Unitimes 精选 | 熊市是一场毅力考验坚强啊盆友们

双语快讯四家欧洲银行在R3公司的Corda平台上完成10万欧元的商业票据交易Commerzbank、ING、Natixis 和 Rabobank 这四家欧洲银行在区块链联盟创业公司R3开发的Corda平台上完成了一笔短期债务票据实时交易。据报道,该交易涉及为期一天且名义价值为10万欧元(也即113432美元)的欧元商业票据(ECP)发行。



Commerzbank、ING、Natixis 和 Rabobank 这四家欧洲银行在区块链联盟创业公司R3开发的Corda平台上完成了一笔短期债务票据实时交易。据报道,该交易涉及为期一天且名义价值为10万欧元(也即113432美元)的欧元商业票据(ECP)发行。

Four International Banks Complete €100,000 Commercial Paper Transaction on R3’s Corda Platform

Four European banks – Commerzbank, ING, Natixis and Rabobank – have settled a live transaction for a short-term debt instrument on the Corda platform developed by blockchain consortium startup R3. The transaction is reportedly involved an issuance of a one-day maturity euro commercial paper (ECP) worth €100,000 (or $1,13,432) at a notional value.



据金融科技初创公司 Avaloq 发布的新闻稿称,该公司近期与 Gazprombank 瑞士分行最近及加密公司 Metaco 达成合作,旨在推出针对银行和财富管理机构的加密资产组合操作系统。该系统计划于2019年中期推出,推出之后,该行的客户能够购买、出售和转移加密资产,而不需要加密钱包或者私钥管理。

Gazprombank Switzerland to Launch Crypto Services in Mid-2019

Gazprombank (Switzerland) Ltd. recently partnered with fintech startup Avaloq and crypto firm Metaco to implement their integrated crypto asset solution” aimed at banks and wealth managers, an Avaloq press release reports Dec. 6. The system is planned to launch at mid-2019, and after the implementation, clients will be able to buy, sell and transfer crypto “without any need for a crypto-wallet or private key management.” 


瑞士邮政联合 Swisscom开发基于 Hyperledger 的区块链平台

瑞士国家邮政机构瑞士邮政联合国有电信服务商 Swisscom 共同开发一个区块链平台。双方于周四宣布他们正使用 Hyperledger Fabric 来搭建一个“简单、安全和可持续”的私有区块链系统,旨在供他们自己以及其他公司的应用使用。

Swiss Post, Swisscom Developing New Blockchain Platform on Hyperledger

Swiss Post, the country’s national postal service, and state-owned telecoms provider Swisscom have united to develop a blockchain platform. The two announced Thursday that they are using Hyperledger Fabric to build their “simple, secure and sustainable” private blockchain infrastructure, intended to be utilized by their own, as well as other companies’, applications.




US Government Offering Up to $800K for Anti-Forgery Blockchain Solutions

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is seeking to fund anti-counterfeiting solutions from blockchain startups with grants of up to $800,000. To qualify for a grant, blockchain startups need to present proposed solutions covering various use cases, including the issuing of digital documents related to travel, citizenship, immigration and employment authorization, as well as cross-border oil and raw material movements.


VanEck 比特币 ETF 的决定日期又双叒叕被推迟了,美国 SEC 将新日期设定为明年2月27

据12月6日官方消息称,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)再次推迟了比特币(BTC)交易所交易基金(ETF)的决定日期。SEC设定了新的决定日期至2019年2月27日,目的是为了进一步审查规则修改提案,来决定是否批准投资公司 VanECK 和区块链公司 SolidX 在芝加哥期货交易(CBOE)所发行比特币ETF的申请。

SEC Delays Decision on Bitcoin ETF, Sets Deadline for Feb. 27, 2019

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has again postponed its decision on a Bitcoin (BTC) exchange-traded fund (ETF), according to an official document published Dec. 6. The SEC set the new deadline for Feb. 27, 2019 in order to further review the rule change proposals to list a Bitcoin ETF by investment firm VanEck and blockchain company SolidX on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE).



Joseph Young



My uncle bought more Bitcoin this week, after buying at around $2,000 in 2017. He said what he worried wasn't a 90% drop but if Bitcoin would turn out to be a fad. After all of the positive developments in the sector, he is more confident than he was a year ago.


Emin Gün Sirer



I'm still reeling from the death of Prof. Shoucheng Zhang, discoverer of the quantum spin hall effect, founder of DHVC, physics professor at Stanford. Condolences to all who knew him and the extended crypto family.



Blockgeeks 联合创始人

ConsenSys 宣布裁员13%;

SpankChain 的员工从20人降至8人;

Steemit 裁员70%;




ConsenSys has announced that it will lay off 13%

SpankChain 20 staff to eight

Steemit Lays Off 70% of Its Staff

This is where grit is tested during bear market times

It's all about vision + Product-Market fit for Cash flow revenue 

Stay Strong my fellow builders!




我发布了一篇文章对CBC Casper进行解释:


My attempt at explaining CBC Casper:https://vitalik.ca/general/2018/12/05/cbc_casper.html


Craig S Wright




Price is determined by utility.

Bitcoin SV is the original Bitcoin, it scales unboundedly and there is no use case it does not fulfil.





Unitimes 精选 | 熊市是一场毅力考验坚强啊盆友们

星期六 2018-12-08 16:07:43



Commerzbank、ING、Natixis 和 Rabobank 这四家欧洲银行在区块链联盟创业公司R3开发的Corda平台上完成了一笔短期债务票据实时交易。据报道,该交易涉及为期一天且名义价值为10万欧元(也即113432美元)的欧元商业票据(ECP)发行。

Four International Banks Complete €100,000 Commercial Paper Transaction on R3’s Corda Platform

Four European banks – Commerzbank, ING, Natixis and Rabobank – have settled a live transaction for a short-term debt instrument on the Corda platform developed by blockchain consortium startup R3. The transaction is reportedly involved an issuance of a one-day maturity euro commercial paper (ECP) worth €100,000 (or $1,13,432) at a notional value.



据金融科技初创公司 Avaloq 发布的新闻稿称,该公司近期与 Gazprombank 瑞士分行最近及加密公司 Metaco 达成合作,旨在推出针对银行和财富管理机构的加密资产组合操作系统。该系统计划于2019年中期推出,推出之后,该行的客户能够购买、出售和转移加密资产,而不需要加密钱包或者私钥管理。

Gazprombank Switzerland to Launch Crypto Services in Mid-2019

Gazprombank (Switzerland) Ltd. recently partnered with fintech startup Avaloq and crypto firm Metaco to implement their integrated crypto asset solution” aimed at banks and wealth managers, an Avaloq press release reports Dec. 6. The system is planned to launch at mid-2019, and after the implementation, clients will be able to buy, sell and transfer crypto “without any need for a crypto-wallet or private key management.” 


瑞士邮政联合 Swisscom开发基于 Hyperledger 的区块链平台

瑞士国家邮政机构瑞士邮政联合国有电信服务商 Swisscom 共同开发一个区块链平台。双方于周四宣布他们正使用 Hyperledger Fabric 来搭建一个“简单、安全和可持续”的私有区块链系统,旨在供他们自己以及其他公司的应用使用。

Swiss Post, Swisscom Developing New Blockchain Platform on Hyperledger

Swiss Post, the country’s national postal service, and state-owned telecoms provider Swisscom have united to develop a blockchain platform. The two announced Thursday that they are using Hyperledger Fabric to build their “simple, secure and sustainable” private blockchain infrastructure, intended to be utilized by their own, as well as other companies’, applications.




US Government Offering Up to $800K for Anti-Forgery Blockchain Solutions

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is seeking to fund anti-counterfeiting solutions from blockchain startups with grants of up to $800,000. To qualify for a grant, blockchain startups need to present proposed solutions covering various use cases, including the issuing of digital documents related to travel, citizenship, immigration and employment authorization, as well as cross-border oil and raw material movements.


VanEck 比特币 ETF 的决定日期又双叒叕被推迟了,美国 SEC 将新日期设定为明年2月27

据12月6日官方消息称,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)再次推迟了比特币(BTC)交易所交易基金(ETF)的决定日期。SEC设定了新的决定日期至2019年2月27日,目的是为了进一步审查规则修改提案,来决定是否批准投资公司 VanECK 和区块链公司 SolidX 在芝加哥期货交易(CBOE)所发行比特币ETF的申请。

SEC Delays Decision on Bitcoin ETF, Sets Deadline for Feb. 27, 2019

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has again postponed its decision on a Bitcoin (BTC) exchange-traded fund (ETF), according to an official document published Dec. 6. The SEC set the new deadline for Feb. 27, 2019 in order to further review the rule change proposals to list a Bitcoin ETF by investment firm VanEck and blockchain company SolidX on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE).



Joseph Young



My uncle bought more Bitcoin this week, after buying at around $2,000 in 2017. He said what he worried wasn't a 90% drop but if Bitcoin would turn out to be a fad. After all of the positive developments in the sector, he is more confident than he was a year ago.


Emin Gün Sirer



I'm still reeling from the death of Prof. Shoucheng Zhang, discoverer of the quantum spin hall effect, founder of DHVC, physics professor at Stanford. Condolences to all who knew him and the extended crypto family.



Blockgeeks 联合创始人

ConsenSys 宣布裁员13%;

SpankChain 的员工从20人降至8人;

Steemit 裁员70%;




ConsenSys has announced that it will lay off 13%

SpankChain 20 staff to eight

Steemit Lays Off 70% of Its Staff

This is where grit is tested during bear market times

It's all about vision + Product-Market fit for Cash flow revenue 

Stay Strong my fellow builders!




我发布了一篇文章对CBC Casper进行解释:


My attempt at explaining CBC Casper:https://vitalik.ca/general/2018/12/05/cbc_casper.html


Craig S Wright




Price is determined by utility.

Bitcoin SV is the original Bitcoin, it scales unboundedly and there is no use case it does not fulfil.

