOs which represent mostly nothing.


Joseph Young




Cash cannot be traced, its anonymous. Bitcoin transactions are recorded on a public blockchain network which anyone can view.

So no, Bitcoin is not practical in laundering money and the numbers show it. Cash, however, is.

