Unitimes精选 | 吴忌寒: BSV你敢不敢不使手段让人们自由选择?
加密货币交易币安于11月20日发布一份报告称,该交易所将采用财务软件服务公司Refinitiv研发的了解你的客户(KYC)应用软件。该公告称,KYC解决方案可以协助币安将the World-Check 风险智能数据库整合到该平台的内部工作流数据系统中。据称,这将帮助币安简化该平台的新用户引导、KYC和第三方风险尽职调查的筛查流程。
Major Crypto Exchange Binance to Use Refinitiv KYC Solution in Internal Workflow
Cryptocurrency exchange Binance will use an automated Know Your Customer (KYC) application provided by financial software firm Refinitiv, according to an announcement published Nov. 20. According to the announcement, the KYC solution will enable Binance to integrate the World-Check Risk Intelligence database into their internal workflow. This will purportedly allow Binance to streamline the screening process for onboarding, KYC, and third-party risk due diligence.
Silvergate IPO 招股文件透露其加密客户接近500家
据 Silvergate 银行向美国证券交易委员会提交的首次公开募股(IPO)文件称,目前共有483家加密企业成为该银行的客户,截至2018年第三季度,该行总共收到来自这些客户的无息存款达17亿美元。这些客户中,大部分是加密交易所,这类客户的存款达到7.93亿美元。该行此次公开募股的目标,是筹集5000万美元的资金,以及计划以SI为股票代号上市纽约证券交易所。
Nearly 500 Crypto Startups Bank at Silvergate, IPO Filing Reveals
According to Silvergate Bank's IPO filing with SEC, the bank now serves 483 crypto clients with a combined $1.7 billion in non-interest-bearing deposits as of Q3 2018. Its primary customers are crypto exchanges, with $793 million in deposits. For its IPO, the bank is seeking to raise $50 million and aims to list on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol SI.
Norway Remove the Electricity Subsidies for Bitcoin Miners
From January of 2019 bitcoin miners in Norway will have to pay normal electricity tax in the country, after their discount was removed in the state budget agreement, local media has today reported.
11月22日 Cointelegraph 消息,西班牙对外银行和桑坦德银行已加入欧盟国际信链程序联合会(IATBA)。欧盟人员于会上透露, IATBA 将于2019年第一季度启动。该协会主要的目标是制定欧盟区块链监管规范,同时为欧盟范围内的区块链应用的推出做准备。
BBVA and Santander Join EU Joint Blockchain Platform Set to Launch in 2019
Banking groups BBVA and Banco Santander have joined the E.U. International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications (IATBA), Spanish economic newspaper Expansion writes Nov. 20.According to a BBVA press release, during the meeting E.U. officials revealed that the IATBA will launch in the first financial quarter of 2019. The main aim of the association is to develop E.U. blockchain regulation, along with preparing the launch of E.U.-wide blockchain applications.
东京大学开设区块链课程 以太坊基金会给予支持
11月22日消息,东京大学研究生工程学院已开设区块链课程。该课程的开设得益于以太坊基金会和日本银行 Sumitomo Mitsui 共80万美元的资金支持。据称,“区块链创新资助课”已于11月1日开设,计划将持续开设到2021年10月份。
University of Tokyo Launches Blockchain Course with Ethereum Foundation Backing
The University of Tokyo began offering a blockchain course at its graduate engineering school, thanks to an $800,000 donation from a consortium that includes the Ethereum Foundation and Japanese banking juggernaut Sumitomo Mitsui.The class — called the “Blockсhain Innovation Donation Course” — was rolled out on November 1 and will run through October 2021, according to a statement by Sumitomo Mitsui.
Vitalik Buterin
If I ever made my own media site, I would have a rule that no articles are allowed about events/info that came out less than 168 hours ago.
Realistically there's little harm in learning most things a week later and I feel reporting would be higher quality and healthier that way.
Charlie Lee
「Unitimes注:UASF 用户激活的软分叉(user-activated soft fork)」
1/ In the early days of Litecoin (2011), there were threats of 51% attacks. To keep Litecoin secure, I utilized checkpoints. Checkpointing is a centralizing feature as it relies on the developers deciding which is the right chain. But for the beginning of a coin, it made sense.
2/ It's trading off some centralization for network stability and reliability. Satoshi also used checkpoints in Bitcoin in the beginning. Though one can say that it is similar to the idea of UASF as users can decide whether or not to run or upgrade to the latest checkpoints.
「Unitimes:UASF = user-activated soft fork」
3/ I have also considered preventing large re-orgs in the code but decided against it. There is a very good reason why I didn't do this in Litecoin and why Satoshi didn't do it for Bitcoin. Satoshi said it best in one of his emails. https://satoshi.nakamotoinstitute.org/emails/cryptography/6/
4/ If you spin up a new node with the same consensus rules as the network, you need to come to the same conclusion as the rest of the network as to which is the right chain. The whole decentralized consensus is pretty much based on this simple fact to be true.
5/5 If this is not true, then it's not decentralized as you have to trust someone to tell you which is the right chain. The whole point of decentralization and sound money is that you don't have to trust anyone.
Bobby Lee
Money has always been either Physical in nature (coins, bills, gold), or Account-based, and thus tied to real-name identity (bank accounts).
With Bitcoin, for the first time in human history, money is now just #Information: nothing physical, and not tied to any identity.
ShapeShift 创始人兼CEO
Quite a few are livid about the "waste" of Bitcoin mining, seeing pictures of abandoned piles of old hardware. Consider any kind of mining, and the mess and "waste" it creates. Is it a cost of a decentralized financial system? Yes. Is it waste? Not necessarily.
Jihan Wu
Bitmain 联合创始人&负责人
BCH 一直都是随人们自愿购买的,而 BSV 则一直威胁人们,如果他们继续待在 BCH 链上,就要进行区块重组和偷走他们的钱,从而迫使人们转换到他们的链上去。
BCH was always voluntary, but BSV is forcing people onto their chain by threatening to re-org and steal people's money if they continue on the voluntary chain.